Heideggers, Derridas, and Levinas Philosophies

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Martin Heidegger is one of the most famous philosophers that many people have analyzed. He was a German, and his work primarily involved politics and religion. Moreover, many individuals have argued that his ideas have impacted European philosophy. He also had an impact on other aspects, such as cognitive science and theology. The philosophical development of Heidegger was influenced by other individuals such as Brentano and Aristotle. For example, Aristotle primarily focused on the lives of humans, which is also in Heideggers works, whereby he focused on the meaning of being. Derrida and Levinas have also been discussed to show how they impact the lives of individuals in society. In this case, Levinas theory involves fundamental ethics, revealing issues in the community rather than how they should be. Derrida introduced the deconstruction concept and focused on Heideggers works since he explains that Heidegger was the first philosopher who identified the critical relation between history and being. This report focuses on Heideggers different aspects, such as his politics, religion, and Derrida and Levinas.

Heideggers Philosophy

Heidegger was one of the philosophers who primarily focused on the study of beings. Many people have argued that his main interest was ontology, and he ensured that people understood the differences between them. However, he encouraged people to learn that all humans should be appreciated irrespective of their differences. One of the issues addressed by Heidegger was technology. Many people have argued that he was against science and technology. Nonetheless, his primary focus was to encourage scientists not to produce products that can limit the progress of human beings. For instance, this aspect can be linked to the use of nuclear bombs since they are a significant threat to the lives of humans. The issue of technology has also led to debates as many people argue that technology should not only be used to perceive truth. However, this can be analyzed using various perspectives to understand what Heideggers main idea was in his argument about technology. For instance, technology has been used in modern technology to improve security and ensure justice is achieved. Hence, Heidegger had different ideas that can be used in the modern world to improve society using technology.

Heideggers political philosophy can be used in various states to ensure that politics do not have negative impacts on society. Heidegger never argued that his philosophy would largely focus on politics. However, his ideas can be used to show that he focused on political systems and how they impacted peoples lives. For instance, he focused on the metaphysical culture of the West as a community showing how individuals would improve society. He focused on safeguarding as a way of improving the communities. For instance, he encouraged humans to think of being as a gift from God.

Additionally, Heidegger claimed that philosophy would not be the only aspect that can lead to an immediate transformation of the world. Therefore, he encouraged leaders to ensure that they played a significant role in transforming the current world and guarantee that humans live a better. Heidegger was in Nazi politics, whereby he tried to offer reconstruction ideas. He argued that his presence in politics was a way to express his culture and a way to open up a genuine path to personal reconstruction. Moreover, he revealed that engaging in politics was a way of expressing that other cultures could introduce their structures to develop the political systems.

Freedom is discussed by Heidegger to show its importance in the lives of humans. In this case, he argues that freedom is one of the vital aspects that humans can experience. He ensured that people learned about the need to have their freedom and not to misuse it. In this case, many people have engaged in immoral behaviors when exercising their freedom. Therefore, Heidegger encouraged people not to focus on freedom as an opportunity to express and exercise unethical behaviors. Having the responsibility for what one does with his or her freedom has been encouraged by Heidegger in his lectures. The break with traditional philosophical assumptions was also associated with freedom. Heidegger ensured that people learned about the different ways they can express themselves and interact with others in the community without creating conflicts. Therefore, Heidegger had a great impact on peoples perspectives about freedom.

Heidegger focused on religion as a way different people express their faith in their creator. For instance, he stated that people could only be saved by their creator to show that he trusts in God encouraging others to ensure that they believe in their creator. In most cases, people engage in religious fights due to the misunderstanding of their beliefs. Thus, Heidegger encouraged people to live in unity and ensure that they learn bout the various religions and show love to all individuals. Stating that only God can save people was a way of showing that there is a heroic figure that is past human understanding (Mugerauer, 2018). Although his main interest was in the study of humans, he revealed that God was superior and people should respect and value him.

Heidegger used the term God of humans to show that all people are created by a God. Moreover, he revealed that God is sacred, and people should always impress God in all they do. However, the differences in humans have led to increased immorality that limits the relationship between the creator and people. Therefore, religious aspects have largely been used by Heidegger to show that humans should value all faiths and ensure that they learn that there is a God who gifts all humans life. He also believed that all people were destined to carry out an enormous spiritual mission.

