Analysis of Alphabet and Google Companies

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It is not surprising that the majority of companies gradually develop their own systems of management which correspond to their needs and missions. Thus, it becomes interesting to study different companies in order to discover certain unique practices and tools they employ to improve their performance. Alphabet, the parent company of Google, is one of the largest enterprises worldwide, which, to a considerable extent, serve as examples to many other businesses. The current paper will contain both analysis and reflection on various aspects of Alphabets operations and practices which it promotes. First, the key events which Alphabet encountered in the past five years will be discussed. Specifically, the paper will cover Alphabets human relations strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic and its key decisions. Additionally, the paper will explore Alphabets research and development projects, and namely, its advancements in the sphere of healthcare. Next, the essay will concern the practices and theories extensively utilized by Alphabet and Google as means to improve organizational performance and promote better effectiveness. First, the essay will cover the topic of SWOT analysis which Googles managers employ to allocate resources in a correct manner. The paper will also talk about the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance framework of Google and its Equitable Workplace Initiative, which enables the company to promote sustainability and equality. Finally, the paper will assess the significance of the Code of Conduct at Google and organizations in general. The current paper relies on the results of the 5-Year Strategy Review of Business Simulation Activity of Alphabet. While it is important to conduct reviews and analyses, it is also crucial to reflect upon the findings, which the current paper will do. Nevertheless, the main idea of the current essay is that Alphabet and Google constitute exemplary companies in all aspects, from research and development to sustainability and equality commitments.

Identified Events

The analysis of Alphabet, which was conducted as part of the Business Simulation, has demonstrated that the most notable event which affected Alphabet and its company Google was the COVID-19 pandemic which started in 2020. The pandemic became the most disruptive event for the entire world in a decade and could be compared in terms of its negative impact to the 2007-2008 financial crisis. The pandemic caused a recession to begin, which translated into trillions of lost dollars in the United States alone, as well as a considerable increase in mortality (Findling, Blendon, & Benson, 2021). Essentially, the pandemic considerably affected every person on the planet and especially businesses which had to adapt to new circumstances. Moreover, in response to the pandemic, governments around the world had to introduce restrictive measures, which were the main source of the losses for businesses. Since the majority of countries worldwide had to close their borders, the travel and hospitality industries suffered the most serious impact as a result of the restrictions (Eliasson, 2022). At the same time, technological companies such as Google and other projects of Alphabet were better positioned for the pandemic.

Google as the most prominent representative of Alphabet, possessed an advantage over manufacturing companies since the majority of its operations could be performed virtually using the latest technological solutions. The spreading of the virus around the world forced many companies to resort to various radical measures to prevent their employees from contracting deadly diseases. Alphabet and all of the companies owned by it, including Google, chose the most common strategy in the corporate world, namely, letting employees work from home and avoid going to the office (Bergen, 2021). Such a method was utilized in order to enforce social distancing and stop people from spreading the virus by interacting with one another in crowded office spaces. Moreover, Google offered special COVID-19 community mobility reports, which featured important statistics on the topic of the pandemic.

The decision to provide employees with remote work opportunities was beneficial for both the company and workers since it reduced the probability of employees contracting the disease and potentially experiencing life-threatening health outcomes. Essentially, Alphabet avoided losing employees who were crucial to its operations and performed major tasks in the company. Workers received a chance to minimize the likelihood of being infected and work in a comfortable environment without being afraid of going to the office. Moreover, studies demonstrate that remote work during the pandemic did not affect the performance of companies (Maghlaperidze, Javakhishvili, & Kuspliak, 2021). Thus, it is possible to say that Alphabets decision was reasonable and beneficial for all stakeholders. The actions of Alphabet during the pandemic enabled me to learn about how effective and positive measures need to be introduced in crisis situations. Basically, the measures offered by Alphabet can be considered excellent, and they constitute a solid example of proper crisis management. After learning about the case with Alphabets decision to offer remote work opportunities to employees, I will employ the same strategy in similar scenarios.

The other two major events which emerged as part of Alphabets activities and were discovered during the Business Simulation were deep learning models which facilitated the detection of cancerous cells and breast cancer. Essentially, Alphabet designed special deep learning solutions which enabled researchers to gain the capacity to establish malignant growth and tumors (Croak & Dean, 2021). Basically, the company managed to develop state-of-the-art technological products which now can assist healthcare professionals and help people around the world who have cancer. Despite the fact that initially, Alphabets technology was not intended for medical purposes, the company was able to adjust it to fit a new task.

