Category: Constitution

  • We The People: Preamble of the Constitution

    Indeed, the first three words of the Preamble of the Constitution were incredibly significant since they indicated the beginning of a new nation and new country. The emphasis on these first words accentuates that the government of the United States as a new country is its citizens. Therefore, it is the people who ordain and…

  • We The People: Preamble of the Constitution

    Indeed, the first three words of the Preamble of the Constitution were incredibly significant since they indicated the beginning of a new nation and new country. The emphasis on these first words accentuates that the government of the United States as a new country is its citizens. Therefore, it is the people who ordain and…

  • Gils Idea of the Paradoxical Body and Gender Constitution and Concerning Black Identity

    According to Gil, paradoxical body space is the body part that protrudes into the space (22). The proximity is created between the things in the space and the body. The space is not only created by artists but also by gymnasts who stretch their bodies. Butler argues that gender constitution is based on the strategic…

  • Performative Acts and Gender Constitution

    Introduction Butler argues that gender is not a static identity but can be constituted and constructed through the acts and performances, hence, gender depiction is arbitrary and biased depending on cultural, political, and theatrical perceptions. She views sex and gender as quite different entities of self that have been constructed to relate with one another…

  • Confederation and Constitution in the United States

    Table of Contents The Formation and the Advantages of the New Constitution Compromising Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists References The Formation and the Advantages of the New Constitution The federal convention of the United States formed the Constitution in Philadelphia in 1787. The Declaration of Independence allowed all the colonies to proclaim themselves as sovereign areas, or…

  • Confederation and Constitution Comparison

    Table of Contents Introduction Background Articles of Confederation The Constitution Comparison Drafting of the Constitution Debates Over the Ratification. Bill of Rights and the Balance Conclusion References Introduction At the moment we could observe a certain crisis of executive power in the USA. The last elections split the US society into two camps and differences…

  • The Constitution Was Made for Us& by Bouie

    Direct Democracy This news article examines the features of the American constitution. The authors position is that this document has many political and legislative restrictions for making the necessary changes. This is also connected with the topic of direct democracy since the existing system of elections in the United States is not such. The author…

  • How to Read the Constitution and Why

    In Wehles How to Read the Constitution and Why, the author provides both a practical and metaphorical approach to interpreting the most important legal document of the United States. Notably, the scholar is not concerned with speaking about modern politics or the latest comments made by the representatives of the office. Instead, she is concerned…

  • Woody Holtons Unruly Americans and the Origins of the Constitution

    Woody Holtons book Unruly Americans and the Origins of the Constitution discusses the historical events and economic factors that played the central role in the development of the Constitution. Particular attention is given to the economic issues, class conflicts, the role of popular protests, and the decisions of the Founding Fathers. As I understand his…

  • Constitution and Contract: Is the Spirit of Barbara Jordan Dead in Progressive Politics?

    Many people consider US democracy to be incomplete due to the racial issues that still exist in contemporary American society, which is associated with a quite pessimistic perspective regarding progressive politics and the future of the nation. For instance, Coates (2014) believes that the damage caused by the unjust trends of the past is irremediable…