Category: Abraham Lincoln

  • Lincolns Plan for Reconstruction

    The Civil War has been a horrible experience for all American citizens, so its end should have been conclusive about the central matters of the conflict. Namely, the issue of slavery and the fate of former Confederate states were to be addressed as quickly as possible, yet with sufficient reason. So, President Lincoln devised a…

  • The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

    Table of Contents Introduction The post-war period and Andrew Johnson The infringement of the rights of Blacks Works Cited Introduction Abraham Lincoln is remembered as the 16th President of the United States of America and the first president of the country ever to be murdered. As the history tells us, he was mortally wounded by…

  • Lincolns 2nd Inaugural Address and Biblical Perspective

    There have been many great and charismatic leaders and famous personalities in the history of America. However, what distinguishes both the culture and the mentality of Americans from the rest of the world is their close connection with faith and the divine. Together, these two phenomenaspirituality and religiosity and charisma and leadershipgave rise to one…

  • Abraham Lincolns Second Inaugural Address Speech

    President Abraham Lincolns Second Inaugural Address was delivered on the stage to a crowd of approximately 30,000 to 40,000 people. The audience contained the general population and government officials involved in the countrys military, political, and bureaucratic aspects. In addition, the speakers discussed the well-being and future of slaves; hence people of unfortunate fate were…

  • Abraham Lincolns The Emancipation Proclamation Speech

    The Emancipation Proclamation speech was given by US President Abraham Lincoln on January 1st, 1863, when the country was engaged in a long-lasting Civil War. The message of the Proclamation concerned the fact that people who were held as slaves in rebellious states were and would be free (The Emancipation Proclamation, n.d.). Though the wording…

  • Lincolns Second Inaugural Address Analysis

    The second presidential term of Abraham Lincoln began after the end of the American Civil War. However, although the North united was able to defeat the Confederacy of the Southern States, the country was in a difficult position in many respects, from social to economic. Blacks freed by the Emancipation Proclamation had to be carefully…

  • Influence of Abraham Lincoln on My Life

    Table of Contents Influence of Abraham Lincoln on my Life Conclusion References Bibliography Abraham Lincoln was among the most influential leaders that the world has ever seen. He was the sixteenth president of the USA. He was instrumental in dealing with the civil war. He showed America a new road during the Civil War which…

  • The Contribution of Abraham Lincoln in American History

    Abraham Lincoln was among the most influential leaders that the world has ever seen. He was the sixteenth president of the USA. He was instrumental in dealing with the civil war. He showed America a new road during the Civil War which is also considered by many as the toughest period America ever faced. This…

  • Abraham Lincoln, His Failures and Success

    Perhaps the best instance of persistence may be seen in Abraham Lincoln. He was a person who refused to quit despite numerous challenges. He lost elections several times before finally becoming the president. He had reasons to quit in many instances, but he chose not to stop trying. Eventually, Abraham Lincoln became one of the…

  • The Day Lincoln Was Shot the Film by John Gray

    Introduction The film is done with a theme to provide illustrative information to all lovers of the proud country for the President of USA Abraham Lincoln who created history after the Civil War of Independence and the untimely end of his era in planned murder coup. The film takes you back to the black day…