Such achievements of Alphabet allowed me to learn several key insights which concern the necessity to invest in innovation and diversify ones strategic directions. Alphabet is one of the biggest companies in the world, yet it still continues to allocate large resources on research and development. Moreover, Alphabet is expanding the range of its businesses and avoids focusing simply on search engines and information technology. As evidenced by the success of Alphabet in the sphere of healthcare, it is interested in investing in a diverse selection of projects. The main lessons here are the need to constantly stimulate new research and diversify interests since such a strategy can help businesses to get the chance to adjust to new circumstances.

Review and Discussion of Relevant Theories and Practices

SWOT analysis is one of the primary theories used by Alphabet managers to assess companies in order to distribute investments in a proper way. SWOT is a framework which enables companies to conduct a quick analysis in order to assess the internal capabilities and status (Henry, 2018). According to the SWOT theory, analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of any business constitute the main elements which define its competitive position. SWOT is used by Alphabet in different scenarios, including the one concerning the program of an equitable workplace (Parker, 2021). SWOT enables Alphabet managers to receive a comprehensive picture of companies and their current state of affairs.

The SWOT theory demonstrates that it was extremely beneficial for assessing any given company in its respective industry. Moreover, SWOT analysis is easy to use, and it produces a substantial amount of information which is sufficient for gaining an insight into companies situations. Additionally, it can be applied to any type of company because its key components are universal and can be found in every industry or sector. Thus, SWOT presents a reliable tool for analysis of companies which can be particularly useful for corporate managers.

Change management is another viable practice utilized by Alphabet in order to increase efficiency and adopt new ways of operating, successfully responding to new challenges. Change management is an approach to facilitating the transition of organizational goals, technologies, and processes with an intention to introduce effective changes contributing to performance improvement (Lauer, 2020). The change management approach allows companies to stay in control of change and assist employees in adapting to new rules and procedures. Alphabet is constantly utilizing change management since the company needs to undergo different transformations in order to stay relevant and keep producing innovative solutions.

Businesses need to experience changes to stay competitive and be able to address the existing demand in the most effective manner. Change management implies awareness of the need for change, ensuring desire to participate in the change, provision of knowledge about how to change, and the ability to implement change, and change reinforcement (Grady et al., 2019). Alphabet demonstrates the importance of change management and presents lessons on how it can be successfully implemented. For instance, the previously mentioned Alphabets investments in deep learning models show how adopting new areas of research and development can yield significant results. Thus, change management constitutes a viable solution for dealing with the process of transformation inside companies.

Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance is also employed by Alphabet, and it is a process which implies transforming the company to adhere to the highest standards of sustainability. The Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance framework refers to a set of criteria which help to determine the level of environmental, social, and corporate responsibility of any given company or organization (McWilliams et al., 2019). Alphabet strives to demonstrate exemplary performance across all of the metrics of the aforementioned framework. For instance, Google has a goal of becoming carbon-free by 2030 (Google. Sustainability, n.d.). The achievement of the target will significantly improve the companys ranking in terms of its environmental responsibility.

The example of Google shows how important the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance model is for modern companies and why every business must seek ways to better deliver on its responsibilities. Climate change is one of the key issues humanity faces today, and corporate organizations have an obligation to reduce their impact on the environment (McIntyre, Ivanaj, & Ivanaj, 2018). As a result, every enterprise on the planet should follow the commitment of Google and similar companies in order to make a contribution to sustainable development. Moreover, improvements in terms of sustainability can enable companies to attract new investment and be better positioned for the future.

Another practice employed by Alphabet, which is in line with The Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance framework, is the Equitable Workplace Initiative. Google, as the main asset of Alphabet, has a special program which involves improving leadership representation of ethnic minorities in the U.S. branches of the company by 30% by 2025 (Parker, 2021). Essentially, the company wishes to achieve better social responsibility as a major employer worldwide and particularly in the United States. Thus, Alphabet recognizes its privileged role in the industry and understands that it can serve as an example for thousands of companies around the world as a place of inclusion and equality.

The Equitable Workplace Initiative must be adopted by every company in the United States as a solution for solving the social inequality which exists between the majority of the population and the minorities. Such a program is a progressive and just move which can potentially deliver excellent results and positively impact the existing gap. As of now, there is a real imbalance in terms of the representation of minorities in the workforce globally, especially in leadership positions (de Aquino & Robertson, 2017). Programs such as The Equitable Workplace Initiative are incremental steps to counter the issue and provide minorities with new professional opportunities.