The writings of Heidegger have played an essential aspect in transforming the community. Moreover, Heidegger has encouraged other philosophers to ensure that they encourage people to learn about how to live in the community. For instance, the study of beings was used by Heidegger to guarantee that all individuals appreciated other beings. He also focused on technology and encouraged scientists to use innovation as a way of protecting others and not to destroy the development of man. Religion has also been used in different works by Heidegger to ensure that people understand and learn about God. For example, urging people to learn that only God can save them shows that he is spiritual and believes in his creator. The theory of truth is another aspect that was introduced by Heidegger to show that people should uncover different entities. Furthermore, the concept was used to show the meaning of beings and the truth about them. Practicing phenomenological analysis of human existence was a significant aspect that revealed that Heidegger was concerned with humans and focused on ways they could be united. Therefore, one can argue that Heideggers writings were largely impacted by the need to learn about human beings.

The study of human existence was a factor that led people to associate Heideggers work with existentialism. Therefore, many individuals believed that people who read his texts were impacted by the ideas written. For instance, Jean-Paul Sartre is one of the people who read Heideggers works, and some individuals believed that Sartre influenced the texts. The theory of Derrida was also influenced by Heidegger. Moreover, Derrida argued that Heidegger played a significant role in studying human beings and understanding their relationships with one another. Thus, Derrida ensured that he focused on a theory that focused on humans. Nonetheless, Heidegger learned about Derridas works and ensured that he met him. Therefore, one can argue that Heidegger had a major impact on society and on the people who read his writings.

Levinas Philosophy

Levinas has been analyzed as one of the philosophes who advocated for the actions of humans. He stated that people exist depending on their actions and being involved in the world. Levinas argued that individuals should learn about conceiving ethics and avoid engaging in immoral acts that can lead to conflicts. He wrote Levinas theory to show that behaviors can impact the development of society. He claimed that responsibility is pre-conscious, and defining humans by rationality and consciousness can lead to atheism and totalitarianism (Nelson, 2020). Typically, many people in the community have various characteristics that define them. Therefore, Levinas addressed this issue by stating that human being is both separate and not separate and identity indifference. Moreover, the argument of responsibility has largely been involved in this Levinas theory stating that one is responsible for all things. However, how one should actualize the responsibility is another aspect.

How humans socialize has also been discussed by Levinas as one factor that can impact a society. In many cases, people socialize depending on how they share some aspects such as race, background, and religion. The face-to-face relation concept was introduced by Levinas to show human sociality (Nelson, 2020). In this case, he argued that, morally, individuals are responsible to others in their face-to-face experiences. The theory can also have an impact on religion as it reveals that each person is a unique expression of God (Nelson, 2020). Both Levinas and Heidegger ensured that philosophers appreciated Gods deeds and people learn about the existence of the creator. Levinas theory also focuses on goodness and the infinite and encourages people to be more responsible and Godly by appreciating the uniqueness of Gods creation and the value of all humans.

Freedom is another aspect that can be analyzed using Levinas theory. In this case, Levinas argued that freedom involves making personal decisions and having the ability to decide what to do. However, these decisions can be impacted by what is considered ethical in society. Additionally, responsibility is involved in freedom since every individual is accountable for his or her actions. For example, individuals behave to be responsible for their mistakes. Thus, ethical behaviors are encouraged in Levinas theory to limit people from engaging in actions that can harm others. The sensation is also analyzed in the concept, whereby enjoyment of life is introduced by Levinas. In this case, Levinas removes the sensation of enjoyment from the realm of idealism (Nelson, 2020). Therefore, one can argue that Levinas theory has largely focused on responsibility and other factors such as religion and ethics, which have been analyzed by Heidegger.

Levinas writings are educative and can be applied in many societies in the contemporary world. For instance, he largely focused on responsibility, which is a major issue in the current world. Many people in the community are not responsible for their actions, which has led to disputes. Ethics has also been encouraged in most of his writings. Theology was also involved in his works to ensure that people learn about religious themes. For instance, he educated people about faith and trust in God, which has been used by some religious believers to educate others. Political issues have also been used by Levinas in his works to show that politicians should focus on the lives of the public and avoid engaging in conflicts that can lead to poor growth of societies. Therefore, one can argue that Levinas works were largely impacted by their life experiences and the need to transform communities by focusing on responsibility and morality.

