Reflective Essay on Warren Buffet’s Companys Culture

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Warren Edward Buffett (born august 30,1930) is an American businessman, entrepreneur, magnate, investor and philanthropist

One of the most unbeaten capitalists of the 20th century. Buffet is the chairman, CEO, proprietor and largest stockholder of Berkshire Hathaway a textile industry, and continuously ranked among the worlds richest people.

HE was ranked as the worlds bountiful person in 2008 and as the third bountiful in 2011.

Buffett was born in Omaha, Nebraska. He developed an enthusiasm in business and investing in young age. The Wharton School of the university of Pennsylvania before transferring and graduating from university of Nebraska at the age of 19. Where he put his interest in his investment philosophy around the concept of value investing that was discovered by Benjamin graham.

He attended New York institute of finance to improve his economics background and soon began various business partnerships including with graham. He created the Buffett partnership after meeting Charlie Munger and his industry soon acquired a textile manufacturing industry called Berkshire Hathaway and assumed its name to create a modified holding company.

Unique key points.

  • Warren Buffett is known for his cost effective and plain lifestyles.
  • Buffets charity is the largest donation. Donation is approximately $30 billion, which is the largest donation in the history of the united states.
  • The donation itself was enough to double the size of the foundation with 83% of it going to the bill gates and Melinda gates foundation.
  • Buffets annual salary in 2006 was only$100000 and was listed among time magazines.
  • 100 most prominent people in the world.

Literature Review

Value investing is the ideology was bought by ben graham and David Dodd when they taught the subject investment principles at Columbia business school in 1928. It was a subject that based on the concept of investment and speculation. Graham and Dodd critically explained the difference between these two definitions as how it affects people when it comes in managing their money and time in their life.

Warren buffet makes clear by giving feedback, eliminating stereotypes and identifying the truths are extremely significant. For this purpose, he has a circle of competence in place for example, he establishes what he knows truths, and their links to each other. Then he makes sure that he knows by a process of inversion whereby he tries to oppose his previous

Conclusion. This way he tries to blacklists stereotypes. He checks That he knows by looking for feedback from the result of his decisions following that communication and asking for the opinions of others are also critically important according to warren buffet. For example, he says as you are acquiring knowledge about industries in general and companies specifically there isnt anything like first doing some reading about them and then getting out and talking to competitors and customers and suppliers and past employees and current employees.

Warren Buffett opinion, when an organization gains success, it should be celebrated with the whole staff including all employees states that victories must always be remembered, no matter how big or small they are. According to warren Buffett, failures of organization and their competitors are much more important and several lessons

Can be learned from these failures.

  • Buffets companys culture.

· appoint well and organize little was stated in his shareholder letter.

  • A self-propagate culture.

· you should shape your houses and then they shape you

Culture consists of:

  • Creativity
  • Collaborations
  • Hierarchical systems
  • Competitions

Buffets corporate culture.

  • Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Culture provide many advantages. For one it has remarkable capacity to retain a large variety of different businesses within a single corporate culture.
  • Our remuneration programs our annual meeting and even our annual reports are all designed according to Berkshire Hathaway culture and making it one that will drive and exile managers of a different bent.
  • In the case of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. And its subsidiaries, Buffett along with the founders and successive managers of those subsidiaries illustrate the process in action.
  • The design of such a company culture is a feat of companys governance, a framework in which benchmark of behavior and belief are more important than conformity manuals and company structures.
  • People who are assign with the wide self-rule end up feeling a greater degree of leadership than they would if they are subjected to strict oversight and estimate.

Buffets leadership style.

  • Democratic
  • Self-empowered
  • Servant leader
  • Inspiration

· Level 1 (Opportunist)

Youthful years of carpetbagger business ventures, cajoling others underperforming in school, stealing.

· Level2 (diplomat)

Early college years socially hard to do and affecting immature effort to fit in with others and build confidence by studying and practicing dale Carnegie material to improve communication, corporate training, salesmanship.

· Level 3 (expert)

Implements grahams value investment techniques many years of strong immeasurable use of logic mathematical intelligence and rational temperature.

· Level 4 (achiever)

Astonishing success with buffet partnership, creating average annual rate of return (ROR) for investor of 24% over 13 years.

· Level 5 (redefining)

go it alone period of investigating having a peaceful life increasingly involved in community of emporium integrations various relationship and interested to create Berkshire Hathaway.

· Level 6 (transforming)

Shinning in a wide variety of business and investments including a managerial role that saves Solomon in the 1990.

· Level 7 (alchemical)

Death of first wife, uncoil of fortune, donating most of his income to gates foundation in respect to his wife.

Warren buffet doesnt go after the regulation and rules, but his resistance has certainly paid off. The warren buffet leadership style is as dangerous as it is prosperous.

Berkshire Hathaway worlds 11 largest company, makes $210 billion each year, there are few people better than warren buffet that you could turn to for a business guide.

Warren Buffett owner of Berkshire Hathaway is one of the best investors of all time. His leadership style has made him the second richest man in the world with a total worth of $75.6b. Likewise, his company is worth an additional $423b.

Warren Buffett is a transformational leader. Unlikely other CEOs, Buffett rarely manages those below him. New Berkshire Hathaway staff are given independent status soon after arriving at the company are not forced into meetings about results, leaving them with more time to manage their businesses.

His essential task of management is to put conditions and methods of operation so that people can reach their goals best by putting their own effort towards industry objectives.

Encourage folk with respect and show them mercy and trust.

Build an emotional bond to the firm and make them feel appreciated and connected to the company.

Make the employees to be identified in the company and allow them to create a more powerful commitment.

He does not value natural decision-making but a rational approach that encourages flexibility and open-mindedness.