The final practice used by Alphabet is the enforcement of its Code of Conduct which is published on the companys official website. According to the Code of Conduct, all Google employees must follow the principles of integrity, fairness, responsiveness, usefulness and should always have privacy and freedom of expression (Google code, n.d.). The Code of Conduct is a document which establishes clear rules for all employees of the company irrespective of their positions. Moreover, the code also affects other stakeholders, including investors, and it is expected that everyone has an obligation to follow it.

The Code of Conduct is an essential document for every organization since it conveys the main responsibilities and rights of the employees who work for it. The Code of Conduct serves as a constitution for an enterprise which clarifies its primary mission, core values, and main principles, which must always be followed and supported by the worker. The Code of Conduct enables employees to understand the standards of professional conduct to which they have to adhere to. Additionally, the code is also helpful in situations of disputes between the worker and the manager or owner, who also must follow the rules of the document.

Conclusion, Future Plans, and Recommendations

The analysis and reflection on the topic of the core practices and main events faced by Alphabet and Google enable one to gain numerous insights into proper ways of management of successful enterprises. Alphabet is the parent company of Google, and it ultimately has control over the search engines operations. At the same time, Alphabet has a diverse selection of companies and research directions which cover numerous areas. For instance, the research undertaken as part of the Business Simulation paper has shown that Alphabet invests in deep learning models. Moreover, the company has achieved significant success in the area of deep learning models and has applied its inventions in the real of healthcare to detect cancerous cells. Such an example demonstrates the ability of the company to diversify its operations to cover different areas by investing in research and development. Such efforts enable the company to stay competitive and continue to generate innovative solutions which can be applied in different scenarios.

Additionally, the company has shown exemplary decision-making during the COVID-19 pandemic by providing its employees with a chance to start working remotely and avoid going to the office. The virus which caused the pandemic was particularly contagious, and many people were anxious about going to work and subjecting themselves to the risk of contracting the disease through interactions with their colleagues. Alphabet gave every employee an opportunity to stay at home and continue working on their projects in a comfortable environment. Such a decision constitutes an example of quality decision-making which actually was repeated on numerous occasions by different companies. Personally, the remote work strategy of Alphabet allowed me to learn about actual cases of effective crisis management, which taught me to act boldly in challenging situations. Letting employees work from home was a risk for the company, but it still agreed to provide such an opportunity to workers. Thus, I consider Alphabets decision a reminder of a necessity to listen to the needs of workers. In the future, when faced with a similar situation, I will follow the example of Alphabet and will provide employees with remote work opportunities.

Additionally, an analysis of Alphabets practices has yielded considerable results and offered many insights into the operations of the company. For instance, the company utilizes change management in order to stain in control of its internal transformations and transitions. Since the company is constantly expanding its range of interests and areas of expertise, it needs to adapt to new circumstances, which it successfully does using change management. Personally, I will use the same approach in my work with the intention to make the process of transformation inside my company as seamless as possible. Change management implies providing employees with new knowledge and expertise, which will be important for them to embrace the change positively and successfully. I agree with the change management principles that it is necessary both to inspire employees to transform and reinforce the change once it is achieved. Learning about change management enhanced my understanding of how companies need to adjust to new circumstances. In the future, I will employ the gradual change management model involving several steps, such as raising awareness of the need for change to transform poorly-functioning organizations.

Another important practice employed by Alphabet and Google is the adherence to the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance framework and the Equitable Workplace Initiative. Alphabet recognizes that it is an ideal position to lead the movement towards a more equal and sustainable future and therefore openly states its commitments to become carbon-free and increase ethnic minority representation. Alphabet sets an example for all modern companies, especially those which understand the fact that they have a responsibility to society and humanity in general to promote sustainability and equitability. In the future, I will propose a similar initiative in my workplace in order to incentivize the company to adhere to the principles of Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance. Moreover, I will recommend to all of my business acquaintances to follow the example of Alphabet and design their sustainability and equality programs.

The Code of Conduct is another crucial practice utilized by Google and Alphabet, which constitutes a document containing all the key rules and rights for employees. The Code of Conduct is important for every organization because it enables them to present the main values, missions, and employee obligations in a concise manner. Moreover, the Code of Conduct often introduces formal procedures for disputes and other complicated situations, which the document can help to resolve. I would definitely recommend it to every organization to create and introduce their own code of conduct in order to have a universal tool for promoting certain standards of corporate conduct for all employees. In the future, I will employ a code of conduct as a necessary element of my own company, which will help me to provide employees with a document with their responsibilities and rights.

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