Category: Corn

  • Should We Continue to Produce Genetically Modified Foods? Essay



    Genetically modified foods (GMFs) are foods that have been deliberately modified in order to create healthier and more beneficial crops for both the farmers and the society. The purpose of this report is to draw a justified conclusion about whether we should continue to produce genetically altered foods, focusing particularly on corn. Both the benefits…

  • Corn as a Staple Food



    Maize, also known as corn in the United States, Canada, and Australia is one of the most wildly produced crops in the world. It is almost assured that maize was first domesticated in Mexico and then reached the United States as a cultivated plant (Linton, 1924). Corn is one crop that is the most common…

  • Corn: Significant Advances Then and Now



    Corn, what is it and how did the genesis of corn begin from a tropical grass native to Mexico called teosinte that dates back more than 80,000 years ago to become maize that we all come to know as corn. When you hear or think about this simple word a few thoughts would pop in…

  • Corn and Its Major Benefits



    Corn is a food whose value has been recognized all throughout the globe. Initially found in Mexico, over 9000 years ago, corn has garnered a lot of popularity in the world. As of now, it has surpassed the cultivation of other major grains such as rice and barley. Also called maize, the corn benefits are…

  • Global Food Production in Corn



    Global food production is a key component of global well-being and growth that is steadily adapting to provide for new demands. Corn is one of the worlds most valued grains, based on its immense production volume – with 1,011,068,000 metric tons being produced this year. Ideally, corn is grown in a climate that provides warm…

  • The Social History of Corn in Africa



    Anything that can be bought and sold is going to have a complicated story behind its existence, and certain commodities filled formative roles in important historical events. For instance, cash crops such as tobacco and cotton were a source of vast wealth for American plantation owners, produced by back-breaking labor under the barbaric conditions of…

  • Should We Continue to Produce Genetically Modified Foods? Essay



    Genetically modified foods (GMFs) are foods that have been deliberately modified in order to create healthier and more beneficial crops for both the farmers and the society. The purpose of this report is to draw a justified conclusion about whether we should continue to produce genetically altered foods, focusing particularly on corn. Both the benefits…

  • Corn: Significant Advances Then and Now



    Corn, what is it and how did the genesis of corn begin from a tropical grass native to Mexico called teosinte that dates back more than 80,000 years ago to become maize that we all come to know as corn. When you hear or think about this simple word a few thoughts would pop in…

  • Corn as a Staple Food



    Maize, also known as corn in the United States, Canada, and Australia is one of the most wildly produced crops in the world. It is almost assured that maize was first domesticated in Mexico and then reached the United States as a cultivated plant (Linton, 1924). Corn is one crop that is the most common…

  • Corn and Its Major Benefits



    Corn is a food whose value has been recognized all throughout the globe. Initially found in Mexico, over 9000 years ago, corn has garnered a lot of popularity in the world. As of now, it has surpassed the cultivation of other major grains such as rice and barley. Also called maize, the corn benefits are…