Category: Autocracy

  • Explaining What Is Meant by Authoritarian and Totalitarian Models of Government

    In political science, or any studies related to politics, a major concern is the right understanding of the various systems of government and the clear understanding of the systems of authoritarianism and totalitarianism is of pertinent significance as they are often not well understood or discussed. Authoritarianism can be well understood as A political system…

  • Conforming to Totalitarianism: The Lessons From the Handmaids Tale

    The 20th century saw the rise and fall of various totalitarian regimes. Their geography stretched from Nazi Germany in the West to Khmer Rouge Cambodia in the East, from USSR in the North to the Argentinian military junta in the South. The crimes against humanity committed by totalitarian states were numerous and atrocious. The political…

  • Women in Traditional and Totalitarian Societies

    Looking into the history of the cultures at large, it becomes evident that all human societies, from the most primitive to the most modern, have been divided into different groups, communities and strata. This stratification is on the basis of caste, class, clan, community, race, region, religion, ethnicity, gender, age and socioeconomic status. This social…

  • Nature of Stalins Regime in Soviet Russia

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Nadezhda Mandelshtam was the wife of one of the most famous Russian poets whom the world lost because of Stalins regime. Osip Mandelshtam was one of the hundreds of thousands of victims of Stalinism who died in GULAG. There is much literature on Stalins repressions…

  • Mussolinis Idea of the State and Fascism

    Table of Contents Introduction The Leader Mussolini Force was a Necessary Component of the State Anti-democracy and pro-Authoritarianism Empire Conclusion References Introduction Fascism is a political system that became prominent in Europe in the 20th century. In the left-right political spectrum, fascism is mainly categorized as a far-right ideology. However, this definition has a problem…

  • Hitler and Stalin: Two Evils of the 20th Century

    Table of Contents Introduction Analysis Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Hitler and Stalin were two political leaders who had a considerable impact on the development of the world that cost millions of lives. Some tend to evaluate the impact of these historical figures calculating the death toll associated with the war, concentration camps, and the Gulag…

  • Women and Totalitarian Regimes (Nazi Society)

    Nazi society propagated patriarchal values and traditional gender roles, speaking to those who believed in social and economic reforms, which occurred since world war I to ruin the nation. As a counteract, large families were required to embrace traditions where women were devoted exclusively to home, husbands, and children in the household. Hitlers speech on…

  • Stalin in Focus Essay by Theodore von Laue

    Table of Contents Introduction The Essays Arguments: Strengths The Essays Arguments: Weaknesses Perspective Evaluation Drive for Global Conquest Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Attempts to analyze Russian history by non-Russian historians can give rise to the issue of being able to understand the underlying reasons behind any political and economic decisions undertaken by the countrys government,…

  • Italy Under Mussolini: Historical Geography

    Table of Contents Legitimate Methods for Retaining Power Application of the Force Charismatic Leadership Dissemination of Propaganda Conclusion Works Cited Benito Mussolini came to power by capturing Rome and getting the parliament to give him power voluntarily. During the first years of his leadership, he was engaged in eliminating the opposition throughout the country. The…

  • Totalitarian Regime in the USSR

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Tyranny is the type of government led by a person who controls the lifestyle of each individual. In such states, each citizen is forced to be a part of the strict political system where only the political elite has the power and rights to make decisions.…