Category: Critical Care

  • Decreasing Ventilator Pneumonia in the Intensive Care Units

    Table of Contents Problem Statement Real-Time Solution Implementation of the Vent Bundle Other Measures Resources Required for Implementation Monitoring of Program Feasibility of the Plan Evaluation of the Progress Anticipated Challenges References Problem Statement Statistically, five to ten critically ill intubated patients develop VAP in the United States ICU settings. Thus there is a need…

  • Troubles in the Intensive Care Unit

    The four core principles of biomedical ethics are non-maleficence, justice, beneficence, and patient autonomy. Respect for autonomy means that doctor has to make decisions based on the patients moral and ethical values because the one is legally competent to make individual health choices. This principle involves a range of practices, from protecting patient information privacy…

  • Implementation of Cycled Lighting in Intensive Care Units

    The Strength of Presented Evidence The articles analyzed in the previous paper examined the influence of cycled lighting on the health outcomes of patients treatment in intensive care units (ICUs). Hospital conditions, especially in ICUs, could impact patients recovery due to experienced sleep disturbance and disrupted circadian rhythm. Changing lighting to a more natural day/night…

  • Interprofessional Teams and iCare in Intensive Care Units

    Table of Contents Compassion Advocacy Resilience Evidence-Based Practice Summary References The intensive care unit (ICU) is a highly complex dynamic work environment that requires highly sophisticated and engaged interprofessional team functioning. Interprofessional contributions and expertise are necessary for effective treatment and patient safety in ICU. There are a variety of teams, including nurses, technical support,…

  • Analysis of Leadership in the Intensive Care Unit

    This is a critical analysis of leadership in the intensive care unit (ICU). According to van Schijndel and Burchardi, scholars have not paid much attention to practical management in the intensive care medicine (van Schijndel & Burchardi, 2007). As a result, there is little evidence-based research to support management practices. In most cases, only anecdotal…

  • The Intensive Care Unit: Intelligent Hospital Pavilion

    Table of Contents Beneficial Elements to Patients and Nurses Potential Risks Benefits and Risks: Supporting the Proposed Technology References The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is designed in such a way that it can provide adequate and timely care to high-risk patients. The current use of modern technology and informatics is transforming how ICU units deliver…

  • Opinion Leadership in Intensive Care Unit

    Table of Contents General Overview of an Opinion Leaders Characteristics Opinion Leadership in the Context of Personal Experience In What Ways Do I Perceive Myself as an Opinion Leader? Conclusion References It is possible to state with certainty that the concept of leadership plays an immensely important role in nearly every sphere of societal life.…

  • Hospital-Acquired Infections Prevention in Intensive Care Unit Patients

    The Strategy for Disseminating the Results The first strategy of disseminating the results will entail the use of brochures and newsletters. These periodic publications (quarterly) will serve the purpose of informing the nurses and other stakeholders about the progress of the project. The data will also highlight the areas of achievement, which will motivate the…

  • The Intensive Care Unit: Nurses Responsibilities

    For new graduate nurses working in Intensive Care Units, does the application of the social representation approach compared to no intervention lead to the reduction of stress levels during the first six months of their practice? P (population)  new graduate nurses working in Intensive Care Units I (intervention)  the application of the social…

  • Intensive Care Unit Nursing ( ICU)

    Table of Contents Job descriptions Education and Certification Employment Professional Activities Conclusion/ reflections Personal Discovery References / Bibliography Job descriptions We live in a world wherein medical care becomes a very important part of the aging process. As we near the end of our life cycle, we find ourselves requiring more and more specialized medical…