Category: Culture

  • Open-Source Software Culture

    Open-source software has been gaining increased popularity over the recent years and has become a standard of software development. In contrast to proprietary software, which can be altered only by its owners, open-source programs can be accessed by anyone, which provides multiple benefits for businesses and individual programmers. Its popularity has led to the emergence…

  • Cybercrime and the Culture of Fear

    Table of Contents Introduction to Growing Up Online Identity Online Social Networking Reference List Introduction to The conclusion adopted by most criminal justice practitioners and criminologists since the 1990sthat a distinct field of policy and theory referred to as cybercrime has emergedis flawed on both empirical and theoretical grounds. He states that not only is…

  • Automobile Advent and Its Impact on American Culture

    The invention of the automobile symbolized an explosion in self expression in the 1920s. This was characterized by a period after which the nation had just come out of war. The culture was dominated by the youth where fashion and fads were the trend of every day life. This was generally a period of merry…

  • Issues of Cultural Diversity and Diet

    Understanding sociology means understanding the inner self and the world around us. The social issues and our place within those are highly important as we live in a multicultural society where communities interrelations are a greater part of social order. Therefore, this paper will be talking about the issues of cultural diversity and diet and…

  • Project Management and Cross-Cultural Issues

    Table of Contents Introduction Summary of the Articles Articles Critique Learned Lessons and Best Practices Reflection on Learning for International Projects Conclusion Reference List Introduction Today, business and interpersonal relationships have been significantly shaped because of the impact of globalization and the importance of promoting international trade. The era of globalization has changed many multinational…

  • Global Human Rights Progress and the Role of National Cultural Value Systems

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Human rights are a fundamental value recognized by all democracies. Today, at least one of the nine core international human rights treaties has been ratified by all UN member states. However, despite the recognition of human rights in the laws and obligations of states, gaps in…

  • The Relations Between Internet and Culture Uniformity

    One of the most utilized products of technology is the internet. It is difficult to think of a segment of life that does not use the internet in modern world. But this is true only for those who have access to it. There are millions of people especially in developing world who cannot access the…

  • Technology Innovation and the Cultural Loss of Customary Practices

    Older people in modern societies acknowledge that participatory entertainment has been part of traditional culture for generations. Individuals identify their cultural practices during social gatherings seen in conservative communities. However, customary practices have become obsolete due to the large-scale adoption of digital technologies. In my residential area, and evidence from close family friends indicate a…

  • Cultural and Emotional Intelligence Self-Development

    Table of Contents Introduction Emotional Intelligence Personal Strengths Cultural Intelligence Future Goals Conclusion Works Cited Introduction People are social creatures, and the majority of them cannot live isolated. It means that individuals engage in multiple communications every day and meet many persons who have different peculiarities. Under these conditions, cultural and emotional intelligence acquire the…

  • Wired Magazine: Culture Analysis

    The name of the magazine is Wired. They have a target audience that ranges from children all the way to adults. To put it simply, it is suitable for both the old as well as the young. The kinds of products sold in this magazine are mainly electronic gadgetsand electronic goods. The main reason for…