Category: Crime

  • Cyber Crime : Issues and Threats



    Introduction Developments in technology have come with both advantages and disadvantages. The close association of technology and crime is neither new nor young. Over time, the potential to create harm through the supposed advantage of technologies has grown exponentially especially on the lines that exploit chains of trust of people involved (Wall 2). The revolution…

  • Digital Imaging and Traditional Methods of Crime Scene



    Technological progress allows police to integrate the latest innovations into their work routine to make crime scene reconstruction, geospatial analysis, and surveillance more efficient. One of such approaches is digital imaging, used for a long time but has recently reached rapid development. Criminalists create databases to collect text, digital, and physical information from multiple cases…

  • Biometrics Recognition and Crime Prevention



    Introduction Any workplace is not insured against the crime. Theft of the workspace is a severe crime that needs to be taken into account with all the associated countermeasures. In the case of Acme Logistics, the equipment is stolen during business hours through the facility doors without any identification technologies. While the most effective solution…

  • Network Security and Cyber Crime, Super-Highway Metaphor



    Table of Contents Network Security Principles Cyber Terrorism and Cyber Crime Super-Highway Metaphor Works Cited Network Security Principles There are a number of network security principles that are used for internet security purposes. These principles include regularity, hardening, integrity, and redundancy. Basically, depending on how these principles have been put in place, they will be…

  • Aetiology of Violent Crime



    Table of Contents Introduction Biological basis of violence Aetiology of sexual assault Religion-based Terrorism Hooliganism Comparison of the 3 types of violence Deindividuation Disengagement theory Dehumanization References Introduction Violent crime has become a major part of the crime world. Sexual crimes, terrorism and hooliganism are just some of the violent crimes. Violent acts cause 1.43…

  • Illegal Immigrants and Its Effects on Crime



    Introduction Due to its status as the worlds richest country and the land of opportunities, the United States has attracted millions of immigrants over the decades. The immigrants are mostly people who seek to benefit financially from the numerous economic opportunities available in the country. In addition to the legal immigrant, the US has been…

  • Drugs and Crime Committed Under the Influence



    Three commonly abused substances and their effects It is with no doubt that a sizable number of people engage themselves in illicit utilization of substance for both personal and commercial use. The most frequently abused substances are cocaine, heroin and PhenylCyclohexylPiperidine (shortened as PCP). These substances normally have different business and street names depending on…

  • The Relationship Between Race and Crime in the United States



    The US media often mentions Latinos in the news when discussing drug trafficking and crimes related to crossing US borders. In addition, according to the stereotype in the United States, African American men are dangerous criminals. These particular groups of the population are represented in greater numbers among those arrested for committing crimes (Gabbidon &…

  • What Impact Has Feminism Had in the Study of Women and Crime?



    Feminist movements initiated from the beginning of 1960s had a significant impact on the society. Womens rights were attempted to be equated to mens both socially and constitutionally through protests, officially vested demonstrations, and adopted legal documents that formalize gender equity. However, apart from the social impact in real life scenarios, it is important to…

  • Cyber Crime : Issues and Threats



    Introduction Developments in technology have come with both advantages and disadvantages. The close association of technology and crime is neither new nor young. Over time, the potential to create harm through the supposed advantage of technologies has grown exponentially especially on the lines that exploit chains of trust of people involved (Wall 2). The revolution…