Category: Child Development

  • Developmental Assessment of the School-Aged Child and Its Peculiarities

    Table of Contents Introduction Differences in assessing school-aged children Examination of a 6-year old Ericksons developmental theory References Introduction Physical assessment of the patient is one of the core skills of any nurse. As such, it is important to find the right approach for any age demographic, both adults and children. An assessment of a…

  • Pediatric Assessment: Childrens Developmental Stage

    Table of Contents Introduction Comparing Physical Assessment of School-Aged Children Case Description Assessment Strategies Conclusion References Introduction Despite the development of new high-tech diagnosis methods, physical examination remains one of the central procedures that help to understand the overall health condition of the patient. The general principles of physical examinations are similar for all age…

  • Pediatrics: Risk Factors Affecting Early Childhood Development

    The advancement in developmental neurobiology allowed scientists to establish the influence of early childhood experiences on violent behavior in adulthood. Brain imaging demonstrated that diminished fear response was present in those children who had an increased tendency for criminal behavior (Sterzer, 2010). The experimental studies demonstrated that exposure to chronic stress early in life results…

  • Familial Influences on Early Childhood Development

    Overview Familial and non-familial influences on children The first article: Gender of siblings, cognitive achievement, and academic performance: Familial and nonfamilial influences on children is a 1997 publication authored by Jay Teachman. In this research paper, the author is trying to find linkage of familial influence on cognitive and behavioral outcomes of children. He carries…

  • Attachment Styles Influence on Childrens Development

    Table of Contents Introduction Advertising media Internet Neon boards Radio and television Newspapers Books and magazines Conclusion References Introduction Visual culture, according to Mirzoeff (1999, 32) is the reflection of what is actually seen by the observer and the picture that is created in the mind concerning the object that is seen. This general subject…

  • Developmental History Research of a Child on a Specific Example

    Introduction Filling and analyzing the developmental history of a child, the main critical purpose of such analysis is the identification of any disorders and deviations of the development, at the earliest stage possible. Such identification can be seen as a function of primary and pediatric care. The significance of analyzing the developmental history can be…

  • Effect of Parenting on Childs Health Development

    Table of Contents Introduction Methods Data Analysis Literature Review References Introduction Bad parenting can be named the main healthcare problem confronting the public. It is the most significant factor involved in youth diseases, adolescent pregnancy, and substance abuse (Frosch et al., 2019). The patterns at home construct the eating and sporting habits of a child…

  • Development Studies Analysis: The Issue of Education and Child Protection in the Third World

    A common saying goes that the roots of education are bitter but its fruits are very sweet. Since time immemorial man has been making every effort to enlighten himself with any knowledge at his disposal. In trying to understand the world man has discovered many wonderful things. The industrial revolutions in Europe in the 17th…

  • Television Impact on Childrens Development

    The mental and physical development of children is dependent on their exposure to television. Before starting school, the majority of children immerse themselves in the world of television. According to Kaiser Family Foundation, the first two years of growth are critical for brain development. Exploring and communicating with people can be hampered by television. According…

  • Indoor Environment: Role of Family in Early Childhood Development

    According to Shonkoff & Meisels, (2000), to promote healthy emotional, social, and behavioral development, a family needs rich and stimulating early childhood environment. Families should be active participants in issues relating to the early childhood environment. Their contributions pertain to selecting, modifying, or maintaining different features of the environment. Various aspects of the environment can…