Category: Autism

  • Experience of Work with Children with Autism

    The world has drastically changed over the period of time; selflessness is very rarely seen these days. Selfishness is the most dominant aspect which prevails in our society today. The number of people who think about others has dwindled over a period of time. This paper will throw light upon work and society. I have…

  • Genetics and Autism Development

    Introduction Within the past two centuries, many researchers have been investigating the role of genetics in the development of various medical conditions. Such studies are taken seriously in an attempt to deal with different diseases and transform the lives of many people. One of the illnesses believed to be associated with a persons genetic makeup…

  • Technical Quality of Autism Test (GARS-3)

    Table of Contents Introduction Methodology Literature Review Conclusion References Introduction The early diagnosis of Autism in children is a crucial part of the preventive strategies in healthcare. Moreover, the appropriate screening and analysis tests assist clinicians and psychologists in defining the proper and efficient educational and recovery treatment strategies for children. In this case, they…

  • Literature Review on Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Table of Contents Autism: History & Background Information Autism Prevalence Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism: Family Issues Autism & Parent-Child Relationship. How to Reduce Stress? Social Support for the Parents of Children with Autism Conclusion Autism Literature Review FAQ References Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is quite a wide-spread and complex health problem. The American…

  • Vaccines and Autism: Does the Controversy Persist?

    Time of the Vaccination Introduction 1796 was the year of vaccination (Horne, Powell, Hummel, & Holyoak, 2015). A scientific approach was applied later. Vaccines from various diseases appeared gradually. Most of them were discovered in the 20th century. The connection between autism was invented recently. Vaccination first appeared in 1796; afterward, many accompanying discoveries were…

  • Autism in Toddler: Effects of Dietary Intervention

    Autism is a complex behavioral syndrome, which impairs the behavioral development of toddlers, and its main causes and treatment are yet to be located conclusively. Increased prevalence of autism is of greatest concern for the family and practicing pediatricians because the minimum age for diagnosing autism is not clear as autism symptoms may not be…

  • Effects of Music Therapy for Adolescents with Autism

    Table of Contents Identification & Definition of the Topic Significance of the research Research questions Literature Review Methodology References Identification & Definition of the Topic Autism is a puzzling disease that has, for a long time, bemused medical society. It is a condition that starts almost after birth and typically affects children below the age…

  • Cell Phones May Cause Autism

    Table of Contents Introduction Aim of the research Process of the research The results of the investigation Strengths and weaknesses of the research Conclusion Reference List The article under consideration Wireless Radiation in the Etiology and Treatment of Autism: Clinical Observations and Mechanisms (2007) is taken from the Journal of the Australasian College of Nutritional…

  • Autism Ethics: Accept or Cure?

    Table of Contents Introduction Spatial dimension to the debate Conclusion References Introduction There is constant debate on whether autistic people should be accepted by the community as a diversity of the society or a cure should be researched upon and developed. This debate is intense especially among the autism community itself. To be able to…

  • Childhood Disorders: Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Criteria for a diagnosis of an Autism spectrum disorder As a rule, autism starts in infancy or no later than the first years of life. First concerns usually come from parents who are alarmed if their child does not use language for the purpose of communication, despite being able to recognize words (Lord et al.,…