Category: Bias

  • Medea: Bias Towards Women In Athenian Society



    In the play Medea, the historical context effects and deepens the understanding of culture, identity, and community. During this period women had no place in society except in the home taking care of family and being looked down at all the time. The Athenian society expected women to submit to their husbands having no privileges…

  • Themes of Bias in Twelve Angry Men, Antigone by Sophocles and in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar



    While we always like to believe that we are rational and logical, we are commonly and constantly influenced by constant bias in our lives. Sometimes these biases are easy to recognize and sometimes they are far more difficult to notice. Bias affects our decision-making process throughout the entire day and influences how we think, how…

  • The Types Of Bias In Media



    What exactly is Media Bias? Media bias is the taking of one side in reporting news. It occurs when bias in journalism, in programming selection on stations, or otherwise in mass communications media. I believe that media bias is wrong and it definitely a tool that is used for more evil than good, especially in…

  • Gender Bias in the Classroom



    Abstract Gender is a dynamic concept. Race, class, economic circumstances, age- all of these influences what is considered appropriate for women and men. This study determined the level of gender biases among Education students along learning materials, subject matter, learning evaluation, and teaching evaluation. The descriptive method was employed using quantitative data. This study was…

  • The Types Of Bias In Media



    What exactly is Media Bias? Media bias is the taking of one side in reporting news. It occurs when bias in journalism, in programming selection on stations, or otherwise in mass communications media. I believe that media bias is wrong and it definitely a tool that is used for more evil than good, especially in…

  • Gender Bias in the Classroom



    Abstract Gender is a dynamic concept. Race, class, economic circumstances, age- all of these influences what is considered appropriate for women and men. This study determined the level of gender biases among Education students along learning materials, subject matter, learning evaluation, and teaching evaluation. The descriptive method was employed using quantitative data. This study was…

  • Left And Right Leaning Bias In The Media



    Bias is something that pervades the content of almost every single media outlet even if at first it is not apparent. The modality of bias can range from outright lies, to a more moderate withholding of information about a topic, to the subtle use of umbrella terms, to the pesky and easily missed snuck premise-…

  • Case Study of The New York Times and The Guardian Concerning Using Bias to Influence Its Readers



    To what extent do The New York Times and The Guardian use bias to influence its readers on The Trump Administration Family Separation Policy? Introduction Nowadays, News is increasingly and ironically omitting the actual news. Since the publishers have relatively easy means of control, they dictate, and disseminate news to promote certain events. In this…

  • Business Ethics: Genetic Modification, Environmental Sustainability, Energy Efficiency And Gender Bias



    Question: 1 The introduction: The term genetically modified (GM), as it is commonly used, refers to the transfer of genes between organisms using a series of laboratory techniques for cloning genes, splicing DNA segments together, and inserting genes into cells. Collectively, these techniques are known as recombinant DNA technology. Other terms used for GM plants…

  • Cognitive Bias In Decision-making Process



    If faced with a dire decision to be made in but a fraction of second, could this action be trusted to be rational and logical? The human brain, when faced with such situations, tends to take mental shortcuts to make dire decisions and judgments based on the context of information the brain is given. These…