Category: Accountability

  • Accountability in Public Administration

    Table of Contents Regarding: Accountability in Public Administration The Rationale for Each Alternative The Limitations of Each Alternative Recommendations and Conclusion References Regarding: Accountability in Public Administration The primary goal of the public sector is to provide quality services that meet the demands of the citizens. Nonetheless, the realization of this objective mandates the prudent…

  • Accountability and Corruption in the Public Sector

    Introduction Governments act in their citizens interests by promoting beneficial projects, policies, and services. Those in leadership positions act on behalf of the electorate to transform their lives and experiences. Unfortunately, corruption and economic abuses are common malpractices whereby some powerful individuals to pursue their selfish interest at the expense of the people. These malpractices…

  • Police Accountability and Reform

    Introduction The police are entrusted to enforce the law and ensure the safety of citizens. However, in the United States, policing has been marked by straining relationships with people, especially from minority communities. Police officers have killed many people under controversial circumstances. The political climate regarding policing in the country changed dramatically following the August…

  • Body Cameras: Civility Through Accountability

    Im a cop. I can do terrible things to people, with impunity (Aloi). This line comes from an HBO show titled True Detective, explaining the dangers of power in one crisp sentence. When the representatives a social class or a profession gain a disproportionate amount of influence over others, it is in the nature of…

  • Public Accountability and Ethical Conduct

    How much reliance is to be placed on formal prescriptions and control mechanisms and degree of trust to be pinned on inner compasses of persons with public responsibilities? It is necessary that a certain degree of reliance needs to be placed on formal prescriptions and control mechanisms which, in essence, bulwarks modern governance systems. Under…

  • Safety of Healthcare Information: The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

    Introduction The present paper is devoted to the discussion of HIPAA regulations. It considers the Privacy and Security Rules, examines the HITECH Act as a complementary set of regulations, reviews the challenges that HIPAA needs to respond to, and evaluates HIPAA capacity to do so. It is concluded that HIPAA is not without a flaw…

  • Cargo Crimes and Threats: Government Accountability Office

    GAO Report Government Accountability Office (GAO) report was first published after the September 11 attacks. It was published during the attempt to improve on the security of the United States. After the September 11 attacks, the government realized the nation was not as secure as earlier thought. Before the attacks, the cargos were being inspected…

  • Revisions of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

    The original purpose of HIPAA was to improve the accountability of health insurance. The law was adopted on August 21, 1996, and since then has undergone significant changes and additions (Ellison & Clack, 2020). In 2003, the law was amended with privacy rules designed to protect patients medical information (Ellison & Clack, 2020). The HIPAA…

  • The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

    The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is one of the most important acts, which aims at creating proper insurance for people and fighting against frauds and abuses in health care. HIPAA allows being sure about the effectiveness in the health care system and continuity of human health insurance coverage. Each change in the…

  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

    Table of Contents Thesis Background History of changes The present state of things Inadequacies Adequacies Proposed changes Conclusion References Thesis While Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is useful in the way of providing unified standards for the protection of protected health information (PHI), it requires adjustments regarding PHI disclosure for payment, treatment, and…