Relationship between Natural Resource Management and Pro-Poor Growth (Water, Land, Forest)

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What are Natural Resources?

Natural Resources allude to the things that exist unreservedly in nature for human use and don’t really require the activity of humankind for their age or generation. The key part of natural resources is that they direct the survival of people and other living things on earth. These assets incorporate land, rocks, woodlands (vegetation), water (sea, lakes, streams, oceans, and waterways), non-renewable energy source, creatures (angle, natural life, and trained creatures), minerals, sunlight, and air. A few examples of natural resources are: air which gives wind vitality, Coal which go about as a contributes for power, timberlands which gives a paper, wood, and different drugs, Water which is utilized for drinking and the creation of hydroelectric vitality, sunlight which is utilized for drying garments, photosynthesis and sun powered vitality. They are known as Natural Resources since they accommodate the premise of life on earth. It is from the natural resources that people get and create the parts and materials found inside our surroundings. Each fake item is produced using natural resources. The materials might be utilized as they happen normally or might be changed in different structures.

Natural Resource Management

Natural Resource Management (NRM) alludes to the maintainable use of real natural resources, for example, arrive, water, air, minerals, woodlands, fisheries, and wild widely varied vegetation. Together, these assets give the biological system benefits that give better quality to human life. Natural Resources give basic life bolster, as both wasteful and open great administrations. Ecological procedures keep up soil profitability, supplement reusing, the purifying of air and water, and climatic cycles.

What is Pro-poor Growth and why do We Need to Know?

Pro-poor development is a term utilized for essentially national approaches to invigorate monetary development to support destitute individuals (fundamentally in the financial feeling of neediness). Master, poor development can be characterized as supreme, where the poor advantages from in general development in the economy, or relative – which alludes to focused endeavors to build the development explicitly among destitute individuals. Economic growth that is useful for the poor is known as ‘genius poor development’. In any case, what precisely does the term mean? This preparation note from the Department for International Development (DFID) looks at the connection between development and destitution. Given DFID’s point of taking out supreme neediness, it contends that the most fitting proportion of pro-poor growth is the average growth rate of the income of poor people.

Relation between natural resources and pro-poor growth

Natural resource areas that have a basic task to carry out in sustaining pro-poor development: are fisheries; woodlands; untamed life and nature-based travel industry; soil profitability; water security; minerals; and a sustainable power source. These have been chosen as key assets that, with improved management, can add to the development procedure and specifically maintainable pro-poor development. The sustainable power source can assume a key job in giving an increasingly practical, fair, and secure vitality supply for continuing pro-poor financial development and supporting the accomplishment of the MDGs. The mineral business removes non-inexhaustible assets. To make and support riches in the long haul, mineral assets must be changed over into different types of capital (human, social, money-related, and made) and increasingly practical employment openings. The significance of the commitment of water resources to pro-poor development lies in the indispensable job of water for drinking and washing in the day-by-day lives of each individual just as in its job as a contribution to different segments, for example, (irrigated) agriculture, energy, and industry. Soil profitability is basic to agricultural development, food security, and the backing of the livelihoods of poor people. Agriculture is the significant motor of monetary development in most creating nations, and development in farming is especially powerful in decreasing destitution. Wildlife plays a vital well-being net job for many poor people. It gives food, fiber, and medicines  yet it can likewise be a wellspring of wealth creation. The forest industry is a major source of development and work. Fisheries are an important source of wealth for many coastal and island developing countries.

Interlink River Project

To link the rivers is an old proposal from Indian history. At the time of the Britishers one of the famous engineers of that time Arthur Cotton came up with the plan to link the major rivers for the benefit of the transportation of goods to the British colony in South Asia and in India there were drought-prone areas in southeastern India like Telangana.

After we got independence Dr. K.L.Rao, was a dam designer and has been the irrigation minister, he proposed National Water Grid. He was thinking about two types of situations in India and trying to tackle that situation, one situation is when India faces a water scarcity or drought situation and sometimes sat some parts of India there is a flood situation. Both situations are disasters and weakening development of India thats why Dr.K.L.Rao made a proposal to the inter-basin connection so the surplus water can be diverted to drought areas. After this proposal, several projects linking inter-basins are implemented successfully in India.

The Ministry of Water Resources of India came up with the report around 1980, this report is National Perspectives for Water Resources Development. There were two parts to this report, the first one is the Himalayan part and the second one is the peninsular component. When the congress party came into power the congress abandoned the idea and the plan. Then later on around 1982, India started thinking about this plan again through the National Water Development Agency with the experts chosen by the government of India. A detailed study has been done, and surveys and investigatory work has been done. In respect of reservoirs, canals, and all related aspects which will go to make this work feasible. National Water Development Agency has made several reports from 1983 to 2013 but the project was not monitored well.

The Interlinking river idea revived in 1999, in central government there was a new political alliance but this time the dynamics of politics were different. The Interlink River proposal was modified into Intra basin development, and inter-basin water transfer was opposed.

After 2004, the Congress Party with the help of other parties came into power and the plan and project concepts were studied again. Few social activists raised their voices against this project through the campaign. According to activists this project can cause disastrous in terms of cost and environment and it can make huge ecological damage, it will also affect the water table and the project has lots of unseen dangers which affect nature and can disturb the natural cycle of the nature. Various report from 2005 to 2013 has been rejected, the reports were feasibility study and impact study with respect to changing environmental law and standards.

To the answer, the Public Interest Litigation lodged in 2002 the Supreme Court gave the answer in 2012. Supreme Court refused to give any direction to implement this project. The Supreme Court was saying that this issue is firstly part of the state government and also comes under state legislation.

