Category: Culture 657

  • Social Order in Chinese and European Literature

    While most people today look at literature as something intended merely to entertain the masses in their leisure hours, those who study the subject understand that there is much more involved than a simple story. For centuries, authors have used the medium of the story to convey greater truths to their audiences. One form of…

  • The Political Change in Modern China (1949  Present)

    This paper will outline the political changes in China from 1949 to the present day. The political developments since the takeover of the country by the Peoples Republic of China after the Chinese Civil War of 1949 will be examined in the context of the rapid economic success of the country. The analysis will also…

  • Western Knowledge and Non-Western Societies

    Table of Contents Introduction Analysis Conclusion Works Cited Introduction There is a vague definition of the word western and the way it is used when describing a society, this vagueness can have as an obvious consequence a split in the usage of the words western and non-western society. It should be outlined that in general…

  • Thanksgiving Day. Dinner and Other Traditions

    Outline This paper describes dinner events on Thanksgiving Day. Its therefore divided as follows; Introduction Thanksgiving day has always been special to me especially because it gives us a chance to break from our commitments and meet our friends and family after a rather long while. It is also a time when we count our…

  • Aspects of Successful Negotiating Across Cultures

    Human communication is predominantly based on negotiating process, which is considered to be referred to unconscious phenomena; the principle characteristics of negotiating can be illustrated through the individuals culture analysis, taking into account the style, assumptions and behavior. The investigation of this process on the cultural level can demonstrate its perception through the intuitive aspects…

  • South Korean Community and Its Characteristics

    Table of Contents South Korean community Personal experience History of community Culture basis Geographic characteristics South Korean community South Korean community is considered to be the unity I would like to analyze because I dedicated a considerable part of my life living there. The investigation of the community is to be disclosed through its influence…

  • Context and Regulatory Framework of Business

    Table of Contents Introduction Hofstedes Model Summary of Article Critic Conclusion Works Cited Introduction With the growth of globalization and multinational organizations, there has been an increased need for executives to effectively manage in multi-cultural settings with least possible difficulty. Increasingly expatriate managers are struggling to manage a group of people who are completely unlike…

  • Common Sense Learning for Japanese Children

    A Japanese scholar fostered education in general and womens education in particular. Tokugawaa philosophies were neo-Confucian wherein he challenges the plausibility of continuing to assert that womens lives were shaped by one hegemonic discourse throughout the more than two hundred fifty years of Tokugawa governance. (Ko, Haboush and Piggott 195). The life of women in…

  • Country Analysis of the Russian Federation

    Table of Contents Overview The Population The Political System The Economy Social System and Ethics The Legal System Marketing and Corporate Communications Conclusion References The Russian Federation was for a long time isolated from the outer world within the formation of the Soviet Union, which in turn was reflected in its economic development. After opening…

  • Art of Being Human

    Table of Contents Introduction Stereotypes of women in the workplaces Perpetuation of stereotypes in the workplace Women stereotypes in the modern culture Conclusion Reference List Introduction Stereotypes are notions that a group of people hold to others on the basis observed behavior. Stereotypes mostly make a certain group of people to feel more superior to…