U.S. Mexico Border Dilemma

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U.S Mexico border dilemma has been present for several years. It is apparent that the space between the countries exists almost as a separate state (Coleman, 2005). It attracts a lot of immigrants, who would like to pursue the American Dream (Heyman, 2001). Some of them cross the border illegally, as there is a possibility and opportunity to do so.

It is clear that this matter creates difficulties for the both countries, as the United States of America has to face a continuous flow of illegal immigrants from different parts of the world and illicit drug transportation. In turn, Mexico lacks the workforce, as a significant number of people move to the United States of America. Additionally, the problem of political drug trafficking also takes place due to the occurrence of this situation at the U.S. Mexico border.

It is apparent that due to the continuous conflict, countries are not able to control the flow of illegal drugs effectively, as they try to remain competitive and fight for this unknown territory aggressively. Meanwhile, the space between the United States of America and Mexico exists on its own, and soon it will be operating and functioning as an independent state (Coleman, 2005).

A primary goal of this research paper is to discover the origins of the problem, as it is important to evaluate a historical background of the dilemma. Additionally, it is necessary to describe a political dilemma of drug trafficking, as it has a vehement influence on the commonwealth of both countries. Moreover, the current situation will be portrayed to see the differences between the present and the past of the U.S. Mexico frontier.

Furthermore, the influences of U.S. Mexico border dilemma on the American and Mexican economy and society are assessed and discussed. It is apparent that possible solutions have to be proposed, as the problems significance is escalating rapidly. It could be said that this research reveals whether this issue has the same importance to Mexico and the United States of America. Lastly, the conclusions are drawn.

History of the Dilemma

Firstly, it is pivotal to understand the origins of the dilemma and issues. It is apparent that previously it was just the line on the sand (Perez, 2012). However, it turned into the separate country, which has its own rules and beliefs under the insufficient political and economic actions of both of the countries. It is apparent that the United States of America and Mexico were working together while governing the border before the First World War (Perez, 2012).

However, America changed its policies after the war, and their relationships lost its unity. It is apparent that the change in views and beliefs influenced the situation at the border dramatically, as no unified control was established. U.S. Mexico border turned into chaotic and disorganized state-like territory after the United States of America altered its political views. It is apparent that political drug trafficking dilemma, violence, and prostitution are the primary consequences of this political opposition.

Nonetheless, the border dilemma is still present today, as the order in this territory remains chaotic and severe at the same time (Perez, 2012). The economic irregularity still takes place on the frontier, and illegal drug transportation is thriving. Moreover, the relationship between the politicians of these two countries has a tendency to define the relationships and attitudes of these two countries regarding each other. It is apparent that the origin of the problem is political, as the situation and solutions are dependent on the actions of the politicians of the countries.

The primary questions such as Who should be in control of the U.S. Mexico border and responsible for drug trafficking? or Should it exist as a separate country? can be asked to determine the origin of the dilemma. It is apparent that the situation at the border worsens and remains chaotic while two countries are trying to find the responses to these questions. Moreover, it leads to the appearance and escalation of destructive forces, which have an adverse influence on the proper functioning of the American and Mexican societies.

Political Dilemma of Drug Trafficking

A political dilemma of drug trafficking is one of the consequences of the situation at U.S. Mexican border, as the state remains irregular on this territory. It is apparent that this problem is considered as a potential threat to the society and economy (Klingner & Espinosa, 2014). Nonetheless, both of the countries understand the importance of the existing issue. However, the misunderstandings occur due to the different governmental principles and political values (Klingner & Espinosa, 2014).

As for the origin of the drug trafficking issue, it could be said that the problem was generated in Mexico due to the insufficient government bureaucracy and high corruption rates (Morris, 2012). It is apparent that corruption is beneficial for the development of the drug trafficking, as it is clear that money can solve any legal problems.

Moreover, criminal business dominates on the Mexican market, and it is apparent that it will continue its development since no modifications are planned in the Mexican legal system (Morris, 2012). It could be said that this situation is rapidly gaining popularity at the U.S. Mexico border, as the Mexican government partly facilitates its spread.

Additionally, it is hard to have the drug trafficking dilemma under control, as the drug dealers have well-established routes to have a sufficient flow of drug distribution (Medel, Lu, & Chow, 2015). Furthermore, the routes are chosen according to the ability to gain maximum profits out of the deals (Medel, Lu, & Chow, 2015).