Advantages of the Interlink river project

  • India has problems with drought in some regions and India also face flood situation in some regions if the project succeeds then the surplus water can be diverted. Through the linkages between the rivers, we can also provide water to drought-prone areas.
  • Another benefit is that this project can help to increase irrigation land by around 15 to 20 percent.
  • When we will link the river then there will be a transportation facility. It will reduce the load and expenditure on road transportation.
  • By the interlinking river, the forest will get water and thus one of the natural resources will benefit.
  • Tourist spots will also develop according, and tourists will be attracted.
  • The drinking water issue will also be solved through this project.

Disadvantages of the Interlink river project

  • Rivers are natural and it could harm them if humans have any intervention in them.
  • To complete this project we need to construct big dams, canals, and reservoirs, and if we did that the soil and the area around it will become swampy and which could create problems for local agriculture.
  • There is the possibility of a reduction in certain crops like food grains. And it is also possible that people will go after cash crops and due to that the soil quality will be reduced too much.
  • The different river has a different kind of water and having own properties of water so it is possible that it will affect ecology and aqua life.

The following points are to needs more reforms

Problems of Water and their Conservation

Right now water conservation is the biggest issue. Day to Day the storage of water level is decreasing now due to the rising earth’s temperature and industrial pollution to produce carbon at huge capacity. Now rainwater harvesting is most important but people and the government are not concentrating on that scheme. The government has been unable to promote their program for public welfare to be aware of harvesting water and also help them to proper mechanism to saving water and using advanced technology for water harvesting at each and every family. But some time government has failed to implement its program for water conservation is fail to unwilling intervention and lack of administration. Failure of the government to the implementation of the program sometimes its occurred by the no public support.

Water rejuvenation

Recently government were launching its scheme for river water rejuvenation. This helps to clean the river and maintain her basin in proper order. Now we know the river condition is very worsened due to industrial and public waste which is decomposed in the river. In that water, there is various types of bacteria and high amount of metallics and other river species like river plans who cover the river basin and to disturbs, the river basin that occurred the river height was increased by the silt and death peoples ashes and flower, POPs smalls statue were decomposed in the river to makes rivers are polluted. Indian green tribunals and The Ministry of Water Resources, River Development, and Ganga Rejuvenation are the apex body for the formulation and administration of rules and regulations relating to the development and regulation of water resources in India. The technology lack nesses are also a threat to cleaning larger distances of rivers.

Water policy and implementation

The ground reality is that of the 1.42 million villages in India, 1, 95,813 are affected by chemical contamination of water. The quality of groundwater which accounts for more than 85% of the domestic supply is a major problem in many areas as none of the rivers have water fit to drink. The Ministry of water resources works at the central as well as state level, and they make policies to control all water-related issues which happened in rural and urban areas. For the urban areas, there is a working government body a resident welfare association. This body has worked to provide drinking water and management. The government has taken part in water sanitation and hygiene under sustainable development goals. This goal is to provide clean water for drinking and proper sanitation in rural as well as urbanized areas. The urbanized area is highly crowded and improper municipal administration affects public health. We know the people mostly coming from the rural migratory who have no place for living then they make small huts and live there but there have no proper sanitation facilities and inadequate drinking water to make them sicks. There is an urgent need to look for alternative sources of potable water in places where water quality has deteriorated sharply. Community-based water quality monitoring guidelines should be encouraged. People should be encouraged to look at traditional methods of protecting water sources. Also in places where groundwater has arsenic or fluoride, surface water should be considered as an alternative.

Water scarcity and uses

Most of the rural area has faced a high rate of water scarcity due to irregular monsoon. There is no proper water management system that is not working properly, it controls by Gram Panchayat under the state government. They never concentrate on rural issues they are away from the basic need for water. Drinking untreated water which is very harmful to their health it causes serious illness and is very destructive till death. No intervention of Municipal Corporations in rural areas to lack facilities. India is facing a big or the worst water crisis in its history, according to a report by NITI Aayog published in June. The worsening water shortage is threatening the lives and incomes of millions of people including farmers. Moreover, it is impeding the economic growth of the country. Around 163 million people in India, especially from rural areas, dont have access to clean water close to their homes.

Monsoon and there water management in India

It’s a myth India doesn’t receive a good monsoon. The problem is wastage, exacerbated by climate change. People have less time to collect rainwater for farming and personal use. I try to change this, putting in place schemes villagers can use to harvest rainwater. As a sociologist, I went to remote areas to study local knowledge and stayed to help preserve it, especially in managing water because of the richness of their knowledge. Ineffective water harvesting means people can’t grow crops, the land is deserted, there is migration to urban areas and which generates a whole slew of problems at the abandoned village where soil deteriorates causing environmental problems. And in the city, look how destitute people live in slums. None of this need to happen.

Central planning meant local practices were ignored. One example is the Mahabandha Yojana. Recently, massive water tanks were constructed on differing terrains. But one size does not fit all areas. Big tanks have problems, like silting, which cannot be managed locally. As a result, much water is wasted and this is what I’m trying to stop.


  • Improving the management of natural resources is not only linked to the alleviation of poverty but is also essential to achieving sustainable productivity increases in traditional and ecologically vulnerable areas. For this to happen, the proposed NRM strategy, however, has to deliberately target the poor, and not only aim at increasing production and conserving natural resources, but to create employment, and provide access to local inputs and output markets.
  • First of all, we need to study every river and its properties or features
  • The river has the same features and compatibility only those rivers can be linked.
  • We need to assess the water needed at different places and provide water in that amount only.
  • While linking the river we also need to find better ways to promote indigenous crops, plants, etc. so that nature will sustain.
  • There is also a need to be aware people take food crops instead of cash crops.

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