Category: Abortion

  • Abortion: The Lifesaving Procedure

    Table of Contents Introduction Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Stem Cell Research Ethical Stand Counterargument and Rebuttal Conclusion References Introduction Abortion can be defined as the act of terminating a pregnancy so that it does not result in the birth of a child. The process may be accomplished using medication or a surgical procedure (Sanger, 2018). For…

  • Women Have the Right to Decide the Abortion

    Table of Contents Introduction Outdated Views as a Cause of Restraints Additional Reasons for Making an Independent Choice Conclusion Annotated Bibliography Introduction An archaic patriarchal world dominated by masculinity is obsolete today, and numerous womens rights movements attest to this fact. However, some aspects of social life are perceived as biased, and little freedom in…

  • Abortion in Feminist and Care Ethics

    Table of Contents Motivating the Problem Moral Theory Connection to Feminist Ethics The Personhood of a Fetus Does Personhood Matter? Arguments on the Issue Conclusion References Abortion is one of the most discussed topics of bioethics. It is one of the oldest topics and, at the same time, one of the most divisive. The topic…

  • Ethics: Womens Right to Abortion

    Table of Contents Position Statement Reasons in Support of Your Position Opposing Position Statement Reasons in Support of the Opposing Position Reference Abortion is the termination or evacuation of an embryo or fetus from a pregnant woman. In the past, abortion limits and bans have been in place for three primary reasons. To begin with,…

  • Abortion as the Fundamental Right of Women

    In light of the policies adopted recently in several American states, the issue of abortion has become particularly crucial to discuss. The subject matter is typically framed as the argument either in favor of a womans choice or a fetuss life, which appears to be a fundamental misconception of what the pro-life solution entails. Since…

  • Pro-choice vs. Pro-life: The Question of Abortion

    The issue of abortions has always been a highly controversial one, where the dynamics revolve around the problem of the authority of a number of different parties. Despite the recent trend of decline in the use of the procedures, the discussion remains valid (Jones & Jerman, 2017). These might include government, father, mother, and child,…

  • The Decision to Seek Abortions

    Table of Contents Introduction Legal Side of Abortion The Effect of Legislative Restrictions Religious Concerns of Pro-Life Activists Failure of Religion to Promote Love Attempts to Keep Traditional Values Impossibility to Keep Traditional Values Conclusion References Introduction Giving birth to a child is like creating a long-term project in which deadlines are fixed, expenses are…

  • Abortion Dilemma in Pragmatic Ethics

    Introduction The value of human life and its significance have always been disputable issues. Since the first stages of societys evolution, people have tried to find the sense of living, its purpose, and central goals. At the same time, the attitude to every individual, his/her contribution to society, place in it, and importance had also…

  • Ethical Issue: Abortion Should Be Legal

    Table of Contents Introduction Abortion should be legal Abortion should be illegal Moral Compass Conclusion References Introduction The moral status of the embryo and fetus is the primary ethical question in the abortion debate. From the notion that a fetus is a human person with full moral standing and rights and to the conception to…

  • Ethical Issues and Concerns Regarding Abortion

    In this paper, I will be addressing contemporary ethical issues and concerns regarding abortion. Induced abortion is generally defined as the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 20 weeks since conception (Nic and Goga 283). The debate over this subject involves various underlying issues and ethical arguments. According to…