It is apparent that it is hard to control these types of activities since they are carefully evaluated and well established. Consequently, it seems that the drug dealing across U.S. Mexico border prospers. In this case, it becomes questionable whether both countries seek the solution equally.

In spite of the fact the U.S. feels in control of the situation and thinks that it is able to reduce the spread of drugs, the citizens of U.S. Mexico border territory have an opposing view. The drug trafficking became a regular part of the everyday routine, as a consequence, various folklore and stories were generated (Campbell, 2005).

It is apparent that the drug trafficking is considered as normality and an essential part of the everyday routine. In this case, folklore is a reflection of the profound influence on the citizens of U.S. Mexico border (Campbell, 2005). It could be said that the significance of the political drug trafficking was underestimated by the U.S government, as the restrictions and new regulations have to be introduced to enhance the current condition at the border.

Current Situation on Mexican Border

Moreover, the present situation on U.S. Mexico border has to be evaluated, as it is necessary to determine how the situation evolved over a particular period.

It is clear that its condition still remains disordered, as the American and Mexican government are not able to control and improve the situation on the frontier. Additionally, now it remains questionable whether the Mexican government actively contributes to the finding a solution to problems, as it is apparent the legal system is strongly corrupted by the criminal businesses (Morris, 2012).

Moreover, there are a lot of adverse social phenomena, which are present on the frontier and are strongly related to the illegal drug distribution. Prostitution is one of them, as it seems that female sexual workers are legalized in this area (Cepeda & Nowotny, 2014). Furthermore, violence is one of the fundamental aspects, which can characterize the condition of the border.

In this case, it is apparent that the murders are legalized and occur on the regular basis, as they are one of the ways to manage the conflict on the frontier (Wright, 2011). Nonetheless, other illegal acts are also rather common, as the area is under an apathetic control of two states. However, this type of management distribution is a primary reason for the chaos, as no standard regulations are established.

It is apparent that the governments are still not able to find a relevant solution to a problem, as other external issues distract their attention. However, solving this obstacle will be beneficial for both of the countries, as illegal trade and violence should be finally eliminated. Nonetheless, no solution was found over an extended period. Consequently, it still remains unclear whether the United States and Mexico should unite to find the solution together or try to improve a current situation separately.

Influences on the American Economy and Society

It is clear that this unsolved dilemma has an adverse impact on the American society, as illegal drug trade operations contribute to the spread of toxic and hazardous products across the United States. Moreover, it was revealed that the distribution and drug trafficking political dilemma becomes widespread among American society.

Additionally, this phenomenon leads to the change in attitudes towards the drug consumption and popularization of the Narco-folklore (Campbell, 2005). It is clear that that it might be a primary reason for the increased social movement, which wants to introduce the drug legalization in the United States of America. Drug trafficking is already considered as a norm at the border. Consequently, it might become highly popular among the other members of the society.

Furthermore, as it was mentioned earlier, prostitution and violence take place at the border due to the illegal drug distribution (Cepeda & Nowotny, 2014). These aspects have an adverse and disruptive impact on the attitudes and values of the society, as the views regarding these negative phenomena might evolve over a short period. Moreover, it is apparent that more and more people become drug addicted due to its rapid and illegal distribution, and this aspect is also a vehement concern in the society.

As for the effects on the economy, it is clear, that the United States of America spends a lot of financial and military resources on the control of the border and drug trafficking (Coleman, 2005).

Consequently, other spheres such as medical area suffer dramatically from the lack of financing, as a significant amount of resources is required for the maintenance of the frontier. It seems that it will be beneficial for both of the countries to find a solution to a problem rapidly, as it will contribute to the sufficient distribution of the military and financial resources for the purposes of higher importance.

Influences on Mexican Economy and Society

It is clear that this situation is also destructive for the Mexican society and economy, as this country is also an influential participant while trying to find a solution to the U.S. Mexico border dilemma and drug trafficking political issue. The primary negative influences are associated with migration from Mexico to the Unites States of America, as, in this case, Mexico loses skillful workforce. Consequently, this aspect might be a potential reason, which leads to the immense gap between the social classes in the Mexican society.

Nonetheless, it was mentioned earlier that insufficient government bureaucracy leads to the high corruption rates in the country (Morris, 2012). Additionally, it was revealed that criminal business occupies a significant share of the Mexican market (Morris, 2012). Subsequently, based on this two facts it becomes questionable whether the effect of this situation is entirely negative on the Mexican economy. It might be a primary reason for Mexico not showing an initiative to find a solution to this problem.