Derridas Philosophy

Jacques Derrida was a philosopher who has been studied by many people due to his contribution to the development of philosophy. Derrida introduced a method of analysis known as deconstruction and has been analyzed by individuals to understand how it impacted Western philosophy. A deconstruction is a form of philosophical analysis that focuses on the language and how any text can contain different meanings. In this case, people can learn that he argued that any text could have more than one interpretation, and people can derive different meanings from a particular phrase. The deconstruction theory has been used to show that individuals should focus on what they say to others and how they interact with people from different areas. Moreover, diversity has increased in the modern world due to factors such as immigration and globalization. Therefore, societies have transformed, and deconstruction theory can be used to analyze the statements used in the community.

The traditional assumptions have also been involved in the deconstruction theory. Derrida has focused on how these assumptions about certainty, truth, and identity were used to show that words can only refer to other words. The theory has been used to reveal that different statements about any text can subvert their own meanings. Philosophers can use different phrases to explain a particular issue using different phrases. Therefore, the deconstruction theory was used by Derrida to bring insights of writers, artists, and other philosophers to understand the importance of language.

Religion was also involved in Derridas concepts in various ways. For instance, he introduced ideas to shape modern philosophy and religious themes. He focused on the nature of faith, educating people about the need to learn about their beliefs. Many people have different norms and values that they follow. Derrida argued that all people should value others beliefs and learn about the nature of faith. The belief in God is another issue that has been analyzed by Derrida. In this case, people have different opinions about the existence of God (Ellis, 2018). Hence, Derridas philosophical approach has impacted many theologians and biblical scholars since they can acquire different ideas analyzed by Derrida regarding God and religious themes.

Politics is another major aspect that has been analyzed by many philosophers, including Derrida. Politics influences how people interact in the community and how societies can be developed. Therefore, Derrida used the deconstruction theory to show how people can interpret various texts used in politics differently. Focusing on the impacts that a particular statement can have on people is an important aspect that people can learn from the deconstruction theory. Politicians can also ensure that they encourage people to be united irrespective of their political differences. The theory also encourages people to ensure that they learn about the problems of urgent contemporary interest. Therefore, leaders can use the idea to guarantee that they help in improving and developing the community.

Love and friendship have also been analyzed by Derrida in his philosophical ideas. He argued that friendship is an essential aspect that could offer a model for politics. Additionally, he encouraged people to volunteer for one another in different times of need (Ellis, 2018). Therefore, many people have learned that embracing relationships in the community can limit conflicts. Love has also been used as a tool that can limit disputes in politics and societies. In this case, Derrida encouraged people to have a love for the future, which encourages individuals to have a vision. In many cases, people support their loved ones in times of mourning and forget the love after a particular period. Thus, Derrida argued that people should not only bear each other in time of mourning but always love one another at all times.

Derridas writing has revealed that he largely focused on how people interact in the community. Using his destruction theory can show that he encouraged humans to learn that statements can impact the relationships of individuals and can also lead to conflicts. Moreover, the theory has been used to analyze the political aspects that can influence the lives of individuals. Although Derrida did not focus much on religion, his writing has also been used by religious people to show the need for humans to love one another and respect all people irrespective of their differences. Therefore, the philosophical approaches used by Derrida in his writings are vital and can be used in the development of societies.


To sum up, Heidegger was an influential philosopher who impacted the behaviors of people in different societies. His writing focused on God, arguing that only God can save people. In this case, many people started embracing the creator and learned about the need to live in unity. Encouraging people to understand the meaning of being is another factor that impacted peoples lives in the community. Individuals learned the need to value one another and appreciate others irrespective of their differences. The political aspects that he analyzed were also essential as they entailed the development of societies. Derrida and Levinas have also been of great significance to philosophers and the community since they enlightened people about ethics, truth, and reality. Therefore, the various factors that have been analyzed in this report reveal that Heidegger, Levinas, and Derrida had different philosophical ideas that impacted societies and the development of contemporary European philosophy.


Ellis, J. M. (2018). Against deconstruction. Princeton University Press.

Mugerauer, R. (2018). Heidegger and homecoming. University of Toronto Press.

Nelson, E. S. (2020). Levinas, Adorno, and the Ethics of the Material Other. Suny Press.

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