Category: Autocracy

  • Benito Mussolinis Rise and Fall

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Main Text Conclusion Works Cited Abstract This research paper looks critically at the life and times of Benito Mussolini. The paper begins by discussing how by 1919 most Italians had turned their support to the socialist and the catholic party in the hope that it would solve their problems. The…

  • How Is Nurse Ratcheds Ward Like a Totalitarian Society

    In the course of human history there have been several kinds of rulers of the states and several kinds of political systems as it is suggested by literary sources on politics. There are four basic types of political systems, and totalitarianism is among them. In the course of the development of human society there were…

  • Chris Wards Stalins Russia Book Summary

    Wards work on Stalins Russia has seven chapters. Chapter 1 tries to explain the rise of Stalin. Chapter 2 focuses on the assessment of the industrialization campaign that happened between the years 1924 and 1941. Chapter 3 tries to capture the reasons for the collectivization drive that happened between the years 1927 and 1941 and…

  • The Destruction of the Personality of Stalin by His Ideological Descendants

    Big Points of Khrushchevs 1956 Secret Speech Russian history is long and has many sharp and radical turns, and Nikita Khrushchevs secret speech in 1956 is one of them. It happened early in his political career, in 1956, in the third year of his performance as a leading figure in the Soviet Union (Hitchcock 2008).…

  • Napoleon Bonaparte: Autocratic and Charismatic Leadership

    Napoleon Bonaparte is often referred to as one of the most effective military leaders. According to researchers, the French leader was operating based on the techniques used within the autocratic style (Weiss, 2020). At the same time, current knowledge refers to soldiers as focused on the overall environment within the group rather than the characteristics…

  • Heroes and Killers of 20th Century: Joseph Stalin

    Table of Contents Introduction Evaluative criteria of the article Conclusions Works Cited Introduction The website named Moreorless: heroes & killers of the 20th century by the author and producer Bruice Harris was developed for society all over the world. It is intended to present all necessary materials about heroes and killers of the 20th century…

  • Aspects of Joseph Stalins 1941 Speech

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Joseph Stalin was a political leader of the USSR in the 1940s, and it was during his leadership that the country faced the Second World War. In 1941, Joseph Stalin gave a radio broadcast to the people of the Soviet Union after Germany had invaded the…

  • Authoritative Parenting in Comparison to Other Styles

    There are four parenting styles, including authoritative, permissive, neglectful, and authoritarian. The authoritarian parents are sure that the feelings of their child do not matter as these are trifles, which they should not pay attention to. As a rule, they show a child that negative emotions are experienced only by bad people, thus reviving complexes…

  • Authoritarian Parenting Impact on Childrens Health

    Table of Contents Introduction The Impact of an Authoritarian Parenting on Childrens Health Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Parents play a huge role in shaping childrens capacity to handle difficulties or meet their daily mental and physical demands. Hence, the approach deployed to raise children determines their psychological well-being and, consequently, their day-to-day activities. Parenting style…

  • Two Parenting Approaches: Authoritative and Authoritarian

    There are different approaches to providing good nurturing and education for children, and psychologists argue which is the best. They imply different assumptions about the childrens behavior and provides different parenting methods. The childs development is a complex and individual process: it depends on the childs character and the conditions in which the child grows.…