Category: College Goals

  • How I Plan to Be Successful in Completing the Nursing Program: Essay

    Almost three months ago, I found myself 31 years old, with four kids, failing as a student, and battling with life priorities. After failing out of the nursing program for the second time, I ask myself every morning, How am I going to be successful?. Well, the answer to this question pushes me to do…

  • My Desire to Participate in the Student Exchange Program

    Being someone who has so many interests in exploring the various challenges that comes in life at different stages, I see this student exchange program as a very beneficial chapter that one can experience in their university episode of life. That was a remarkable opportunity to be a participant of the Phase I of CSA…

  • Nursing College is So Much More Than Just the Degree

    Why College and Nursing College is more than just the degree it promises? At a time when student debts are soaring, one would question why anyone would want to join college. Well, I am already here, fully enrolled and ready for what is likely to be the best and most important experience of my life.…

  • Why I Want to Be a Student Leader Essay

    My ambition to be a student leader is rooted in a deep commitment to serve, inspire, and make a meaningful difference within my academic community. In my view, leadership is not merely a position but a journey of influencing, guiding, and uniting people towards common goals. It is about setting an example through integrity, empathy,…

  • Ideal Exchange Students: Statement of Purpose

    My name is Rafael Ortiz, and I am a second-year student in Aviation (Aeronautical Engineering) at the ZHAW School of Engineering. I am delighted to seize this unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to not only further improve my language and communication skills but also to enhance my future career opportunities. I am particularly interested in studying at…

  • Best Way to Achieve a Goal Essay

    In engineering particularly I feel as though students develop theoretical knowledge surrounding engineering concepts however there is a difference between an engineering issue on a piece of paper compared to a real-life scenario. Students at university are guided in how to make specific solutions to specific problems however, real-life engineering issues are not so linear…

  • Why Do I Want to Study Cyber Security Engineering at TalTech Information Technology College? Essay

    I humbly wish to further my educational career on the field of Cyber Security Engineering with TalTech Information Technology College. I sat down to look at our world from the past, present and visualize the future of information technology, how advance it has grown over the years. Everything in our day-to-day activities is computerize through…

  • How Would Scholarship Money Impact Your College Career: Essay

    I was excited to read about the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship and would certainly like to apply for it. My application is conditional upon being awarded a scholarship, and I sincerely wish for a full-study scholarship. Growing up on the outskirts of Beijing, I have witnessed how economics has changed the life of local citizens. For…

  • Why I Want to Study Abroad: Essay

    Introduction I am Jaspreet Singh from India. Im currently pursuing a full-time post-graduation certificate program (Global Business Management) at Conestoga college. As usual, before coming to study in Canada I faced a lot of ups and downs which I will share in this report. There are various decisions that I took in my entire life…

  • My College Goals in the Field of Cyber Security

    You know whats better than building things up in your imagination? Building things up in real life. I have experienced that the above quote has always worked for me. At a very young age as a student in high school, a computer for me was only a means of entertainment as I found it exciting…