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Introduction to the Project

Several studies have shown the benefits of the use of Electronic Health Records (EHR) for patients safety, as well as their ability to improve efficiency in primary care settings (Porterfield, Engelbert, & Coustasse, 2014). Regardless of the positive effects of the implementation of EHR in primary health care settings, health care providers have moved slowly to adopt this technology (King, Patel, Jamoom, & Furukawa, 2014).

Practitioners who do not want to adopt EHR, especially electronic prescriptions, can endanger patient safety. Studies have shown that the use of EHR significantly reduces the number of prescription errors that can harm patients (Liao et al., 2017).

Medication errors, in turn, are a serious issue that causes numerous safety incidents in primary care. Inappropriate prescribing appears to be the most common medication error with a prevalence of five to ninety-five percent (Assiri, Grant, Aljadhey, & Sheikh, 2018). A World Health Organization (2016) report stated that key interventions are the employment of clinical pharmacists, computerized provider order entries, and educational programs. Palabindala, Pamarthy, and Jonnalagadda (2016) also showed that the use of EHRs is capable of reducing medication error while also resulting in improved communications between patients and healthcare teams.

There are many barriers to the use of EHR by physicians. Some of them include computer skill requirements and the need for numerous organizational and environment facilitators (Palabindala et al., 2016). Kauppinen (2017) also showed that primary health care practitioners might find the transition from handwriting documentation to electronic documentation and prescription very difficult and even unnecessary. However, this assertion is contradicted by the evidence which indicates that EHR can be very helpful, in particular, in reducing medication errors.

The presented project focuses on the EHR perception problem and its potential solution, which is a specific quality improvement program. Said program will be tested through a quasi-experiment which will be used to establish whether the intervention alters the perceptions of care providers regarding EHR usability and helpfulness when medication errors are concerned while also reducing the incidence of medication errors at the Vega Medical Center.

This way, the project will be able to contribute some data on various interventions that can increase and facilitate EHR use, which explains the reasons for it being conducted. This chapter will discuss the project, providing some background information, and stating the problem, purpose, and research questions. Besides, it will explain the significance of the project, including its contribution to the academic knowledge, discuss and rationalize its design, define the relevant terms, consider the assumptions and limitations, and offer a summary of the rest of the project.

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This section briefly overviews the project focus or practice problem, why this project is worth conducting, and how this project will be completed. (Three or four paragraphs or approximately one page)
The practice improvement project topic is introduced.
The discussion provides an overview of what is contained in the chapter.
This section is written in a well-structured way, has a logical flow, and uses correct paragraph structure, sentence structure, punctuation, and APA format.
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Score 0 (not present); 1 (unacceptable; needs substantial edits); 2 (present, but needs some editing); 3 (publication ready).

Background of the Project

The importance of the use of EHR is documented well (Porterfield et al., 2014). The implementation of EHR improves patients safety, reduces medication errors by up to 50%, and improves efficiency in primary care settings (Porterfield et al., 2014). However, despite the benefits of EHR implementation in primary health care settings, providers have been hesitant to adopt this technology (King et al., 2014).

Practitioners reported several barriers to the use of EHR, including problems during the transition from handwritten to electronic prescriptions (Furukawa et al., 2014). Some of the obstacles that practitioners encountered when implementing EHR are complicated and challenging processes, as well as the need for computer skills, support from others, and numerous organizational and environmental facilitators (King et al., 2014).

Miami Dade County has 14.6 % of all practicing practitioners in Florida (Health Florida, 2017). 66 % (n=1896) of those practitioners are working in small group primary care practice, and almost two thirds (60 %) of those practitioners are fifty and older (Health Florida, 2017). Practitioners who have been using handwritten prescriptions for a long period may not want to change the established pattern and introduce e-prescription.

