Category: Bilingual Education

  • Brain Peculiarities Of Bilingual In The Process Of Language Learning

    The authors recognized that little attention had been given to the impact of language context for monolinguals. As a result, they did research to present data detailing the effect of ambient linguistic diversity on monolinguals’ ability to acquire a different language. The authors aimed at using recent research to challenge the traditional assumptions that language…

  • The Bilingual Advantage In Executive Function Among Children

    Bilingual advantage is the notion that the practice of employing two languages, choosing one while inhibiting the other enhances executive function. Executive function is a faction of top-down psychological processes vital in attention, inhibition, and planning (Diamond, 2013). Bilinguals have been shown to have advantages in tasks concerning interference repression- inhibition of inappropriate tasks (Bunge…

  • The Difference Between Monolinguals And Bilinguals Audiovisual Speech Perception

    Our minds are required to process a vast amount of sensory information in order to perceive the perceptual world around us. This process involves both the integration and discrimination of multisensory information. Audiovisual interactions are commonly used to investigate multisensory processing. Multisensory processing refers to how the information presented to one sensory modality can impact…

  • Bilingualism And Education vs. Identity

    In the original version of Fergusons model, bilingualism referred to the coexistence of two unrelated languages within one speech community. In more recent literature, this term is used as a psycholinguistic term referring to a speakers proficiency in two or more languages. The existence of two languages for a long period of time sets the…