He has the ability to influence situations and values personal responsibilities and accountabilities.

Theoretical background

Warren always follows his own advice. When he wants to hold a stake in a company, he likes to read all its annual reports going back as far as he can he looks at how company has bought up by its directors and what are all its strategy is. He put his own time to investigates thoroughly and acts predetermined and continuously. Once he has purchased a portion of shares in a company, is opposes to sell. He looks for long term goal.

His affection for long term investment is reflected in another of his motto you should invest in a business that even a fool can run, because some day a fool will.

He doesnt believe in businesses that confidence for their success on every employee being excellent. Nor great people help much when fundamental of a business are bad.

He says that when good management is brought up into a fundamentally bad business its position of that remain intact.

Assign the right people to the right jobs.

His company, Berkshire Hathaway (textile industry and parent organization), owns 63 companies. He writes only one letter in a year to the directors and CEOs of these companies, giving them vision and mission for the year. He never holds the meetings like BOD, AGM or calls them on a regular basis.

You are what you are.

Even though one of the richest men in the world

He drives his own cars everywhere and does not have a driver, security or escort people around him. He never travels by private jet, although he owns the worlds largest private jet company.

Always think how you can accomplish things economically.

He has given his CEOs only two rules.

Rule number 1: do not lose any of your shareholders money and dont disappoint the shareholders of the company.

Rule number 2: do not forget rule number 1.

Set goals and makes sure people focus on them.

He does not mingle with high society crowd. He remains always down to earth. After he gets home is to make himself some popcorn and watch television.

Warren likes to say that a good business is like a kingdom and youve got to think new idea every day, to make the management growing the size of the moat. Great business is not all that same, and finding them is hard. Unusual factors combine to create the moats that shelter certain companies from some of the rigors of competition. Warren is superb at finding these franchises.

Warren installs strong and efficient managers in the companies Berkshire Hathaway he owns and influences to leave them engaging much alone. His basic proposal to managers is that to the degree that a company spins off cash, which good businesses do, the mangers can trust warren to invest it tactfully. He doesnt encourage

Managers to modify. Warren buffet excepts managers to concentrate on the businesses they know well so that warren is free to establish

On what he does well investing.


  • Buffets financial communications.
  • Use numbers to season the point you serve.
  • Use analogies and metaphors.
  • Be honest and transparent.
  • Use facts to put things in realistic content.


  • The process of awaken and strengthen a goal-pursuing behavior.
  • Warren encourages his employees by implementing the theory Y


· Public praise.

While other companies refer to their staff entirely. Buffets company names specific people within its annual report to investors. This public praise helps to motivates staff to go above and work in the organization with zeal and helps to achieve companies vision and dream.

· Admits his mistakes.

As warren Buffett one of the top businessmen in the world, Buffett clearly not committed much wrong during his time in business. However, he always be happy to admit his mistake. When he has made a bad decision. He said that his unwillingness to sell his Tesco shares was a mistake, he also took the blame and name for the decline of jet rental company NetJets.

· Be humble.

Berkshire Hathaway was notably absent from the teach sector where even simple day traders were creating huge wealth creation almost the company Berkshire Hathaways CEO warren buffet was humble with its investor and always cared in returning wealth in term of money to its shareholders.

· Love what you do.

Listen to any interview of warren buffet and you will hear how eager he is about his business he assure that this will give anyone in business a competitive edge. He always gives suggestion to young people love what you do and life is to short to stay in job you hate.

· Learn how to communicate.

Youve got to be able to communicate in life and its enormously important. School, to some extent, under emphasize that. If you cant communicate and talk to other people and get across your ideas, youre giving up your potential.

· Choose your business associates wisely.

Warren Buffett says that be with people better, genius than you. Pick out people whose behavior and thinking are better than yours and youll drift in that direction.

· Dont micro manage.

He strongly trusts that great leaders need to mark and obtain great skill. He also lets them get on with it and not often interfaces so that they feel empowered by this independence the lessons for future leaders are clear. Have less meetings and call your CEOs and managers less often. In order to have or create new ideas for the growth of business.

· Plan for the future.

The main job of a board of directors is to see whether the rights people are running the business in right way and achieving the corporate goal and to be sure that the next generation of leaders are recognized and ready to take over the business tomorrow.

· Transparency is highly appreciated.

Bill gates remembers buffet for many reasons even on such a tactful issue as taxation, gates praise him because his transparency is crucial even though it might not be in his own best interest transparency at every level pays off fair in every business field. Employees are tired of unexpected and there is growing demand for conveying the truth.

· On taking risk

Never test the depth of river with the both the feet. Never step in two business at same time there is high chance of losing the money at same time. Invest in one business and from profit of parent organization invest to other business.

· On earnings

Never depend on single source of income create second source of income by investing in good that rate of return will be high&


· Start from the scratch

As I learned from warren Buffett was every business started from scratch. No business got best fund in olden days. His initial investment was from sale of chew gums which was small income sources. This source was best investment for him to be great investor He started his business with Berkshire Hathaway by buying single share later he converted one into many.

From this we will come to know that he is transformational leader his transformation has impacted as great leader in this century.

He used to suggest for investors to create wealth and important points connected to it.

Dont lose money.

Dont forget rule NO 1.

We should never invest in business that you cannot understand.

We should always look for long term goals and not short-term goals. Short term goals can give success but in future it can ruin the business. Always warren Buffett suggest for long term goals

An investor should buy the stocks as if he is buying the company. He is true inspiration, motivation and stimulus for us. His story is best example for us.

Be like warren.

These warren buffet quotes are nearly all common sense. He does not claim to be smarter than anyone else he is just sticking to common sense and some core principles when he invests. We should all be like warren.

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