Category: Christianity

  • Christian Privilege and Religious Minorities

    The commonly cited reasons to support religion and the religious mindset refer to these phenomena ability to facilitate the creation of communities and bring different people together thanks to their shared beliefs and values. In reality, however, religion-related differences between people often create collective boundaries and put some individuals in a privileged position, causing division…

  • Christian Privilege and Religious Minorities

    The commonly cited reasons to support religion and the religious mindset refer to these phenomena ability to facilitate the creation of communities and bring different people together thanks to their shared beliefs and values. In reality, however, religion-related differences between people often create collective boundaries and put some individuals in a privileged position, causing division…

  • Christian Foundations in Government: Human Trafficking

    Introduction Human trafficking or trafficking in human beings is defined as the movement of people without their consent, usually by means of force for the intention of sexual or labor exploitation. Those who are mostly at risk of trafficking are women and children. Trafficking takes the form of kidnapping for the reason of sexual and…

  • Character, Leadership, and Moral Code in Christianity

    What Is Character and How It Is Transformed According to Wright, the character is a set of individual personality traits formed as a result of a persons behavior and thinking. Character transformation is a daily work and, in a way, even an art; it is essential to understand how this process occurs (Wright, 2010). The…

  • Christians Role in Ethical Research

    Table of Contents Introduction General Ethical Concerns in Research Christians Ethical Foundation Lessons Conclusion Bibliography Footnotes Introduction Research ethics play an important role in any scientific enquiry as they guide researchers to conduct and report the findings of their investigations responsibly and credibly. The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) states that good research should be…

  • Postmodernism. History. Christian Apologetics

    Introduction Throughout history, humans have always tried to understand and explain the world around them. The need to find meaning and purpose in their life and natural curiosity brought many to devising various systems of understanding, forming complex worldviews. The worlds major religions are one of the more common types of worldview, shared by many…

  • The Local Church of Christians

    Table of Contents Doctrinal Statement for the Ordinance of Baptism Doctrinal Statement for Ordinance of the Lords Supper Church Leadership References The local church refers to a group of Christians who often oversee and affirm each others membership in Christ and Gods kingdom. The definition of Christianity incorporates five parts: often gathering, the exercise of…

  • Evangelism in Christians Analysis

    Table of Contents Introduction History of evangelism Concepts used in modern evangelism Reasons for increased evangelical success Criticism against the modern evangelism Impact of the Modern Evangelism Conclusion Works cited Introduction Evangelism is the endeavor of Christians to convert people who do not believe in Christianity or who belong to other religions to convert to…

  • Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass: Slavery and Christianity

    Douglass distinguishes between the truthful and hypocritical versions of Christianity. He demonstrates how the slaveholders beliefs do not adhere to religious doctrine and teachings. Instead, their hypocritical actions serve to reinforce the expression of self-righteous brutality. He describes religious masters as the worst, given that they are cowardly, mean, and cruel (Douglass 67). He explains…

  • The Christians Book of Houston Smith and Lewis

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Houston Smith wrote his book on the Worlds Religion in 2004. He grew up in a Christian background but has gone ahead to study various religions that are in the world. He has written many other religious books that are still studied today. Most of…