Category: Belief

  • Poverty, Faith, and Justice: Liberating God of Life by Elizabeth Johnson

    The idea of poverty about faith and liberating theology is directly connected to major Biblical concepts. The struggle of the impoverished life is seen through the lens of liberation done by God towards people in need. Johnson (n.d.) constructs the following presumption: Daily struggles for the survival manifest potent, tensible human strength implying that the…

  • The Complementary Nature of Faith and Reason

    Faith and reason are not entirely interrelated, as neither can be effectively derived from the other. With that said, I believe that the two complement each other; Aquinas believed that to grasp what one could of the divine, one had to develop their reasoning (Saint Thomas Aquinas, 2014). Reason without faith risks becoming cold and…

  • Poverty, Faith, and Justice: Liberating God of Life by Elizabeth Johnson

    The idea of poverty about faith and liberating theology is directly connected to major Biblical concepts. The struggle of the impoverished life is seen through the lens of liberation done by God towards people in need. Johnson (n.d.) constructs the following presumption: Daily struggles for the survival manifest potent, tensible human strength implying that the…

  • Faith, Truth, and Tolerance in America by Edward Moore Kennedy

    Edward Moore (Ted) Kennedy was an American lawyer and politician who served as a U.S. senator from Massachusetts for nearly 47 years. His oratorical skills were known worldwide; he developed his skills as long as he was involved in political activities. Kennedy advocated economic and social equality, argued extensively about social inequality, and was deeply…

  • The Role of Faith in Social Work

    Table of Contents Introduction How Social Workers Integrate Faith into their Careers Chamiec-Cases Model that Describes me Best Conclusion References Introduction Challenges in everyday life are inevitable, and social work involves taking action to alleviate the adverse outcomes associated with these negative encounters. Therefore, social work utilizes a humanitarian and compassionate approach based on the…

  • Belief in Life After Death: Descriptive Statistical Analysis

    Table of Contents Introduction AGE Variable AFTERLIF Variable Conclusion Reference Introduction This report proposes a descriptive statistical analysis for the distributions of two variables measured on different scales from the GSS2018 set. The first variable used is the AGE measured on the quantitative (interval-ratio) scale, which characterizes the age of the respondent at the time…

  • Political History. Crisis of Belief in Different Works

    The last century was typically characterized by widespread regional and international aggressions coupled with both fundamental beliefs and practices as well as mixed revolutions. As a stimulus towards these emerging trends, a more confusing cluster of multi-cultural beliefs came into being and attempted to counteract any form of persuasion. Wide arrays of notable writers drawn…

  • The Ethics of Belief by William Clifford

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Works Cited Introduction In the essay Ethics of Belief, William Clifford argues that no one, choosing what to believe, can be free from the opinions of others. A persons faith may incriminate him/her in unethical behavior, depending on whether he/she has the right to believe what he/she believes in,…

  • Night by Elie Wiesel: Struggle to Keep Faith in God

    When under serious pressure of life whoever is not broken? Whoever is not shaken, embarrassed and confused? Who will be able to save ones spiritual heart from a shipwreck of faith which is described by Apostle Paul in his writings to the first century Christians? Sort of a shipwreck of faith, this is what has…

  • Evidentialism as a Problematic Aspect of Faith

    Table of Contents Introduction Evidentialism and Its Flaws Opponents Standpoint Believing without Evidence Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The issue of the dogmatic nature of religion is a common point for discussion. While some people are willing to accept religious principles unwaveringly, others seek to question these postulates. Herein lies the core contradiction between the philosophy…