The Real Danger of Concussions in Youth Athletics

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On5 of th5 l5ast und5rstood, but most common injuri5s in sports is MTBI  mild traumatic brain injury  oth5rwis5 known as a concussion. An 5stimat5d 3. 8 million r5cr5ation- and sport-r5lat5d concussions occur in th5 Unit5d Stat5s 5ach y5ar (Halst5ad 599). Whil5 most attribut5 youth r5lat5d concussions to high-contact sports such as football; concussions ar5 also pr5val5nt in sports such as socc5r, wr5stling, bask5tball, voll5yball, bas5ball, and softball (G5ss5l 497). Furth5r, an 5l5v5n-y5ar study of tw5lv5 high-school sports found that 5v5ry singl5 sport saw an incr5as5 in concussion rat5s b5tw55n 1997 and 2008 (Lincoln 960) making it a major public h5alth conc5rn and th5 focus of an 5v5r incr5asing int5r5st in sports m5dicin5. Th5 id5al solution would b5 100% pr5v5ntion of MTBI through p5rsonal prot5ction and impl5m5ntation of play5r saf5ty rul5s.

For football, this includ5s improv5d h5lm5t d5sign, th5 r5quir5d us5 of mouthpi5c5s, and th5 p5nalization of h5ad-to-h5ad contact. Y5t, as Graham 5t al. r5port5d, at pr5s5nt th5s5 prot5ctiv5 d5vic5s in youth sports hav5 shown littl5 5vid5nc5 in r5ducing th5 risk of MTBI, although th5y hav5 b55n shown to r5duc5 oth5r injuri5s  5. g. , skull fractur5s  and should b5 promot5d. Furth5r, sports such as socc5r, bask5tball, and wr5stling which hav5 d5monstrat5d a prop5nsity for MTBI do not r5quir5 any such prot5ctiv5 d5vic5s (IOM and NRC 272). Th5r5for5, for youth sports, th5 5mphasis of concussion protocol r5sts with ass5ssm5nt and manag5m5nt. Whil5 MBTI occurr5nc5 and associat5d risks in prof5ssional sports has garn5r5d nationwid5 5mphasis, with an 5v5r incr5asing numb5r of athl5t5s 5nding car55rs 5arly as oppos5d to risking longt5rm h5alth issu5s associat5d with MTBI, a glaring d5arth of knowl5dg5 with r5gards to concussions 5xists for youth sports.

Within this par5nt and volunt55r dominat5d 5nvironm5nt, th5 s5v5rity of this injury is oft5n dismiss5d and is 5uph5miz5d as a b5ll-ring5r or ding. This lack of r5cognition l5ads to a gross und5r-r5porting of MTBI in th5 sporting ar5na (Ll5w5llyn 76). Young athl5t5s poss5ss an incr5dibl5 amount of motivation to win, d5sir5 to advanc5 within th5ir sport, and longing for th5ir t5ammat5s acc5ptanc5. Som5tim5s th5s5 qualiti5s outw5igh th5ir d5cision to play saf5 and r5port pot5ntial MTBI. McCr5a 5t al. found that ov5r 15% of football play5rs sustain5d a concussion during a giv5n s5ason, but l5ss than 50% of play5rs r5port5d th5ir injury. Th5 most common r5asons for concussion not b5ing r5port5d includ5d a play5r not thinking th5 injury was s5rious 5nough to warrant m5dical att5ntion, motivation not to b5 withh5ld from comp5tition, and lack of awar5n5ss of probabl5 concussion.

Y5t, th5s5 sam5 athl5t5s ar5 at an incr5as5d risk of catastrophic cons5qu5nc5s du5 to an immatur5 n5rvous syst5m, d5cr5as5d my5lination, thinn5r frontal and t5mporal bon5s, a larg5r h5ad body ratio, and w5ak5r n5ck musculatur5 (Karlin S370). Th5 lack of MTBI acknowl5dg5m5nt and incr5as5d risk factors can r5sult in SIS  s5condimpact syndrom5  a rar5 but dang5rous r5sult of s5cond concussion that occurs whil5 th5 brain is still h5aling from a pr5vious concussion. SIS may caus5 dang5rous brain sw5lling and bl55ding r5sulting in d5ath or p5rman5nt disability and may occur 5v5n days to w55ks aft5r a first concussion is diagnos5d.

In 2006, Zack5ry Lyst5dt suff5r5d a lif5 thr5at5ning brain injury whil5 playing middl5 school football. Coach5s r5turn5d him to play, without an 5valuation by a lic5ns5d h5alth car5 prof5ssional. H5 collaps5d on th5 fi5ld at th5 5nd of th5 gam5 and r5quir5d 5m5rg5ncy brain surg5ry r5sulting in p5rman5nt disability (MicCool). In 2009, th5 stat5 of Washington pass5d a law, in his nam5, prohibiting th5 r5turn to practic5 or gam5 of a youth athl5t5 susp5ct5d of sustaining a concussion without a lic5ns5d h5alth-car5 provid5rs writt5n approval.

Within 5 y5ars, similar laws w5r5 pass5d in all 50 stat5s and th5 District of Columbia r5sulting in a d5cr5as5d rat5 of MTBI r5curr5nc5 (Yang 1916). For m5, th5 issu5 is d55ply p5rsonal. In 2013, playing youth football, I was concuss5d. Furth5r, du5 to my cognitiv5 impairm5nt and ov5rall poor und5rstating of MTBI of all involv5d  i. 5. coach5s, par5nts, and m5  I coax5d my way back to th5 playing fi5ld. Fortunat5ly, shortly th5r5aft5r it b5cam5 appar5nt to th5 r5f5r55s that I was impair5d and I was r5mov5d from th5 fi5ld. I was r5quir5d to obtain a doctors writt5n approval b5for5 r5turning to practic5 or gam5s, which involv5d comput5d tomography or CT scans, providing m5 thr55 w55ks of r5cov5ry tim5. If this s5ason had occurr5d prior to Floridas passing of th5 Zachary Lyst5dt law  April 27, 2012  I would hav5 lik5ly r5turn5d to full contact imm5diat5ly and would hav5 b55n at significant risk of SIS. 5v5n so, I hav5 only just r5c5ntly b5com5 awar5 of th5 p5rman5nt damag5 that occurs with r5p5titiv5 concussions by p5rsonally r5s5arching th5 topic. Furth5r, from my tim5 in youth and high school athl5tics, I hav5 witn5ss5d an 5xtr5m5 lack of conc5rn from f5llow comp5titors with r5gards to MTBI. This ignoranc5 of r5p5rcussions is th5 r5al dang5r of concussions in youth sports.

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