Category: Burnout

  • Compassion Fatigue and Caregiver Burnout  Psychology

    Table of Contents Introduction Warning signs of compassion fatigue Indicators and effects of Compassion fatigue Management of Compassion fatigue Conclusion References Introduction The psychotherapists are the ones who deal with patients experiencing terminal illnesses. They develop close relationships with these patients while they take care of them. However, the relationships can cause psychological problems to…

  • Compassion Fatigue and Caregiver Burnout  Psychology

    Table of Contents Introduction Warning signs of compassion fatigue Indicators and effects of Compassion fatigue Management of Compassion fatigue Conclusion References Introduction The psychotherapists are the ones who deal with patients experiencing terminal illnesses. They develop close relationships with these patients while they take care of them. However, the relationships can cause psychological problems to…

  • Job Stress and Burnout in Hospital Employees by Chou et al.

    Table of Contents Introduction Purpose and Variables Review of the Literature Methods Study Sample Strategies, Reliability, and Validity Data Analysis Limitations and Implications References Introduction This paper presents a critique of the article by Chou, Li, and Hu (2014) entitled: Job stress and burnout in hospital employees: Comparisons of different medical professions in a regional…

  • Professional Burnout Reasons in Nursing

    Abstract The research on nurse practitioners burnout triggers and coping strategies is proposed for submission to the Journal for Nurse Practitioners. The paper provides reasoning for selecting the journal and discusses research steps associated with the chosen topic of interest. It outlines a general abstract structure and discusses the potential influence of the research study…

  • Burnout Syndrome in the Nursing Profession

    Table of Contents Introduction Research Problem/Purpose Review of the Literature Theoretical Framework Variables/Hypotheses/Questions/Assumptions Methodology Data Analysis Summary/Conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations References Introduction Research articles often portray the state of development of different scientific areas. In nursing, such studies may consider various topics from the education of nursing professionals to the main approaches of nurses to…

  • Risk of Burnout Syndrome in the Nursing Profession

    Table of Contents Background of Study Methods of Study Results of Study Ethical Considerations Conclusion Reference Background of Study The article was written by Cañadas-De la Fuente, Vargas, San Luis, García, Cañadas, and Emilia (2015) focus on the burnout syndrome experienced by the representatives of the nursing profession. The authors state that this is a…

  • Burnout Syndrome Experienced by Nursing Professionals

    Table of Contents Research Problem/Purpose Review of the Literature Theoretical Framework Variables/Hypotheses/Questions/Assumptions Methodology Data Analysis Summary/Conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations References Research Problem/Purpose The article written by Cañadas-De la Fuente et al. (2015) is focused on the issue of burnout syndrome experienced by nursing professionals because it is seen as a trigger of various health problems.…

  • Reasons of Burnout in Nursing

    Abstract The research on nurses burnout in acute care unit settings is suggested for submission to the International Journal of Nursing Studies. The study is explained in short by stating the problem of research, its purpose, defining the research questions and hypothesis, describing the methodology and the implementation steps, and mentioning the results and conclusion.…

  • Burnout in Professional Nurses: Research Critique

    Table of Contents Background of Study Methods of Study Results of Study Ethical Considerations Conclusion Reference The problem of burnout in professional nurses attracts the attention of numerous researchers in the field due to its detrimental long-term consequences. The given paper discusses the article by Dev, Fernando III, Lim, and Consedine (2018) that was published…

  • Nursing Burnout: Meta-Analytic Study by Vargas et al.

    Table of Contents Summary Critique Conclusion References Summary The analyzed article Which occupational risk factors are associated with burnout in nursing? A meta-analytic study. was written by Vargas, Cañadas, Aguayo, Fernández, and de la Fuente. It was published in the International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology in 2014. The research aimed to assess the…