However, prescription errors may constitute up to 70% of medication errors in primary care, and the majority of them are reported to occur because of handwriting (Health Florida, 2017). A study that aimed to evaluate the prescription error frequency in handwritten prescriptions and e-prescriptions showed that a total of 13,334 prescribing errors were found in 549 handwritten prescriptions, and 2,297 prescribing errors were found in 200 e-prescriptions (Joshi, Buch, Kothari, & Shah, 2016). Thus, evidence indicates that handwritten prescriptions may be more error-prone, which highlights the importance of investigating varied approaches to encouraging the adoption of EHR.

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Background of the Project
The background section explains both the history and the present state of the problem and project focus. This section summarizes the Background section from Chapter 2. (Two or three paragraphs)
This section provides an overview of the history of and present state of the problem and project focus.
This section is written in a well-structured way, has a logical flow, and uses correct paragraph structure, sentence structure, punctuation, and APA format.
NOTE: Once the document has been approved by your chairperson and your committee and is ready to submit for AQR review, please remove all of these assessment tables from this document.
Score 0 (not present); 1 (unacceptable; needs substantial edits); 2 (present, but needs some editing); 3 (publication ready).

Problem Statement

Some of the benefits of the use of EHR are the facilitation of communication, improvement of patients safety, and reduction of medication errors (Porterfield et al., 2014). However, health care providers have been hesitant to adopt this technology (King et al., 2014). More than 50 % of organizations surveyed in a study reported practitioners resistance to EHR (Gupta, Boland, Richard, & Aron, 2017). Some of the obstacles that they reported included the transition from handwritten to electronic prescription, the need for user computer skills, and the complicated nature of the system used (King et al., 2014).

Handwriting prescriptions may be the cause of up to 7,000 lethal accidents annually (Oyekanmi, 2018). Practitioners perceptions of the usability of EMR affect healthcare organizations in the implementation and adoption of EMR (Gupta et al., 2017). The population that is of interest to the present study are the healthcare providers who are hesitant to adopt or use EHR, but the broader population that is affected by the problem includes the patients treated by such providers. In general, it is a major public health issue.

Therefore, it is necessary to look for strategies that will improve practitioners attitudes toward the EHR. Educational training has been evidenced to be an effective intervention in changing practitioners perceptions and behavior in primary healthcare settings (Squires, Sullivan, Eccles, Worswick, & Grimsha, 2014). An educational training program that addresses the described problem should focus on the barriers to the use of EHR.

While the literature on the topic indicates all the benefits of Electronic Health Records, it is unknown if the application of a quality improvement teaching program to primary health care providers will improve their perception of EHR usability. Similarly, it is not known if such an intervention can improve the medication error rate at the Vega Health Care clinic. Thus, the present project will address the need for such investigation and contribute some data which may assist in filling this gap.

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Problem Statement
This section includes the problem statement, the population affected, and how the project will contribute to solving the problem. (Two or three paragraphs)
This section states the specific problem for investigation by presenting a clear declarative statement that begins with It is not known if and to what degree/extent&, or It is not known how/why and&.
This section identifies the need for the project.
This section identifies the broad population affected by the problem.
This section suggests how the project may contribute to solving the problem.
This section is written in a well-structured way, has a logical flow, and uses correct paragraph structure, sentence structure, punctuation, and APA format.
NOTE: Once the document has been approved by your chairperson and your committee and is ready to submit for AQR review, please remove all of these assessment tables from this document.
Score 0 (not present); 1 (unacceptable; needs substantial edits); 2 (present, but needs some editing); 3 (publication ready).

Purpose of the Project

The purpose of this quantitative quasi-experimental project is to determine if there is a relationship between the application of a quality improvement teaching program and the improvement of practitioners perception of EHR usability, as well as the reduction of the number of medication errors at the Vega medical center. The quality improvement teaching program will be defined as a teaching program with all the information needed to improve the practitioners perception of the usability of EHR based on the literature researched.

The practitioners perceptions will be defined as perceptions of the practitioners regarding the usability of EHR; it will be measured by a survey that will be administered before and after the implementation of the quality improvement teaching program. The medication errors will be defined as transcription and prescription medication errors made by each practitioner before and one month after the implementation of the teaching program. The monthly medication error log is one of the sections of the EHR kept by Vega, which measures this variable possible.

