Category: Alexander The Great

  • Alexander the Great Versus Caesar: Compare and Contrast Essay

    It is often said that history is filled with what ifs. What if this was never discovered? What if this land was never conquered? What if this leader never ruled? There are three people who I think if they had not existed, or accomplished what they did, would have changed Western civilization as we know…

  • Essay on Alexander the Great Achievements

    Alexander the Great was an ancient Macedonian ruler of Macedonia and Persia. He is recognized as one of the worlds best leaders. Alexander the Great built the largest and most dominating empire in the world. He was born in Macedonia, Greece in three hundred fifty-six BC. Alexander the Great father was King Philip Two, and…

  • Alexander the Great Legacy Essay

    Describe the manner of Alexander the Greats death After 13 years of campaigning to build the greatest empire in the world, Alexander the Great returned with his army to Babylon (near modern Baghdad) to rest and strategize for his next conquest. His push for endless campaigning had led his generals to threaten mutiny; and through…

  • Alexander the Great Versus Caesar: Compare and Contrast Essay

    It is often said that history is filled with what ifs. What if this was never discovered? What if this land was never conquered? What if this leader never ruled? There are three people who I think if they had not existed, or accomplished what they did, would have changed Western civilization as we know…

  • Essay on Alexander the Great Achievements

    Alexander the Great was an ancient Macedonian ruler of Macedonia and Persia. He is recognized as one of the worlds best leaders. Alexander the Great built the largest and most dominating empire in the world. He was born in Macedonia, Greece in three hundred fifty-six BC. Alexander the Great father was King Philip Two, and…

  • Alexander the Great Legacy Essay

    Describe the manner of Alexander the Greats death After 13 years of campaigning to build the greatest empire in the world, Alexander the Great returned with his army to Babylon (near modern Baghdad) to rest and strategize for his next conquest. His push for endless campaigning had led his generals to threaten mutiny; and through…

  • Alexander the Great: Expository Essay

    Alexander the Great was one of history’s most successful military leaders. His empire extended from western Greece to eastern India. Tyre was a mighty city-state located off the coast of modern-day Lebanon. The Tyrians became very wealthy through maritime commerce and the production of purple dye from Murex shellfish. They established, among others, Carthage on…

  • Alexander the Great: Expository Essay

    Alexander the Great was one of history’s most successful military leaders. His empire extended from western Greece to eastern India. Tyre was a mighty city-state located off the coast of modern-day Lebanon. The Tyrians became very wealthy through maritime commerce and the production of purple dye from Murex shellfish. They established, among others, Carthage on…

  • Greatest Of World Conquerors: Alexander The Great Leadership

    The reign of Alexander the III as king of Macedon (336 to 323 BC) overthrew the Persian empire, carried Macedonian arms through his ruthless acts of having one ideology, to conquer, India and built the fundamentals during the Hellenistic period of territorial kingdoms. His phenomenal success had many defining factors as to why and how…