Category: American Constitution

  • Essay on First Amendment: Freedom in Public Schools

    Nowadays, it is common for people to have the right to free speech with the progress of societies. People can speak out about what they want to express in public and contribute their thoughts to the community. Thus, the community can create a healthy environment by listening to these efficient suggestions. The definition of free…

  • Essay on the Freedoms of the First Amendment

    The comparisons that were established during the implementation of the Communications Decency Act are significant because it forms regulations based on conditions that were current and protected by the First Amendment. The First Amendment has multiple factors including the right to freedom of speech for all individuals in the U.S. These comparisons are important because…

  • Are Students Protected by the First Amendment: Argumentative Essay

    In this era, the youth are both encouraged and feel more inclined to participate in politics than ever before. The internet, as well as public areas such as colleges and universities, all provide a space for self-expression. However, the media and youth have also taken it upon themselves to deem what is politically correct, leading…

  • First Amendment: Research Paper Thesis

    Introduction The first amendment to the U.S. Constitution- in its entirety- establishes that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress…

  • Opinion Essay on First Amendment

    The First Amendment has been one of the most questionable issues encompassing the Constitution since its confirmation in 1787. The First Amendment states, ‘Congress will make no law regarding a foundation of religion, or denying the free exercise thereof, or compressing the right to speak freely, or of the press, or the privilege of the…

  • Why Is the First Amendment the Most Important: Argumentative Essay

    While on the tour of Wall Street, we were able to see many important historical sites. The sights reflected the roots of New York and how it came to be. We were able to see where many important historical events happened in New Amsterdam and how life was. One of the more important sights we…

  • Thesis on Why Is First Amendment Important

    For a while, it has been a debate that cameras should be allowed in courtrooms because reporters and journalists have a First Amendment right to cover the news. However, other people, including judges of courtrooms believe that because of cameras in the courtroom, some trials may seem unfair. Although it may be against First Amendment…

  • Role of First Amendment in Religion and Education: Analytical Essay

    On December 15, 1791, the new United States of America ratified the Bill of Rights containing the first ten amendments of the Constitution. These amendments ensured the fundamental rights of American citizens. Included in the first ten amendments was, of course, the First Amendment. The First Amendment protected freedom of speech, protest, press, petition, and…

  • Persuasive Essay about the Issues of the First Amendment

    Under the first amendment of the United States Constitution, individuals are granted the right of freedom to speech amongst other rights and liberties. However, specifically for the right of freedom of speech, it follows in the Constitution as Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press& (4.2 Securing Basic Freedoms…

  • Essay on Why Did the Framers Choose Federalism

    The Framers were very important people in our history. They were known as visionaries and because of them, they designed the constitution in which it addresses the specific challenges the nation went up against during their lifetime. The Constitution set the groundwork for establishing the principles of laws, rights, and actions that would help us…