Machines Make The World A Better Place

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Just think, over the years we have been creating many machines that have helped us through out the years, but if you just think about the money used to make these, that is a lot of money. What if we can use that money for health care and to help other people in the world and give free education and food? How is this happening? Through machines such as Military, Entertainment, and Transportation, I believe that machines have made this world a worse place then before this was all created.

People have been using a lot of money to make weapons, such as nuclear bombs, but the money used is a lot more then you think, and that could be used for more then just weapons. Every gun that is made & a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. Is a quote that Eisenhower D. Dwight said. I agree with this quote, and this quote is basically saying that for every weapon and all the money that could have been used for much more important things, are used to make and buy weapons. Some of the uses of the money if not used to buy or make weapons could be for water to give to poor people and people who do not have access to the clean water, clothing for people who are cold without it, and also education for young kids who are not a fortunate as us to have such a great education. Another reason for this is because the tension between countries based on weapons and machines could get worse and the countries could even start a war. This could end up like the tension between Japan and Korea. Another reason for this is also because the machines that are used, such as Nuclear weapons. I do not believe that civilization will be wipes out in war fought with the atomic bomb. Perhaps two-thirds of the earth of the people of the earth will be killed, Said Albert Einstein. This is saying that the whole earth will be whipped out, but rather two-thirds of all of the people on earth would be killed and gone. The reason why I believe that military machines has made the world a worse place is because it kills people, has nasty side-effects, and because of the tension as well.

Nowadays, electronics and entertainment are very popular and lots of people have devices and use them daily. Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together &  said Bill Gates. This quote is talking about how much us humans have become addicted and rely on technology. Lot of people, ascetically children and teenagers, has this technology and they will use them a lot as well. The quote also says that technology is just there to assist us, while working and being with people in person is way better. I believe that we should have more time to be with our family members and friends that we actually know and have more off screen time then on screen time. Knowing whats right doesnt mean much unless you do whats right said Theodore Roosevelt. What he is saying is that bullying is not that good and that you should stand up for what is right, and that people do bully each other as well. Another reason why this is bad is also because people can spread fake news based on politics and more. This could be bad for people because it would be fake, and the people would believe it and could be tricked by people as well. This is why I believe that electronics and technology and that this has made our life more worse then the past.

We, as people, use transportation to get around and to go to places, but what if we did this too much? Kurt Vonnegut, a famous book author, said, We have mortally wounded this sweet life-supporting planet – the only one in the whole Milky Way – with a century of transportation whoopee. This quote mainly talks about how us humans have over used our transportation in the last century, and has polluted the earth and hurt the earth as well. Another reason why transportation has ruined the earth is because of the gas used, and when it is put into the car. The gas has to be pulled and taken out of the earth and then has to be put into the car, than burned. When it comes out, it then goes into the air and then causes air pollution as well. My last reason is because; it also impacts the human body as well. The health effects of air pollution imperil human lives. This fact is well documented. Said Eddie Bernice Johnson. This quote is talking about how air pollution is hurting our bodies and how we are getting sick as well. This is the reason why I believe that transportation is bad for us humans, and also the environment as well.

Although I believe that machines have made the world a worse place, there are some positive ways that machines have helped us. For example, we can now communicate with people who live on the other side of the world, or we can talk with our family members and connect with them as well. Another way machines have positively impacted our lives is in the medical field. People have found out how to remove cancer from people in the early stages, they have made new medicine that can help people with bad illnesses and help people to live a healthy life as well. But, people can still bully people on social media, hack other people for money, and still not know who they are and where they come from as well. Because we put our money and can manage our bank account on the phone, people can simply hack in to your phone and take the money for themselves. Although there is a positive view on machines, they still have a bad impact on the world as well.

Out of the money that we send to the military, most of that money is used to make the weapons, when it could be given to the poor and homeless to help them. We use technology everyday, but people, mainly children, get addicted and bullied on social media and more. When we ride cars, the gas that we burn, gets put into the air, and then can cause climate change, or called global warming.

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