Category: Alcoholism

  • The Overview of Major Types of Addiction

    My first health issue that is happening every day is Drug addiction. Many do not realize how harmful some substances can be towards their health and overall on how they look. People judge others based on those habits and also by the person first impression, in which they claim that people who have a drug…

  • Alcoholism Essay

    Introduction In the labyrinth of human struggles, alcoholism stands as an enigmatic foe that has plagued societies for centuries. Far beyond a mere indulgence, it has become a complex manifestation of human frailty and vulnerability. Like a silent storm, it creeps into lives, leaving behind a trail of shattered dreams, broken relationships, and lost hopes.…

  • Conceptual Models of Addictive Behavior

    There are four conceptual models of addictive behavior as identified by Brickman and colleagues. These models are based on beliefs about attributions of responsibility for acquiring the addictive problem and the responsibility for solving the addictive problem (Miller, 2013). My personal experience with addiction in relationship to my progression into recovery align with the compensatory…

  • Alcoholism as a Social Aspect

    Alcoholism is defined as an addiction to alcohol consumption, resulting in the dependence and eventual abuse of alcoholic drinks. Alcoholism is associated with many short and long-term health problems, the most severe of which being alcohol-related end-stage liver disease. Alcohol liver disease (ALD) has a very rapid onset and while most drinkers dont ever really…

  • Colonial History of Alcoholism in Indigenous Communities

    The tone of a social setting is often set by the alcohol which is consumed. Participants can use its significance to manipulat[e]…cultural systems, values…and expectations(‘Social and Cultural Aspects of Drinking’). Early on in North Americas colonial history, traders used alcohol to acquire sought-after skins and other resources from Indigenous people (Beauvais 1998 253). Note the…

  • Alcoholism in the United States, France and Canada

    There are differences in the prevalence of alcoholism all over the world. Although I will be discussing the differences between the United States, France and Canada. Alcoholism is a humongous problem in all three states. Also, there are different ways how people cope with alcoholism. Plus, the rates have increased over the years of alcoholism.…

  • College Essay on Alcoholic Parents and How They Affect a Child’s Life

    Alcoholics, people addicted to drinking alcohol to get intoxicated, have been around about as long as the drink itself. These people drink for several reasons  from just liking the feeling to trying to escape from emotions or the current situation of their family life. No matter what the cause is, the aftermath is usually…

  • The Peculiarities of Alcoholism in Belarus

    If asked what country has the highest consuming rate in the world, many would be quick to say America. However, not a lot of people know that it is a small country in Eastern Europe, Belarus. Alcohol use and abuse is also a leading cause, to the suicides and homicides, within this country. Alcoholism in…

  • The Evolution of Alcoholism in American History

    Abstract The terminology and typologies used to describe alcoholics and diagnose alcoholism have changed dramatically from when William Carpenter first published On the Use and Abuse of Alcoholic Liquors in Health and Disease in 1850 to the publication of the DSM V in 2013. E.M. Jellinek had a profound impact on emphasizing the importance of…

  • Comparison of Alcohol Addiction to Addictive Shopping

    According to the American Psychiatric Association addiction is a multiplex condition, a brain disease that manifests itself as compulsive substance use despite detrimental consequences. It is an urge to indulge in something for the pleasure it provides despite its destructive outcome. Addiction can be physical like drug and alcohol abuse or behavioral like shopping, gambling,…