Category: Cultural Competence

  • Creating Cultural Competence in Interactions With Children

    How does the era when the book was published influence how the book might affect the development of childrens attitudes toward people of other cultures? What is the benefit or drawback of using literature to teach about cultural diversity? In the book, cultural diversity is presented in a perfect way because Jacobs parents are tolerant…

  • National Social Workers Association and Cultural Competence

    A significant issue found in the videos and being raised by contemporary society is the lack of cultural intelligence among members of the community. Nowadays, everyone should understand the basic principles of cultural diversity and avoid forming their judgments based on stereotypes or personal preferences. In all areas of life, certain conditions have developed that…

  • Stereotypes & Biases and Cultural Competence

    Table of Contents Summary Main Points Reflection Discussion question Work Cited Summary Stories unlock cultural heritage, creating misconceptions, perceptions, and certitude about people. However, for the notions to be justified, the stories must be diverse in all aspects and authenticated (Adichie 00:09:17). The Dangers of a Single Story is an awakening message by novelist and…

  • The Cultural Competence and Identity Connection

    Table of Contents Background Early Experiences Current Experiences Connecting My Identity to Broader Social Factors References Cultural competence is the capability of understanding, communicating, and interacting effectively with people of different cultures. In an ever-changing, diverse world, cultural competence must be an essential part of our existence. Despite the world continuing to make breakthroughs in…

  • Developing Intercultural Competence

    Managing international groups requires proper understanding of the key notions of intercultural dimensions and their general concept. In terms of establishing effective communication channels with various nations, the factor of recognizing the main cultural distinctions plays a crucial role. Since Australian and Thai people are different due to the Hofstedes and Halls theories, the workshops…

  • The Cultural Competence and Linguistic Competence Policy

    The Cultural Competence and Linguistic Competence Policy Assessment (CLCPA) was designed for the purpose of supporting community health centers and evaluating their preparedness for dealing with culturally, demographically and linguistically diverse communities (CLCPA, n.d.). This test shows the levels of awareness the agency in question has of other cultures and languages in the area, and…

  • Cultural Competence in Beginning and Graduating Nursing

    Table of Contents Introduction Background Aim/Purpose Research Methods Review of Literature Implications for Nursing Practice Conclusion References Introduction The American population is characterized by many ethnic and social groups. The current level of diversity influences the performance of different healthcare professionals in an attempt to deliver quality care. This issue of cultural diversity faces all…

  • Cultural Competence of Medical Staff in the US

    How to Overcome Barriers to Cultural Competence Nowadays, it is wrong to neglect the fact that cultural competence plays an important role in health care. The USA is the country with a considerable increase in the ethnic mix. Its demographic changes create numerous challenges for health care workers. Therefore, it is necessary for nurses and…

  • Cultural Competence in the Nursing Practice

    The modern nursing practice calls for cultural competence due to the vast diversification of the patients. Cultural competence in the nursing practice implies respect, inclusiveness, the valuing of cultural and religious differences, commitment, as well as equity (Canadian Nurses Association, 2009, p. 1). It is especially important since the cultural aspects impact not only the…

  • Healthcare Professionals Cultural Competence: Personal Assessment

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion References Introduction It is necessary to note that that the role of cultural competence has been increasing over the years. The issue is that many health care professionals do not view some of the points as significant and frequently disregard them. However, the health and well-being of an individual…