Jerry Maguire a Film by Cameron Crowe

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People are social beings that live in a certain community and move together to attain success and contribute to the further evolution. In this regard, the efficient cooperation between all individuals could be considered a key to the existence of a certain society. However, this cooperation is impossible without a special tool that guarantees the great level of understanding and partnership. This tool is communication. In the course of the evolution, human society created numerous communication patterns which main aim was to foster relations, guarantee prosperity and the further growth (Durkel, n.d.).

Besides, the complication of human thought, appearance of new phenomena, technologies, and ideas could not but impact this aspect and contributed to its rapid evolution. Being the main tool used to share thoughts, communication had to satisfy the needs of people and provide them with numerous opportunities to attain success in various spheres. Its importance became recognized and evidenced by numerous works that revolve around the importance of communication. For instance, a movie Jerry Maguire could show viewers an overwhelming impact efficient communication might have on individuals and their success.

Main relationships in the film

The plot of the movie centers around Jerry Maguire a glossy 35-year-old sports agent who works for Spots Management International (SMI) (Crowe & Crowe, 1996). He is more than successful. His functions are to find new and perspective sportsmen and make them famous. It will help to earn money and enrich both a sportsman and a company. However, Jerry recognizes the fact that he treats athletes like a good that might help him to become successful. Though, he wants to reorganize the communicational pattern used in this business and stop making 240 calls per day. Instead, Jerry suggests working with a single individual to make him successful and become real friends. However, this approach is not accepted in the cruel world of business and Jerry remains alone. Since that time his adventures have started.

In general, there are three main types of relationships touched upon in the paper. First, it is the relations with Jerrys partners and the whole business world. They are not successful and are impacted by the desire to earn money and win the rivalry. However, there is also another type of relations. Dorothy Boyd, a 26-yerar-old single mother, agrees to join Jerry and run a new business with him. Their cooperation rests on devotion, trust, and some other important values. These relations are central to the plot as support and assistance provided by Dorothy help Jerry to survive and understand that he loves her. Finally, Frank Cushman, a new star, also remains with Jerry. Their relations are extremely important for the development of an action as demonstrate the true partnership and assistance. By contributing to the evolution of this cooperation, Jerry proves the great use of his idea of tolerant and even friendly attitude to sportsmen who should not be taken just as the sources of income.

Jerrys self-perception

Therefore, being the main character of the movie, Jerry demonstrates viewers how important self-identification is. At the very beginning of the movie, he considers himself a successful sports agent who is able to find new talents and alter the attitude to them. He is sure that his career will evolve. At the same time, he also starts to recognize the fact that he is able to alter the business in which he works and that his unique approach will help to improve the quality of relations between people. At this moment he identifies himself as a person powerful and confident enough to alter the patterns used by society and improve it. His great competence in football and success in career helps him to identify himself. However, the failure of his expectations contributes to the reconsideration of the perspectives. Having organized his own business, Jerry starts to recognize the importance of interpersonal relations and the role they play in the evolution of a person. For this reason, his relations with Dorothy becomes the main point that helps him to find himself again and remain successful.

Verbal and nonverbal cues

Watching a movie, one also realizes the fact that Jerry success in this sphere of business is predetermined by his outstanding communication skills. He uses various strategies to attain success and remain one of the most important agents. For this reason, there are both verbal and non-verbal cues that are used by him. For instance, his pleasant and open smile should be considered one of the main tools (Carre, Tomlinson, Collins, & Lewis, 2012) that help him to attract people and make them use his services. It is a powerful non-verbal cue that contributes to the great success rate of the majority of his negotiations. Moreover, his posture and confident gestures are also important. They make people believe that Jerry knows his business and is able to guarantee the best conditions for a person. Finally, Jerry is able to make people enthusiastic and engage in a certain process. Altogether, these skills are vital for his rise and becoming successful. They also demonstrate an outstanding significance of communication skills in persons life.

Misuses of media

The movie also touches upon the great role Media Plays in the modern world. One realizes the fact that any significant sports event is highlighted by various means of media (Anderson, 2013). Besides, the rise of technologies also contributed to its increased influence. Working in this sphere, Jerry could not but feel its impact. He perfectly realized the fact that to make an athlete famous, support from various channels, newspapers, sports journals, etc. should be gathered. Even if a person is not talented enough, he/she could be treated like a star by the public. However, when Jerry goes against the traditional patterns, he also faces the resistance of media as it cooperates with SMI and wants to obtain some incomes from the cooperation with them.

Improvement of Jerrys skills

Finally, there are still some possibilities for the improvement of Jerrys communication skills. As stated above, he is a talented agent; however, sometimes he lacks patience and some wisdom. For instance, the mission statement that changes his all life is written in the direct and provocative manner. However, Jerry could have used another approach when writing it. The usage of more neutral and tolerant tone would obviously contribute to another response to this document (Hanson, n.d.).


In conclusion, the movie demonstrates the great importance communicative skills play in the modern world. Being a unique specialists, Jerry Maguire manages to go against the system and become successful mainly due to his outstanding skills in this sphere. Additionally, his relations with Dorothy and Frank also come from the ability to make a compromise and find a specific approach to a person. The movie could be considered a bright artwork that could help viewers accept the unique role these aspects play in our life.


Anderson, A. (2013). Successful business communication: It starts at the beginning. Forbes

Crowe, C. (Producer), & Crowe, C. (Director). (1996). Jerry Maguire [Motion picture]. The USA: TriStar Pictures.

Carre, M., Tomlinson, S., Collins, J., & Lewis, R. (2012). An assessment of the performance of grip enhancing agents used in sports applications. Journal of Engineering tribology, 227(7), 616-625. Web.

Durkel, J. (n.d.). Non-verbal communication: cues, signals and symbols. Web.

Hanson, B. (n.d.). Importance of communication in sports. 

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