Category: Communism

  • Karl Marx: Manifesto of the Communist Party

    What Marx has tried to highlight is the prevalence of classical and neoclassical economics over historical materialist categories which includes and exploits the traditional concepts of utility, choice, and scarcity in the form of feudalism. This has emerged in a historical context as class struggle and according to Marx, has failed to capture the essential…

  • Communism in China and Its Origins

    Communism was a socioeconomic system characterized by the absence of private property and state control of the means of production. In a communist society, all resources and means of production are owned by the community; there is no social hierarchy or class system, and everyone is supposedly equal. Communism in China referred to the Marxist-Leninist…

  • The New Class: Communism and Political Bureaucracy

    Despite its noble goal to build a society free of prejudice, oppression, and discrimination, communism gave birth to an ugly, brutal new class  political bureaucracy. The communist dream was based on a great idea of a classless society that was supposed to emerge after industrialization and collectivization in the U.S.S.R. (Djilas, 391). Contrary to…

  • Communist Manifesto vs. the Capital

    The Communist Manifesto expresses Communist theories while Capital is a scholarly examination of the formation, collapse of an economic system. The Communist Manifesto gives a demand list on how to create communism while Capital is a political economy critical analysis showing exploitation of the working class. Communist Manifesto is a brief pamphlet while Capitalism is…

  • Anti-Communist and Anti-Islam Rhetoric

    Every society consists of individuals who have unique characteristics, attitudes, and fears. They respond to various threats in different ways when taken separately; however, being united, they acquire some common features peculiar to a certain community. That is why such a phenomenon as paranoia is associated with masses of people believing or fearing some object,…

  • Trumans Speech on Fear of Communism and Islam

    On February 9, 1950, Senator Joseph R. McCarthy delivered the famous speech  Enemies from Within in Wheeling, West Virginia. The speech was a direct attack on President Trumans foreign policy, which McCarthy claimed was treasonous because it allowed communist sympathizers to run the State Department. As such, McCarthy warned that communism would spread unprecedentedly…

  • The Communist Manifesto Book by Marx and Engels

    Table of Contents Introduction Summary Critical Evaluation Conclusion Introduction Despite the intentions of people to live in an equal society, there will always be some social differences. In the middle of the 19th century, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, the two well-known German philosophers and social scientists introduced their vision of class struggles through the…

  • Fascism and Communism Ideologies Comparison

    In rejecting comparisons between communism and fascism, one historian wrote, to say that communism is as worse because it made more victims, or that term is shocking and obscene. What are the similarities along these lines? If they were so similar, then why could not their adherents co-exist? In other words, why do fascists and…

  • The Communist Manifesto Book by Karl Marx

    Karl Marx was a German philosopher, currently known for such works as Das Kapital and The Communist Manifesto. During his lifetime, he was not that popular among his contemporaries, however, later, he gathered a large number of followers. In the latter work, Marx criticizes the current system and current ruling class. In the following text,…

  • Fear of Communism and Islam

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Reference Introduction Joseph McCarthy was famous for his anti-communist rhetoric that resulted in the emergence of a trend called McCarthyism. In one of his speeches, the politician outlines his anti-communist agenda and calls for immediate measures that had to be undertaken by the government and by the people…