Nonetheless, it is clear that presence of violence, prostitution, and an immense gap between social classes has a vehement adverse impact on the Mexican society. It is apparent that the Mexican citizens experience difficulties while trying to improve the living conditions and seek prosperity. In this instance, migration is one of the possible solutions to this issue, as a majority of the immigrants comes to the United States of America to pursue an American Dream (Heyman, 2001).

The United States of America seems like a country full of unrevealed opportunities and possibilities, which offers more chances than Mexico. It seems for the Mexican immigrants that migration is the most appropriate solution to this problem. Consequently, more and more Mexican citizens consider it as a possibility, and this matter has an adverse influence on the Mexican society.

Possible solutions

It is apparent that both of the countries have to contribute to finding a solution to the U.S. Mexico border dilemma and drug trafficking political issue. One of the solutions is to change the frontier location and make it located closer to the South (Flynn, 2002). It is apparent that this solution will help reduce the free space between two states and self-control of the territory. Additionally, it might contribute to the decrease of the drug distribution and its flow to the United States of America.

Another proposed solution is to increase the military control of the border, as maintenance of the security on the high level is one of the ways to reduce drug distribution and trading across the U.S. Mexico border (Ackleson, 2005). Furthermore, the increase in security control will decrease the flow of immigrants from Mexico and other countries. In this case, it is apparent that restricted rules and regulation have to be established to reduce the number of illegal immigrants (ORourke, 2014).

Nonetheless, it is clear that both the United States of America and Mexico should contribute to solving this problem together, as one state is not able to have this situation under control. In this case, the United States and Mexico have to introduce common rules and regulations to maintain and improve the condition of the U.S. Mexico border. However, this research paper revealed that there might be economic causes for the lack of the contribution from Mexico to this problem. It is unclear whether this problem has equal significance for both of the countries.


In conclusion, it could be said that it seems that the U.S. and Mexico dilemma will be present for an extended period, as it is unclear what solution will be the best in this situation. The solutions such as restriction of regulations, a location of the border in the South, and an increase of the security control and maintenance can be considered as potential.

Nonetheless, it is apparent that the Unites States of America and Mexico have to contribute to finding the solution to the border issues simultaneously. In this case, the solution should be found rapidly to improve the economic and social conditions of the countries.

The research revealed that a situation is disruptive for the both of the states. It is clear that in case of the United States of America, the impact on the society is adverse, as it propagandizes the violence, drug addiction, and prostitution. It has the similar effects on the Mexican society. However, it seems that the governments of the countries have different positions regarding this topic. In the end, it is unclear whether Mexico distributes the resources efficiently to find the solution to the U.S. Mexico border dilemma.


Ackleson, J. (2005). Constructing security on the U.S.Mexico border. Political Geography, 24(2), 165-184.

Campbell, H. (2005). Drug trafficking stories: Everyday forms of Narco-folklore on the U.S.Mexico border. International Journal of Drug Policy, 16(5), 326-333.

Cepeda, A., & Nowotny, K. (2014). A Border context of violence: Mexican female sex workers on the U.S.Mexico border. Violence Against Women, 20(12), 1506-1531.

Coleman, M. (2005). U.S. statecraft and the U.S.Mexico border as security/economy nexus. Political Geography, 24(2), 185-209.

Flynn, M. (2002). Donde esta La Frontera? Millions try each year to slip into the United States through its soft underbellythe U.S.-Mexico border. The solution: move the border south. Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 58(4), 245.

Heyman, J. (2001). Class and classification at the U.S.-Mexico border. Human Organization, 60(2), 128-140.

Klingner, D., & Espinosa, R. (2014). Between threat and opportunity: The impact of drug trafficking on governance in the frontier region of Mexico and the United States. The Innovation Journal, 19(2), 1-15.

Medel, M., Lu, Y., & Chow, E. (2015). Mexicos drug networks: Modeling the smuggling routes towards the United States. Applied Geography, 60, 240-247.

Morris, S. (2012). Corruption, drug trafficking, and violence in Mexico. The Brown Journal of World Affairs, 18(2), 29-43.

ORourke, S. The view of immigration reform from the U.S.-Mexico border. Public Administration Review, 74(3), 302.

Perez, O. (2012). Rachel St. John. Line in the sand: A History of the Western U.S.-Mexico border. American Historical Review, 117(4), 1190-1191.

Wright, M. (2011). Necropolitics, narcopolitics, and femicide: gendered violence on the Mexico-U.S. border. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 36(3), 707-731.

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