Vega Medical Center is a small primary care group facility that has eight practitioners serving the community of Miami Date. 90% of those practitioners are older than 50 years, and they are all foreign physicians. They are not used to computers, and they do not see the necessity of transitioning from handwritten to electronic prescriptions. The clinical staff includes the people who transcribe all the prescriptions to enter them into the EHR system.

As a result, Vega Medical Center has a high incidence of prescribing and transcribing medication errors. A DPI project that will improve the perception among practitioners about the use of EHR has the potential for enhancing the quality of care and reducing prescribing and transcribing medication errors, which is the eventual purpose of the project.

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Purposeof the Project
The purpose statement section reflects the problem statement and identifies how the project will be accomplished. It explains how the project will contribute to the field. (Two or three paragraphs)
This section presents a declarative statement: The purpose of this project is&. that identifies the project design, population, variables (quantitative) or phenomena (qualitative) to be investigated, and geographic location.
This section identifies the project method as qualitative, quantitative, or mixed, and identifies the specific design.
This section describes the specific population group and geographic location for the project.
This section defines the dependent and independent variables, the relationship of variables, or the comparison of groups (quantitative). Describes the nature of the phenomena to be explored (qualitative).
This section explains how the project will contribute to the field.
This section is written in a well-structured way, has a logical flow, and uses correct paragraph structure, sentence structure, punctuation, and APA format.
NOTE: Once the document has been approved by your chairperson and your committee and is ready to submit for AQR review, please remove all of these assessment tables from this document.
Score 0 (not present); 1 (unacceptable; needs substantial edits); 2 (present, but needs some editing); 3 (publication ready).

Clinical Questions

This quantitative quasi-experimental project intends to identify how the implementation of a quality improvement teaching program will influence the perceptions of Vega practitioners regarding EHR usability. The project will also identify how this intervention (and, potentially, its impact on the practitioners perceptions) will influence the prescribing and transcribing of medication errors at Vega. The data describing the practitioners perceptions will be collected before and after the intervention, and the number of medication errors will be determined before and throughout the first four weeks that will follow the implementation of the improvement teaching program.

The PICOT question created for the project is as follows: (P) Among healthcare providers, (I) how does the implementation of a quality improvement teaching program (C) compared to the pre-intervention measurements (O) influences primary care providers perceptions of the usability of EHR and medication errors (T) within four weeks of participating in the program? The following clinical questions guide this quantitative project:

  • Q1: How does the implementation of a quality improvement teaching program influence the perceptions of primary care providers regarding EHR usability?
  • Q2: How does the improvement of primary health care practitioners perceptions of EHR usability influence medication error?

Variable 1: Quality improvement teaching program.

Variable 2: Practitioners perception of EHR usability.

Variable 3: Number of medication errors (Prescribe and transcript errors).

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Clinical Question(s)
This section narrows the focus of the project and specifies the clinical questions to address the problem statement. Based on the clinical questions, it describes the variables or groups for a quantitative project or the phenomena under investigation for a qualitative project. (Two or three paragraphs)
This section states the clinical questions the project will answer, identifies the variables, and predictive statements using the format appropriate for the specific design.
This section includes a discussion of the clinical questions, relating them to the problem statement.
This section is written in a well-structured way, has a logical flow, and uses correct paragraph structure, sentence structure, punctuation, and APA format.
NOTE: Once the document has been approved by your chairperson and your committee and is ready to submit for AQR review, please remove all of these assessment tables from this document.
Score 0 (not present); 1 (unacceptable; needs substantial edits); 2 (present, but needs some editing); 3 (publication ready).

Advancing Scientific Knowledge

The idea of improving practitioners EHR skills by educating them is not a new one. It has manifested in programs that work to facilitate practitioners use of EHR and help them to develop the necessary and additional knowledge that can have a positive effect on care quality (Robinson & Kersey, 2018). The search for a recent study that would present an intervention that would focus on the practitioners attitudes regarding EHR has not been very successful. Similarly, when the search for the literature on resistance to EHR use is carried out, most sources that are returned consider the resistance that occurs during the introduction of EHR rather than significantly later and as a result of preferring old-fashioned methods.

