Discussion of Legalization of Marijuana From View of Law

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Issues of drug use and substance abuse have been a topic of concern and discussion throughout the recent decades. Scientific and medical data continuously shows the prominent dangers of illegal substances, and many forms of creative media advocate against peoples use of drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol. The dangers of these substances, as well as their implications on the moral state of the population are what prompted the government to regulate them legislatively. However, recent emerging information is increasingly arguing in favor of drug legalization, especially in regards of marijuana. It is stated that legalization can help provide help to more people, as well as to decrease the economic burden criminalization puts on the government. The effectiveness of these efforts is still questioned, but the initiative to make weed more acceptable in society has started in a number of areas as of now. The movement is said to be widely beneficial to the public de-stigmatization of drug use, as well as a wider recognition of the problems drug addicts face. By legalizing marijuana, countries can gain an ability to both gain revenue and improve the wellbeing of their population. This review seeks to discuss and evaluate some of the existing perspectives on the legalization of marijuana, as well as to argue in favor of the initiative.

The Attitudes about the Legalization Initiatives

Arguments in Favor

Many arguments have been made about the benefits of legalizing marijuana in the recent years. The primary and most uncontroversial one of these is that marijuana can be utilized in mitigating pain, managing chronic diseases and providing relief without causing life-threatening or serious side effects (Keyhani et al., 2018). The medical use of cannabis has already been recognized, and the move of making it legal can help to additionally address the problems of people with lifelong conditions, or the ones that desire to use the drug for strictly medical purposes.

Most prominently, supporters argue that the more open distribution and use of cannabis can create a safer environment for addicts to seek and receive assistance. Generally, illegal activities and practices are shunned in society, making people that engage in the far more alienated from the general community. This correlation effectively means, that, for many social outcasts it can be difficult to engage in support and case systems while being treated appropriately. Social stigmatization limits access of cannabis users to healthcare, therapy, or rehabilitation systems. An inability to properly seek and receive help in turn leads individuals to more self-destructive behaviors that alienate them further, causing a spiral of social degradation to form. Only by reducing stigma around cannabis use, and, by extension, other forms of drug use, can this issue be remedied.

Another strong argument in support of the legalization comes from the financial and practical benefits the practice can bring. For the government, the move of making cannabis legal will be accompanied by regulatory taxation, which, similarly to gambling, can provide a sustainable and constant stream of profit (Todd, 2018). Cannabis will furthermore be sold more uniformly, with existing and emerging corporations serving as the safe dealers for people. An open cannabis market will contribute to the ease of its regulation, and the relative safety of legally-approved distribution can also better safeguard the health of the population.

Arguments Against

In opposition to the legalization efforts a number of ethical and social considerations have been raised. While it is widely noted that casual cannabis use has been stable, the rates of heavy cannabis use have been positively correlated with the legalization effort. the evidence could mean that the legalization prompts heavy marijuana users you consume it more frequently, which in turn raises concerns for violence and antisocial behavior. Cannabis consumed in large quantities has a risk of inducing psychosis, which then often manifests in violent outbursts (Berenson, 2019). The opposition to the legalization of marijuana cites this trend as a dangerous side effect of wider cannabis acceptance. Furthermore, in Colorado, a state where marijuana has already been legalized, an alarming rate of car crash fatalities has been noted, potentially connected with wider cannabis use (Migoya, 2018).

Another argument that can be used pertains to the practices of profiting from cannabis use. While the government can amass large gains from the business of marijuana taxation, the question of its implications on public health remains. Similarly to gambling, the government faces a conflict of interest where larger cannabis use can result in more financing, but would also present a larger danger to the population (Nikkinen, 2017). Researchers note that the harms associated with weed use do not diminish after legalization, meaning that the government has to manage the risks of making marijuana legal with the potential profits the practice can bring.

My Perspective

In my personal opinion, the legalization of marijuana can be widely beneficial to the larger society as well as the people in it. While the medical and social implications offer wider acceptance for drug use need to be further researched, it is permanently evident that de-stigmatization of drugs is an important step to combatting the problems of society. Many individuals, especially in poor or marginalized communities, are far less able to receive the help they deserve, as well as to receive protection from the government. Because such individuals are statistically more likely to use drugs, it is crucial that state legislation can address the challenges of these groups in a humane and caring manner. The disparity between populations created with over-policing of drug use and mass incarcerations must be remedied by active changes in legislation, which start with the legalization of marijuana. I realize the potential dangers this effort can bring as well as the need for further research into the subject. Much more data needs to be gathered before concrete and beneficial practices of interacting with drugs in society are devised, and active change is needed now.


In conclusion, it can be said that the legalization of marijuana is a difficult and layered topic with a variety of strong opinions on both sides of the argument. An array of research and evidence-based statistics already exist, aiming to shape the global perspective on the problem more completely. With the weight of the newly discovered evidence becoming heavier each year, the possible benefits of legalizing marijuana become stronger, with healthcare, social, and financial benefits being stated as the main drivers of change. Supporters of the practice argue that marijuana is vital for mitigating pain for chronically ill people, as well as for general medical practice (Keyhani et al., 2018). The decriminalization efforts, in turn, make cannabis easier to procure and less socially reprehensible to use (Todd, 2018). Minimizing alienation of certain groups helps them to better receive assistance in their daily lives and manage addiction, which can improve their standards of living. On another hand, certain groups argue that making cannabis legal presents more dangers than benefits, citing its side effects as the main source of tension. Large consumption of marijuana is connected with inducing a state of psychosis, which leads to more violent tendencies and an increased rate of violent acts (Berenson, 2019). This trend is difficult to track, making the management of risks also complex (Berenson, 2019). In addition, cannabis leads to people being more prone to accidents, including such events as car crashes (Migoya, 2018).

Furthermore, the legalization of marijuana is told to be detrimental to governments efforts as well. It is noted that while the legalization of cannabis use is effective at making the practice more recognised, it does not diminish the negative effects the drug itself can have on the body. As a result, the practise of encouraging and profiting from marijuana use can be controversial. The need to keep a balance between profits and public health presents conflict of interest for regulatory bodies. In my personal opinion, the benefits of the practice outweigh its detriment and are crucial to creating a better society in the future. The difference in perspectives and outlooks makes it clear that the issue of weed legalization currently remains unresolved, presenting a good opportunity for further research and debate. Significant amount of time will have to pass before an individual can and stand on either side of the argument with absolute certainty.


Berenson, A. (2019). Marijuana Is More Dangerous Than You Think. The Wall Street Journal. Web.

Keyhani, S., Steigerwald, S., Ishida, J., Vali, M., Cerdá, M., Hasin, D., Dollinger, C., Yoo, S. R., & Cohen, B. E. (2018). Risks and Benefits of Marijuana Use. Annals of Internal Medicine, 169(5), 282290. Web.

Migoya, D. (2018). Exclusive: Traffic fatalities linked to marijuana are up sharply in Colorado. Is legalization to blame? The Denver Post. Web.

Nikkinen, J. (2017). The legalization of dangerous consumption: a comparison of cannabis and gambling policies in three US states. Addiction Research & Theory, 25(6), 476484. Web.

Todd, T. (2018). The Benefits of Marijuana Legalization and Regulation. Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law, 23(1), 100-119. Web.

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