Category: Civil War

  • The Civil War as a Political Crisis

    Introduction The American Civil War is a war from 1861 to 1865 between the Union of non-slavery states and border slave states  the North  on the one side, and the Confederacy of slave states  the South  on the other. The issue of what was the cause of the Civil War is…

  • The Causes and Events That Led to the Civil War

    Table of Contents Slave Ownership States Rights Territorial Expansion The Impact of the Civil War on U.S, History and Modern Society Conclusion References The Civil War was unquestionably the most disastrous catastrophe in American history. There were more casualties in this conflict, ranging hundreds of thousands, than in all previous American wars. The conflict between…

  • Iraqi Civil War in 2014-2017: Case Study

    Table of Contents Introduction Description Why the Iraqi War Happened? Course Theories National Security International Relationships Implications for the Future Conclusion References Introduction Hello everybody, and thank you for listening to this podcast! My name is First Name Last Name, and today, as part of the Threats to U.S. National Security course, I will be…

  • Causes of Civil War in the United States

    The Civil War in the United States started in 1861 and lasted for four years claiming about 0.6 million of lives. The major players were the Southern States and Northern States (Henretta and Edwards 2). It is the tension that had characterized the country in past that triggered the American Civil War. Even though it…

  • The United States Civil War: Soldiers Motivations

    Table of Contents Ideological factors Change and courage factors Encouragement messages Conclusion Works Cited The United States Civil War started in 1861 and ended in 1865 (Keene, Cornell, and ODo 2-4). It was a terrific war that ended up costing many lives. The key players were the Union soldiers fighting on behalf of the Northern…

  • US Civil War in A People at War by Nelson & Sheriff

    Table of Contents Authors Thesis Historical Background Summary of Contents Commentary Works Cited Authors Thesis The authors of this book explain how the events surrounding the American Civil War affected both the soldiers and civilians who were actively or inactively involved in the military campaign. Historical Background A People at War addresses the period beginning…

  • Black Women-Activists During the Civil War in the US

    The main reasons for the outbreak of the American Civil War had affected everyone. Eternal instability and uncertainty but a belief in a better life  this is how this period was characterized. At that time, a great number of black women activists were involved in the fight against slavery and inequality. They and I…

  • Ohio Role in the Civil War

    The American Civil War was a war between the citizens of the Northern and Southern states presented by the governments of the Union and the Confederacy. The Civil War started with the worsening relationships between the Union representatives, who were gaining more power in parliament. The abolition of slavery  the issue that caused wide…

  • The Role of Women During Civil War

    Annotated Bibliography Giesberg, J. (2013). Waging war their own way: Women and the Civil War in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Legacies, 13(1-2), 16-27. Web. This article presents information regarding womens activities in Pennsylvania during the Civil War. It describes their contributions to providing soldiers with homemade goods and emphasizes the female populations role in nursing, including a…

  • Women and the Civil War: Homefront & Battlefield

    Most heroic tales and historical facts from the Civil War focus on male generals, soldiers, and politicians. After all, warfare was considered a mans job, but the view ignores that the conflict affected everyone in the country. Women could not sit idly while their husbands and children continued getting wounds or dying. Some went as…