However, the fact that practitioners can be resistant to EHR use is documented (Gupta et al., 2017; King et al., 2014), especially in papers dedicated to EHR implementation (Barrett, 2018). The present study will focus on using education to reduce resistance within the specific population that appears to be rather hesitant to use EHR as a result of personal preferences and perceptions, contributing to the body of knowledge on the topic by covering its relatively under-researched aspects.

If the study is successful, it will also present a modest test for the intervention, which means that it might be employed in the future, and the report of the interventions implementation can be useful for other change-focused projects.

The theoretical foundations of the project include the theory of planned behavior and the transformative learning theory. The former indicates that a persons intention to do something is a primary factor in their adoption of that behavior, which explains why the proposed intervention addresses the practitioners beliefs and perceptions (Bai & Dinour, 2017). The second one focuses on critical reflection that can help people to acknowledge self-limiting factors (Zanchetta et al., 2017); in this study, they include negative ideas regarding EHR. The models have been applied to healthcare settings (Bai & Dinour, 2017; Zanchetta et al., 2017), and the present research will contribute to the growing number of such studies, offering relevant suggestions on their usefulness and application in health practitioners education.

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Advancing Scientific Knowledge
This section specifically describes how the project will advance population health outcomes on the topic. It can be a small step forward in a line of the current project, but it must add to the current body of knowledge in the literature. It identifies the gap orneedbased on the current literature and discusses how the project will address that gap or need. This section summarizes the Theoretical Foundations section from Chapter 2. (Two or three paragraphs)
This section identifies the gap or needs in the literature that was used to define the problem statement and develop the clinical questions.
This section describes how the project will address the gap or identified need in the literature. .
This section identifies the theory or model upon which the project is built.
This section describes how the project will advance the theory or model upon which the project is built.
This section is written in a well-structured way, has a logical flow, and uses correct paragraph structure, sentence structure, punctuation, and APA format.
NOTE: Once the document has been approved by your chairperson and your committee and is ready to submit for AQR review, please remove all of these assessment tables from this document.
Score 0 (not present); 1 (unacceptable; needs substantial edits); 2 (present, but needs some editing); 3 (publication ready).

Significance of the Project

Even though the importance of EHR for patients safety and care, in general, has been widely discussed in the literature, primary health care providers still have to face barriers to the use of the tool (Kivekäs, Enlund, Borycki, & Saranto, 2016). Some of the barriers to the implementation and use of the EHR are the high cost of the system and maintenance fees, the lack of technical support, and the need for computer skills (Kruse, Kristof, Jones, Mitchell, & Martinez, 2016). The attitudes towards these barriers and EHR, in general, may deter practitioners from using EHR, limiting the effectiveness of EHR adoption (Gupta et al., 2017).

Therefore, investigating the methods of adjusting such attitudes is worthwhile. By searching for a relationship between the employment of a quality improvement teaching program and practitioners perceptions of EHR usability, the project will contribute some data to the study of various EHR-related educational interventions that are aimed at helping practitioners to use them (Robinson & Kersey, 2018). The research will be rather unique in targeting the providers who resist the use of EHR and focusing on their attitudes and perceptions related to EHR. Besides, if the intervention is effective, the practitioners at Vega health care clinic will use EHR more often, improving patients safety in the clinic.

Primary care is the setting that is not very fast in adopting EHR. Miami Dade County has 17% of all practitioners of the entire Florida State (Florida Health, 2017). 66% of them are working in a small primary care group office, and the majority of them (60%) are older than fifty years old (Florida Health, 2017).

Older practitioners have had difficulty in the transition from handwritten to electronic prescriptions. The transcription of prescriptions is responsible for 63% of medication errors in primary care settings (Brits et al., 2017). Therefore, if the project obtained a decrease in medication errors after the teaching program is implemented, it can offer an example of a solution for other clinics that have the same problem.

