Category: Conflict

  • Indirect Emotion Regulation in Intractable Conflicts

    The essence of conflict is known to exist since the times a human being has learned to keep an upright posture. As Whetten and Cameron state, conflict is the lifeblood of vibrant, progressive, stimulating organizations. It sparks creativity, stimulates innovation, and encourages personal improvement (306). Facing conflicts is a natural course of events in the…

  • Conflict and Order Theory on Race and Gender Issues

    In a U.S. context, exclusive English-language education is frequently criticized as putting the children of immigrants at a disadvantage and undermining their cultural identity. Teaching some classes in Spanish or another prominent minority language is often advocated as a more equitable alternative. However, conflict theory suggests that this approach to education will reinforce social inequality.…

  • Conflict Resolution Strategies Training Program

    Conflicts happen between people who have different points of view and different approaches for the same situation. Amestoy et. al. (2014) write that, in a work setting, conict implies disorganization of all team members and causes incased stress owing to the lack of participation in decision making, lack of management support, over-work, and rapid technological…

  • Sleepy Hollow General Hospital: Conflict of Interest

    Background Statement The organization under review, the Sleepy Hollow General Hospital, experiences an issue in the incoherency in hip and knee implant supply. The investigation has shown that orthopedic surgeons in the facility purchase their equipment from different suppliers that vary significantly in price, quality, and use. The financial executive initiated the discussion about the…

  • Technologys Impact on Workplace Conflict

    Technology is a significant part of modern business because it simplifies several tasks in an organizations day-to-day functions. According to Briken et al. (2017), technology has transformed employees interactions across different industries, thus streamlining environmentally tedious and wasteful processes. For instance, the office culture is changing considerably with technological advancement, and workers can communicate effectively.…

  • Race and Ethnicity and Meaningless Conflict

    History, which is full of violence and division among people, has shown that race and ethnicity are notions that imply and result in meaningless conflict. Although considered important and valuable, both concepts only fueled war, segregation, and genocide. It is crucial to embrace individuality and the past, including the harsh and unjust actions of some…

  • Social Movement Theory: An Analysis of the Class Conflict Social Movement Theory and Lenins Social Movement Theory

    This paper analyzes the class conflict social movement theory and Lenins social movement theory. Class conflict refers to the antagonism that occurs within the society as a result of competing for socioeconomic interests and desires between people of different classes (Tarrow 23). Class conflict can be manifested in various forms. This can be in the…

  • Conflict Between Transgender Theory, Ethics, and Scientific Community

    Introduction It is safe to say that the transgender theory has experienced a new ideological rise in the American and European scientific discourses over the past decade. Most of the controversy revolves around the topics of conversion therapy for children and fraud in research methodology. It is noticeable that these topics have become very politicized…

  • Sexism and Gender: Culture and Conflict Reflection

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction The present statement is an example of gender-based discrimination and prejudice among women. Sexism and gender discrimination in America have a long and complicated history. Scott (2017) states that Historically, women were underrepresented in the workplace, athletics and academics (para. 3). Today, women have earned the…

  • Indirect Emotion Regulation in Intractable Conflicts

    The essence of conflict is known to exist since the times a human being has learned to keep an upright posture. As Whetten and Cameron state, conflict is the lifeblood of vibrant, progressive, stimulating organizations. It sparks creativity, stimulates innovation, and encourages personal improvement (306). Facing conflicts is a natural course of events in the…