Category: Cosmetics

  • The Regulation of Chemicals in Cosmetics

    The European Union has adopted a much stricter policy on the regulation of chemicals in cosmetics than the United States. The EU has banned thousands of chemicals from being used in cosmetics, while the US has illegalized only a few. The compounds found in these cosmetics, such as mercury and other compounds, could be harmful…

  • Use of Botulinum Toxin for Cosmetic Purposes

    Table of Contents Organism Biology Preference Symptoms Background Tests Cure or Treatment Current Research Botulinum Toxin in Cosmetics (Botox Injections) References Organism Biology Clostridium botulinum is a group of gram-positive bacteria that are capable of producing a toxin known as botulinum neurotoxin (Carter & Peck, 2014). Among the types of bacteria that are specifically responsible…

  • Correcting the Form of Eyebrows: Cosmetic Eyebrow Tattooing

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Reference List Introduction These days more than 45 million people in America have tattoos, which is 15% of the total population. Tattoo as a form of body art is almost as old as the civilization. Tattoo is claimed to have been existed since 12,000 BC and its purpose…

  • Negative Customer Experience in Cosmetics Store

    Customer experience is essential for consumers and owners of businesses. It is assumed that if people come to the place to receive service or buy a product, they will get high-quality treatment from personnel. In this case, it is not necessary whether the business is small or large; as customers, we wait for decent service.…