Category: Contract Law

  • Contract Law: Josh Hartlys and the Car Dealer Case

    Introduction A sales contract is an agreement between a seller and buyer. The contract states the terms of engagement and period that a transaction took place and it is signed when a product is transferred from the seller to the buyer (Twomey, 2013) A mutual mistake of fact refers to the unexpected issues that make…

  • Business Law: Consent and Contract Enforceability

    Introduction Individuals operating in the modern business environment must be able to form a contract by taking a rigidly schematic approach to rights, duties, and privileges of all the parties involved. Those entering the world of business should also know how to evaluate the enforceability of a legally binding agreement and to defend it in…

  • Contract Law: Comedy Club, Inc. v. Improv West Associates

    Facts: The agreement between Improve West associates and the Improve Comedy Club prohibits the Improve Club from opening any non-improve clubs till 2019. When Improve Comedy Clubs failed to open eight clubs by the end of 2002 Improve West commenced arbitration. The arbitration award of 2005 stated that CCI had forfeited its right to open…

  • The Effects of Contract Law on the Countrys Economy

    Table of Contents Summary of the Proposed Study Purpose of the Study Research Questions Research Methodology Relevant Background Literature Significance of the Research Anticipated Problems and Limitations Works Cited Summary of the Proposed Study This study establishes the impact of contract law on the economy of the country. The economy of a country is majorly…

  • Unidroit Contract Law and Islamic Law

    In 1994, UNIDROIT published the first set of principles aimed at harmonizing private international law. An updated version of the principles was published in the year 2004. In this article, a comparison will be made between UNIDROIT 2004 principles and Islamic law (Sharia). This is especially Al-Majalla Al Ahkam Al Adaliyyah [Al-Majalla] (23). This is a…

  • The Use of Contract Law in the Sports Industry

    Davis, T. (2001). What is sports law? Marquette sports Law Review, 11(2), 211-243. Davis (2001) tried to explore what sports law was. He acknowledges the difficulty that many people including lawyers, students and other academicians encounter in answering this question. There are three different positions taken by people concerning sports law. The first is the…

  • Elements of a Contract: Commercial Law for Employees

    There are five salient elements of a contract. The elements are a requisite for a contract to be enforced. Failure to prove any of the elements renders the contract voidable, thus it cannot be enforced. Acceptance is one of the elements that validate a contract. Secondly, consensus ad idem is required to make a contract…

  • Acceptance of Offer Under English Contract Law

    Issues It is seen in this case study that Adam has reneged on his offer to sell his motor car for £1000, made to the world at large through public advertisement. The main issues are (i) whether Adam was legally correct in refusing both the offers made by Ben and Carol (2) in the event…

  • Aspects of the Law of Contracts

    The law of contracts holds that a contract is a legally binding agreement. The agreement entails rights and responsibilities which are legally enforceable, and for it to exist, certain elements must be present. Sometimes, there are disagreements between parties on whether a contract was formed or not as was the case between Stan, a car…

  • The Dutch Business Law: The Performance of a Contract

    Table of Contents Introduction General Interpretation of contracts Reasonableness and Fairness Unforeseen Circumstances Estoppel and Waiver Conclusion References Introduction Performance of the contract is defined as the discharge of parties from the obligations they assume during the formation of the contract. Performance of the contract has numerous types. It may be part performance or substantial…