Category: Christopher Columbus

  • Interpreting Christopher Columbus Personality and Activities

    With the recently introduced aspect of perspective in history and the tendency to question the motives and actions of important figures in history, the case of Christopher Columbus requires complex understanding. In general, his input into the history and development of the word is fundamental and has no existing analogs. However, the consequences of his…

  • Columbuss Exploration of America and Its Significance

    Table of Contents Literary Work and Additional Research Final Project Form, Its Feasibility, and Appropriateness Concerns Associated with the Project and Its Completion Work Cited 530 years ago, on October 12, 1492, the expedition of Christopher Columbus reached the island of San Salvador in the Bahamas. This day is considered the official date of the…

  • Who Discovered America: Native Americans, Vikings and Columbus

    At the end of the fifteenth century, the Spanish navigator Christopher Columbus, with his expedition, reached North Americas shores, mistakenly believing that he had arrived in India. It was the beginning of the era of the discovery, development, and research of America. However, some researchers consider this date inaccurate, insisting that the new continent was…

  • Christopher Columbus: Voyage to Asias Discover Trade Routes

    Executive Summary Christopher Columbus wants to attempt to find new trade routes to Asia by sailing westward. This desire is motivated by dangerous waters in the East, and the high cost of shipping. The goals of the expedition are to find new trade routes to Asia, to spread Christianity, and to lead an expedition to…

  • Christopher Columbus and Queen Isabella

    Isabella of Castile was known as a powerful ruler in Europe. She sat on the throne from 1474 till 1505. She was married to King Ferdinand II of Aragon, both jointly ruled over Spain for more than thirty years. She was a devout Catholic Christian and oversaw the fall of Granada from the Muslims and…

  • Christopher Columbus and 16th-Century Imperialism

    Introduction Imperialism refers to the process by which powerful nations control weaker nations by influencing or controlling their culture, politics, and economy (Meltzer, p.4). There are various factors that contributed to imperialism but the main cause of imperialism is economic expansion. In ancient times, powerful nations could send armies to take over Egyptian regions, Aztecs,…

  • Discovery of America: Columbus

    In the 1480s, the Portuguese tried to circumnavigate Africa to penetrate India through the Indian Ocean. Columbus suggested that Asia can be reached by moving west across the Atlantic Ocean. His assumption was founded on the doctrine of the sphericity of the planet and incorrect scientists calculations. They considered the globe much smaller in size,…

  • Columbuss Letter on the First Voyage: Analysis

    This essay is about Christopher Columbus letter in which he reports on his first voyage. Here, youll find Letter from the New Land summary and analysis. Table of Contents Introduction Letter of Christopher Columbus: Summary Analysis of Columbuss Letter on the First Voyage Conclusion References Introduction Christopher Columbus is arguably the worlds most renowned explorer.…

  • Columbian Exchange Essay

    The Columbian Exchange represents a turning point in human history that has shaped the world in ways that continue to resonate today. Named after Christopher Columbus, the exchange commenced in the late 15th century, marking a widespread exchange of crops, animals, technologies, cultures, and even diseases between the New World (the Americas) and the Old…

  • Analytical Essay on Impact of Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus asked King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain for money to try out his idea of traveling west to reach the East. Queen Isabella refused Columbus at first. Later King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella gave Columbus three ships, a crew of about ninety men, and some money. The three ships were the Niña,…