Category: Christianity

  • Machiavelli: The Medieval Christian View of Politics

    Machiavelli breaks the medieval Christian view of politics by basing leadership on secular morals and values. He believes that kingship and political power are not events attributed to God. Instead, they are attributed to an individuals needs and hard work to remain in the political powers (Radasanu, 2020). Machiavelli believes that rulers should do whatever…

  • The Crusades and European Christianity in the Middle Ages

    Table of Contents Introduction The course of the events Debates on the legacy of the Crusades era Conclusion References Introduction The crusades are considered to be one of the major events within the history of Christianity that shaped medieval Europe and set the vector of its development for a long time forward. The original goal…

  • Martin Luther: Changing the Landscape of the Christian Community

    Table of Contents Introduction Martin Luthers Key Contributions Martin Luther: Evaluating the Role of the Christian Leader Conclusion References Introduction Among the people that have affected the promotion of the Christian faith and changed the sociocultural context, in which the development of the Christian Church occurred, Martin Luther deserves to be mentioned first. Luthers contribution…

  • Development of European Christianity in the Middle Ages

    The medieval age in England was characterized by the rapid growth of Christianity, specifically the expansion of Catholicism. The church became dominant due to various historical occurrences, including the fall of the Roman Empire, the financial breakthrough of the church, and the establishment of new rules and leadership (Tanner, 2011). I chose these aspects since…

  • Medical and Christian Ethics in Pediatric Settings

    Table of Contents Pressing Issues in the Case Study Allowing Parents Make Irrational Decisions Case Analysis Perspectives Solving the Identified Problems Conclusion References The Healing and Autonomy case study is complex and involves a variety of issues. The lack of understanding between parents and the physician of a child diagnosed with kidney failure leads to…

  • Medical and Christian Ethics: Ill Child and Parents

    Table of Contents Mike and Joannes strength of faith The ability of a medical professional The Cristian doctrine Christian beliefs Conclusion References Biomedical ethics cases allow looking at issues from different angles. In this case, the Christian parents Mike and Joanne, face the grave condition that befell their child and requires immediate medical attention. Jamess…

  • Medical Ethics in the Christian Narrative

    The case study presents a medical dilemma. Joanne and Mike encounter a unique problem arising from their sons health condition. James has been diagnosed with acute glomerulonephritis and is in need of a kidney transplant. James physician suggests that immediate dialysis is needed to address his health needs. However, the parents go further to embrace…

  • Organ Transplantation in Christian Beliefs

    Table of Contents Issues, Values, and Principles of Christians Physicians Viewpoint Analysis of the Medical Case How Should Michael Think as a Christian Conclusion References Sometimes we face uncertain, challenging, and controversial decisions that are impossible to arrive at without any undesirable circumstances. Such situations are especially exacerbated when parents are obliged to render one…

  • Death from Christian and Buddist Perspectives

    Introduction Healthcare providers should possess culturally competent skills in order to support the diverse health needs of persons from diverse backgrounds. Patients from different faiths and religious affiliations will tend to possess specific values (Meehan, 2012). That being the case, caregivers should acknowledge this diversity and provide adequate care based on the faith expressions of…

  • Euthanasia Decision Regarding Christian Worldview

    Table of Contents Introduction Christian Narrative Georges Interpretation of Suffering: Fallenness of the World Georges Interpretation of Suffering: Hope and Resurrection Christian Worldview Values and Considerations Options for George Personal Opinion Conclusion References Introduction The selected case presents the story of George who is suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). This is a terminal condition…