Category: Burnout

  • Importance of Using Nurse Burnout PICOT Question Frame

    Introduction Most nurses face different levels of stress levels associated with the burnout they experience in the places of work. The primary cause of burnout in nurses that predisposes them to stress is workload (Gulavani & Shinde, 2014). Once nurses are faced with such stressful events, they react through the adoption of coping strategies. Some…

  • Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction Among Oncology Nurses in the US and Canada

    Table of Contents Introduction Research Question Research Design Sample Data Collection Tools Limitations Findings Summary References Introduction Nursing professionals provide high-quality care to patients that is not confined to the administration of medication and other clinical procedures. Nurses also provide psychological and emotional support to people who are often in pain or at a loss…

  • Burnout Among Nurses and Its Negative Effects

    Nurses are the central workforces of any hospital, providing quality care to patients and spending more time with them than doctors. The main concern of such intense nursing schedules, filled with patient interviewing, various procedures, and the emotional comforting of families, is burnout (DallOra et al., 2020). The latter is defined as a psychological syndrome…

  • Workplace Burnout Among Teachers

    Table of Contents Introduction and Summary Critical Analysis Conclusion References Introduction and Summary Teacher turnover is often caused by increased stress and burnout. Therefore, addressing workplace burnout among teachers can be a viable strategy to improve teacher retention rates in both public and private schools. In the article titled Spirituality and prayer on teacher stress…

  • Employee Burnout and Vacation Length Relationship

    Adopting a One-Sample T-Test Approach to an HR Issue: A Scenario Analysis What factors should the vice-president consider in determining the presence of employee burnout? In order to determine the workplace burnout rate among the staff members and identify whether a 1.4-week rest is enough for the staff to recover from months of exhaustive work…

  • Vacation Time and Employees Burnout

    Table of Contents Determining the Employee Burnout Time of Vacation Justification of the Recommendation on Employee Burnout Employee Burnout Influence on the Company References Determining the Employee Burnout Of course, the vice-president should remember that employee burnout can be caused by the lack of vacation time. Still, it is also critical to pay attention to…

  • Organizational Problems: Stress and Burnout of Employees

    Stress and burnout are the major causes of employee-related problems in organizations. Stress is defined as happenings that cause anxiety, discomfort, and tension. Stress not only affects the performance of employees in the workplace but also affects their personal lives negatively. Stress responses refer to the physiological and behavioral effects that stressful conditions have on…

  • Organizational Burnout of Employees

    Burnout is one of the major reasons for the high rate of turnover in organizations (Childs & Stoeber, 2012). Clearly, companies have to operate in the highly competitive business world in quite difficult conditions, since such resources as funds, technology, human resources and so on are quite scarce (Childs & Stoeber, 2012). Employees have to…