There is a small amount of literature that discusses effective interventions to improve practitioners behaviors about EHR usability (Gupta et al., 2017). This project will increase the knowledge about interventions that can affect primary care practitioners perceptions regarding EHR usability. The positive results of the project will also show the importance of taking into consideration behavioral and learning theories during the development of any quality improvement project that is meant to improve participants behavior.

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(0, 1, 2, or 3)
Chairperson Score
(0, 1, 2, or 3)
Significance of the Project
This section identifies and describes the significance of the project and the implications of the potential results based on the clinical questions and problem statement. It describes how the project fits within and will contribute to the current literature or the clinical site practice. It describes potential practical applications from the project. (Three or four paragraphs)
This section provides an overview of how the project fits within other current literature in the field, relating it specifically to other studies.
This section describes how addressing the problem will impact and add value to the population, community, or society.
This section is written in a well-structured way, has a logical flow, and uses correct paragraph structure, sentence structure, punctuation, and APA format.
NOTE: Once the document has been approved by your chairperson and your committee and is ready to submit for AQR review, please remove all of these assessment tables from this document.
Score 0 (not present); 1 (unacceptable; needs substantial edits); 2 (present, but needs some editing); 3 (publication ready).

Rationale for Methodology

The project will use quantitative methods to determine the relationship between three variables: the quality improvement teaching program (independent), the primary health care practitioners perceptions of EHR usability (dependent), and the number of medication errors (dependent). Given this purpose, the study has to employ a quantitative approach which would allow the determination of relationships between variables (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2017; Polit & Beck, 2017), thus answering the research questions.

Given the quantitative nature of the study, the data will be collected in a numerical form with the help of a questionnaire and electronic medical records. The questionnaire will use closed-ended questions that will provide quantifiable data (see Appendix A). The questionnaire was used in previous research to analyze practitioners perceptions about the use of technology. Permission to use the research tool was given (see Appendix B).

Cronbachs alpha test was done to the questioners for reliability that ranged from 0.87 to 0.98 for perceived usefulness and 0.86 to 0.98 for perceived ease of use (Seckman, 2008). This approach will provide reliable methods of quantifying the phenomena of interest (perceptions of practitioners and medication errors), and as a result, the study will be able to apply the quantitative methods of data analysis to them.

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Rationale for Methodology
This section justifies the methodology the investigator plans to use for conducting the project. It argues how the methodological framework is the best approach to answer the clinical questions and address the problem statement. It uses citations from textbooks and articles on DPI project methodology or articles on related studies. (Two or three paragraphs)
This section identifies the specific project method for the project.
This section justifies the method to be used for the project by discussing why it is the best approach for answering the clinical question and addressing the problem statement.
This section uses citations from textbooks or literature on the DPI project methodology to justify the use of the selected methodology.
This section is written in a well-structured way, has a logical flow, and uses correct paragraph structure, sentence structure, punctuation, and APA format.
NOTE: Once the document has been approved by your chairperson and your committee and is ready to submit for AQR review, please remove all of these assessment tables from this document.
Score 0 (not present); 1 (unacceptable; needs substantial edits); 2 (present, but needs some editing); 3 (publication ready).

Nature of the Project Design

This project will use a quantitative methodology with a quasi-experimental design (pre-post intervention). Experiments and quasi-experiments are the primary methods of establishing the relationships between variables (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2017; Polit & Beck, 2017). For this project, a quasi-experimental design was chosen due to the specifics of the population of interest and the resources available to the researcher.

In particular, the study will be carried out for Vega, which has a limited number of providers (only eight people). Splitting a small sample into two randomly assigned intervention and control groups would be difficult and hardly helpful. Quasi-experiments provide less reliable evidence than proper experiments, but they are still an important source of information (Polit & Beck, 2017), and this approach to research design is capable of providing the answers to the research questions.

Furthermore, the pre-post intervention approach to measuring the variables is also justified by the p

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