Category: Burnout

  • Lived Experiences of the Time Preceding Burnout

    Table of Contents Introduction Analysis of the research Demerits of the design of research Conclusion References Introduction Qualitative research methods are important in developing factual knowledge in nursing to provide research evidence on matters regarding human health which are then analyzed and documented. (Ekstedt & Fagerberg 2005) Analysis of the research The research methodology used…

  • Nurse Leaders Role in Reducing Nurse Burnout

    Table of Contents Introduction Literature Review Conclusion Application References Introduction Nurse burnout is a serious issue in todays healthcare system, and nurse leaders must take steps to mitigate its effects. The issue of nurse burnout is multifaceted, with many contributing factors and potential solutions. In the literature, there is a growing consensus that nurse leaders…

  • Conservation of Resources Theory: Nursing

    Introduction Concept analysis is used within healthcare disciplines as a way of understanding and establishing the concept within the boundaries of a particular theory. As concepts are often abstract and detached from reality, thus possessing the ambiguity of meaning, concept analysis allows for a more profound understanding of the matter in relation to objective reality.…

  • Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction Among Oncology Nurses

    Table of Contents Introduction Research Question Research Design Sample Data Collection Limitations Findings Summary References Introduction Although the needs of nurses are often overlooked in a hospital setting, staff members may face serious health issues due to an inadequate schedule, workplace pressure, and similar factors increasing stress. Thus, tools for handling the problem and reducing…

  • Mental Health & Burnout Prevention in Nursing Training

    Table of Contents Problem Statement Plan Goal References Problem Statement Patients at hospitals mostly interact with nurses and hence share their mood and energy. If nurses are stressed or burnt out, it adversely affects the treated individuals situation worsening their mental state and the practical completion of necessary procedures. As a result, the subjects get…

  • Healthcare Professional Burnout and Its Effects

    Introduction Burnout is emotional fatigue and complication resulting in a loss of personal success at work and distress. Drained by work, the emotionally distressed healthcare professional can no longer confront the challenges of the job and may not engage successfully with others. The burned-out physician may demonstrate a cynical alienation and objectification of others, especially…

  • Work Stress and Burnout Among Nurses

    Introduction The work environment and working conditions are important factors that have an impact on staff performance. Negative work environment and unfavorable working conditions can lead to work-related stress and even burnout. These outcomes are not desirable in all spheres of activity and even dangerous in nursing because of nurse job satisfaction influences not only…

  • Role Strain and Burnout in Nursing

    Table of Contents Introduction Stress Impact on Nurses Role Strain Impact on Patient Care Ethical and Legal Issues Role Strain Management Issues That Provoke Nurse Burnout and Solutions Personal Experience of Strain Conclusion References Introduction Today, there are millions of nurses across the globe who help patients and their families to get their treatments, maintain…

  • Burnout Among Nursing Personnel: Article Review

    Burnout-related effects of emotional labor and work-related stressors among psychiatric nurses in Japan (2017) The first article to be analyzed is Burnout-related effects of emotional labor and work-related stressors among psychiatric nurses in Japan by Sakagami, A., Aijo, R., Nguyen, H. T. T., Katayama, M., Nagata, K., & Kitaoka, K. The article focuses on the…

  • Nursing Occupational Burnout During the COVID-19

    Ensuring patient safety is one of the main tasks and responsibilities of the medical staff. The most common patient safety concerns include information security and EHR integration, hygiene and spread of infections, nursing staffing ratios and burnout, antibiotic resistance, opioid dependence, paperwork burnout, and drug shortages (Top 7 patient safety issues, 2020). This paper discusses…