Category: Criticism

  • Database Design: Existing Models Criticism

    Paper Summary Chen, P. (1976). The entity-relationship model  Toward a unified view of data. ACM Transactions on Database Systems,1(1), 9-36. Purpose (What are the objectives for writing the paper?): The author undertakes a critical review of the previously proposed models of data management and proposes an inclusive framework to unite them in new database…

  • Literary Criticism: The Key Theories

    Table of Contents Introduction How Critiques Are Formed The Relationship between Projects of Critical Theory Critical Differences Between Theories of Criticism Similarities in Projects Conclusion Work Cited Introduction In the study of social and literary philosophy, the context of the era within which a particular phenomenon is being studied is paramount. One of the most…

  • The Concept of Criticism Theory

    Table of Contents Critical Theory and its emergence Major influences of the Theory Influential Publication of the Theory Social events associated with the Theory Political Events Associated with the Theory Cultural Events Associated with the Criticism Theory Works Cited Critical Theory and its emergence The Critical Theory was developed in the early 1930s by a…

  • Broadcast History and Criticism

    Human society is not an anarchic organization; it may be presented as an extremely complex and well coordinated organism, each part of the organism is a cell that performs special functions that are necessary for harmonious functioning of the whole system. The natural question that may appear is: What ensures the successful functioning of this…

  • Domestic Work and Motherhood in Feminist Criticism

    Why domestic work is often invisible care work? How does the invisibility of care work shape the experiences of workers? The importance of womens work has always been of primary interest for feminist movements and discussions. It has been proven thousand times that the notion of womens domestic work has always been accepted with criticism.…

  • Feminist Criticism of Hawthornes The Birthmark

    Hawthorne appears critical about Aylmers actions in that the ultimate result of his actions is the death of her wife and not the redemption it was meant for. Men like Aylmer cannot overcome the limitations that nature brings no matter their efforts. On the other hand, the author seems to render an upper hand and…

  • Maslows Hierarchy of Needs: Criticism, Strength and Weakness

    Table of Contents Maslows Theory Description Maslows Hierarchy of Needs: Self-Actualization Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Criticism Maslows Theory Strengths The Pyramid of Maslows Hierarchy of Needs References Maslows Theory Description In 1943, Maslow proposed a theory that showed a hierarchy of basic human needs. This psychological theory shows a pyramid of five levels of needs…

  • Criticism of Skinners Views on Behavioral Analysis

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Skinner and Behavioral Analysis: Brief History Behavioral Analysis: Skinner and Radical Behaviorism The Principle of Operant Conditioning Societal Impacts of Skinner and Behavioral Analysis Criticism of Skinners Theory Criticism of BF Skinner: Discussion and Conclusion References Abstract The paper discusses B.F. Skinner and his contribution to personality theory. It begins…

  • Walter Benjamin as a Marxist Criticist of Art

    Table of Contents Argument Support Evidence Critique Reference Argument Critics of the Marxist approach comprehended art as a form of social production and realization. For them, it is not an intellectual, idealistic phenomenon but an instrumental social practice. A genuinely revolutionary artist, therefore, always deals not only with a work of art but also with…

  • Constructive Criticism in Public Administration

    I was quite negative about any type of criticism as I did not want to hurt peoples feelings. I often felt uneasy when heard some criticism concerning my actions, behavior, ideas and so on. However, I have acknowledged the benefits of constructive criticism. In my studies, I find it rather effective. I do not see…