Category: Baroque

  • Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio and Baroque Style

    Nowadays, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571-1610) is being commonly referred to as the founder of Baroque style in visual art (Charles and Klaus 43). Such a point of view is fully justified  something that can be easily illustrated, in regards to the essence of what can be identified as the clearly defined baroque-related themes…

  • Baroque: Vivaldis Spring and Bachs Brandenburg Concerto

    The Baroque period is known for greatly influencing European history and culture. In the following essay, the influence of the era on music will be reviewed. Two musical pieces will be used for that specific goal: Vivaldis Spring Concerto and Bachs Brandenburg Concerto. After listening to the two works, I will review the characteristics which…

  • Different Tendencies of Renaissance and Baroque

    The Renaissance has been one of the brightest periods in history which brought many talented artists such as Michelangelo and Palladio. The main aspects of Mannerism developed between1510 and 1520 in Italy are the approach of reacting to the harmonious ideals and naturalism. Michelangelo is one of the greatest artists of this period as well…

  • E-Concert Report: Pieces from Early and Baroque Music

    Table of Contents Introduction Bachs Brandenburg Concerto #5 Vivaldis The Four Seasons Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The epoch of Baroque, which took over one and a half centuries from the early 1600s to the 1750s, was a majestic period for all branches of art. Its bizarre pompous luxury found reflection not only in architecture but…

  • Baroque and Rococo Paintings: Guided Tour

    Judith Beheading Holofernes. The first work of art to be analyzed in this paper is called Judith Beheading Holofernes. It is an oil painting on canvas, which belongs to Artemisia Gentileschi, an Italian artist, who created this painting in 1620. It depicts a scene from the Old Testament when an Israel woman Judith and her…

  • Baroque and Classical Eras: Music Genre

    The musical changes between the baroque and classical eras were the creative thinking used in composing the songs. Unlike the classical period, where music was homophonic in texture with more precise and more straightforward forms, the Baroque era music was polyphonic in texture. Additionally, Baroque era ornamented and elaborated melodies, while Classical music had well-balanced…

  • Vivaldis Winter as an Example of Baroque Music

    Precisely the Baroque era is the period of the introduction of instrumental music characterized by extravagant and bizarre textures and harmonies and depicting an extra-musical place, character, or idea. Music of the Baroque era has evident contrast between soft and loud and long flowing melodies. It is more unpredictable and freer than the music of…

  • Classical and Baroque Music Differences

    The transition from baroque music to the classical period is marked by key cultural trends including the Romantic movement, revolutions in America and France, increasing scientific progress and the prevalence of logical ideas over religious dogma. The manifestation of Man, as the pride and joy of the Universes creation, influenced the popular taste in music.…

  • Musical Pieces of the Baroque Era

    Table of Contents Introduction Composers Comparison of Musical examples Representation of the Baroque Era Conclusion Introduction This paper explores musical pieces of the Baroque era through the works of Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel. Two musical pieces produced by the two authors will be compared to analyze their similarities and differences. These pieces…

  • Renaissance and Baroque Epochs Analysis

    The course of human history and the process of the development of human society may be schematically represented as the stairs, where each stair is a definite historical epoch. Such stairs or stages of the development are the Renaissance and Baroque. If the reasons for choice of these particular epochs are necessary, then it should…