Category: Banking

  • Mobile Telephony Services Investing in Real-Time Banking

    The idea of global organizations succeeding in poor markets has generated excitement among corporations executives. The recent announcement from Sub-Saharan Africa, that a Vodafone offshoot has collaborated with a local bank to offer real-time banking services sounded far-fetched. The opinion of skeptics is that this is absolute bull. Safaricom East Africa most reputed mobile telephone…

  • Island Banking Services: Cybersecurity Strategy and Implementation Plan

    Island Banking Services is a non-US firm that works in the Financial Transactions Processing, Reserve, and Clearinghouse Activities industry, which has the NAICS 2017 code 522320. Financial transaction processing, financial instrument clearinghouse services, and reserve and liquidity services are all provided by companies in this industry. On the island, the firm has a customer care…

  • JPMorgan Chase Bank and Big Data

    Big data is one of the most demanded technologies, being actively implemented in all spheres of human activity. The volume of information processed by the user is growing every year. In addition, the development of machine learning and the widespread use of smart devices contribute to this, which reinforces predictions of big data (Marr, 2016).…

  • Mobile Banking Development and Analysis Project

    Abstract Many different ways of transacting and trading with money have been developed as a result of the current technological advancement. The introduction of mobile banking applications to help consumers in accessing banking services is a very brilliant strategy. In addition, it can greatly change the cost of operation in a bank as well as…

  • Bank Solutions Internationals Technology Gaps and Security Strategy

    Table of Contents Technology Issues with Bank Solutions International Risk Assessment Solutions to the security challenges and risk in the Case study Recommendations regarding the security risks and challenges References Technology Issues with Bank Solutions International One of the primary Issues for the Bank Solutions International was substandard software system. The business market requires a…

  • Human Rights in Israel-Gaza and West Bank Regions

    Table of Contents Gaza Region Western Bank Bibliography Footnotes Gaza Region In 2008-2009, the Israeli military intervened in Gaza in order to stop Hamas from establishing its rule in Gaza. The war took 22 days. It was termed as Operation Cast Lead. In 2005, Israel had erected barriers around the Gaza region, which did not…

  • Piggy Banks Sample Size to Estimate Mean Dollars

    Statistics is all about deriving useful information about the population from the statistics derived from a representative samples. Population parameters like mean ¼ and standard deviation à are estimated from sample statistics like sample size n, sample average xand sample standard deviation s up to desired confidence interval. It is pretty obvious that there will…

  • International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and World Trade Organization

    Table of Contents Analysis of the International Monetary Fund The World Bank Overview The Set-Up of GATT/WTO References The rapid development of international institutions was initiated after the end of World War II. The primary objective for founding global organizations was seen in preventing military conflicts of similar scale in the future, building up channels…

  • The Lehman Bank: Irregularities and Cybercrimes

    Henry Lehman had until recently been the head of one of the worlds largest and most successful investment bank. Now he was on the verge of bankruptcy and facing a damning criminal trial. He blamed his misfortune on two people in particular. A former employee of his bank named Paul smith and the miserable vigilante…

  • Bank of Credit and Commerce Internationals Criminal Activity

    Table of Contents Synopsis Major Issues Criminal Activity White Collar Crime Effects Works Cited Synopsis This case provides adequate information on how BCCI bank was involved in a global financial crime of laundering billions of dollars globally. The case identifies the major continents affected by the criminal activities of the BCCI bank. These continents are…