Category: Advertising

  • Gender Roles in Advertisements

    Gender roles were a vital tenet, more so in the conformity era of the 1950s. For men, their roles as the breadwinners dictated their responsibility as the sole providers and heads of the household. Meanwhile, women were supposed to be stay-at-home mothers busy tending to the familys needs and shopping, among other house chores. The…

  • Gender Roles and Inequalities in Advertisement

    Even though modern American society is officially equal for men and women, gender inequalities still exist. The spread of inequalities results from imposing traditional gender roles on people, which is an integral part of socialization. It is possible to find numerous examples of promoting gender roles in American popular culture, including advertisements. They form the…

  • Cigarette Advertising Ban on Television

    Given the society that we currently live in, it is almost acceptable to have any kind of commercial aired. Advertisements promoting cigarette smoking have been aired for so long despite the fact that some organizations have been campaigning against it. When one is viewing an advertisement on cigarette smoking, it might not seem like anything…

  • Role of Gender Stereotypes in Advertising

    As a member of society, I find this question crucial in understanding the intentions of modern advertising and its impact on the social structure of gender roles. As for major developments in social science thinking, studies show that advertising is one of many factors that influences peoples views and perceptions about the world. Usually, ads…

  • Marginalization in Modern Advertising

    The first advertisement by Tom Ford presents a scene from an every-day life where a womans role is limited to household activities. She is ironing the mans pants while he is reading a newspaper. This piece of advertising is an example of stereotypical gender roles and sexism toward women, who, according to the stereotype, are…

  • Aristotles Ideas of Persuasion in Advertising

    In todays world, markets have been globalized; we can access information about any product sitting right at home. Every advertiser tries to sell his product at any cost. Advertising promotes a product to its customers. One main aspect of advertising is persuasion. Every advertiser tries to persuade people effectively. Persuasion has three aspects  ethos,…

  • Philosophy: Political Advertisements

    Table of Contents Introduction The traditional moral and political philosophy Modern moral and political philosophy Conclusion References Introduction Philosophy is usually understood in various diverse ways by people or philosophers of different backgrounds. However, these different philosophers aim at achieving some understanding, awareness and gaining some intelligence, to think, support and argue rationally on various…

  • The Success of Workers Party Advert and Its Role in the Political Campaign

    Table of Contents Introduction Workers party advert  description Brand Advert  sign analysis Advert and Integrated Marketing Communications Conclusion References Introduction Advertising is an essential part of every political campaign. Nowadays, advertising has a broader meaning than selling products. The word (advertising) refers us not only to a type of message but to a…

  • Jerrold Amplifiers Advertisement in the 1980s

    Everyone wants a music system with crystal clear sounds that are appealing and entertaining. Jerrold Company presents the Jerrold amplifier, which is the absolute solution to the voice problems in homes, business places, and even campaigns. The amplifier has the Alternating Current (AC), making it easy for the user to incorporate the device in the…

  • An Advice to a Client on Advertising

    Table of Contents Introduction The Case Scenario and Laws on Advertising and Second Hand Goods Advice to Julian Conclusion References Case Sources Footnotes Introduction Advertising is a marketing communication channel used in most contemporary business transactions. It is applied to promote and sell merchandise (Armstrong 2010). When an interested party sees an advert and opts…