Category: Cultural Competence

  • Self-Assessment of Cultural Competence in Nursing

    This self-assessment assignment has revealed some urgent areas to improve. The facility I work at has no policies healthcare professionals must follow when dealing with culturally and linguistically diverse populations. Some general guidelines concerning certain processes and operations include some reference to cultural competence issues. However, there is no particular guideline as to providing care…

  • Cultural Competence in Nursing Practice

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Discussion Importance of cultural competence in nursing practice Creating a culturally competent workplace Conclusion References Abstract Cultural competence has been identified as one of the 21st Century challenges for nursing practice across the world. The contemporary health care work place environment is characterized by a desire to improve service delivery…

  • Cultural Competence as a Nursing Leadership Issue

    Table of Contents History Background Practical Implications Self-Reflection Conclusion References As multiculturalism becomes a global trend, it is abundantly easy to imagine how a nurse and a patient experience certain misunderstandings due to their use of different cultural codes. For this reason, modern nursing education makes it a point to emphasize the importance of cultural…

  • Cultural Competence in a Nurses Work

    Table of Contents Introduction Understanding Cultural Competence Personal Experience Conclusion References Introduction Cultural competence, respect, and tolerance receive priority in nursing care nowadays. It is related to globalization and the fact that people become more mobile. Due to the process of globalization, the countries and nationalities become closer the nurses should be flexible and be…

  • Integrating Cultural Competence in Nursing Practice

    Introduction Cultural competency is assumed to be the capability of acquiring particular behaviors, abilities, approaches, and strategies in a structure that allows efficiency in a cross-cultural work environment. With the growth of traditionally diverse inhabitants in the United States, it is critical for nurses to perform their duties without prejudice. Cultural competence in nursing has…

  • Diversity and Cultural Competence in Health Care

    Religion differs in significant ways from spirituality meaning that it is the role of the healthcare professional to distinguish between the two when offering services to those in need. Religion is mostly identified with several dogmas that its believers follow. This implies that the set rules and regulations must be observed strictly if someone is…

  • Cultural Competence in Nursing in a Rural Hospital

    Becoming more multinational, the population of many countries needs an adequate culture-based, patient-centered approach to medical care. Cultural competence in nursing is necessary nowadays, as it implies more than just sensitivity or knowledge of cultures. It is a whole practice of values and attitudes aimed at optimizing the medical care of patients from different cultures.…

  • Cultural Competence Concerning Native Americans

    Culture affects health care as it determines the peoples urgency to seek modern-day preventive care. In clinical practice, cultural competence is vital as it helps the practitioner develop culturally sensitive techniques essential in determining nurse-patient relationships. It builds the nurse-patient understanding, which is crucial in ensuring safe healthcare delivery to the patient. Native American communities…

  • Global Issues in Healthcare: Cultural Competence and Patient Safety

    Table of Contents Introduction. Domestic Issues Domestic Issues Impact on U.S. HCM Global Issues Global Issues Impact on U.S. HCM U.S. Biggest Issues Social Media Effects Populations Reactions Conclusion References Introduction. Domestic Issues Unpreparedness for emergencies (like Covid-19) Lack of a comprehensive regulatory framework Drug pricing regulation Quality control by the authorities Domestic Issues Impact…

  • Cultural Competence and Why It Is Important for Nurses

    Cultural competence is quite ambiguous term as it is defined differently in various sources. It is connected with increased diversity and globalization, which led to extensive cultural exchange and the necessity to be competent with multiple cultures. Some researchers pay more attention to the cultural part of the phrase, and some to the competence, thus…