Category: Culture

  • Female Genitalia Mutilation and Cultural Tolerance

    Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a condition that may be explained in several ways. From a pathological perspective, FGM is a partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, however, for non-medical reasons (Female genital mutilation, 2020). Such a procedure has no benefits for womens health; vice versa, it may cause numerous urinary complications…

  • Dominant Cultures Influence on Immigrants

    American society is characterized by a high degree of diversity that has led to various conflicts. Although it is acknowledged that the cooperation of people with different cultural backgrounds can be favorable for the development of society, groups are often unable to collaborate effectively due to polarization, the focus on their groups needs, and the…

  • Multicultural Management in Virtual Project Setting

    Table of Contents Introduction Critical issues faced by managers in multicultural management Solutions to the Multicultural problems Real-world examples Ethical implications Conclusion Reference List Introduction The new communication strategy of the internet is linking individuals and organizations all over the world. This technology is making routine face-to-face meetings among team project members less necessary compared…

  • Concepts of Current Chinese Internet Culture

    Internet culture has spread across China and became one of the most important aspects of peoples daily lives. The one issue that has become a topic for serious conversation is the countrys firewall, which does not allow many Western sites to be accessed (Tereza, 2008). The difference between China and U.S. users is mostly cultural.…

  • Digitisation and Technology: Cultural Industries

    Introduction Cultural industries refer to the segments of society that are dedicated to the production and distribution of cultural goods or services. At the time of their production, such products are considered important embodiments of cultural expressions, regardless of their commercial value. These industries are varied. They include music, cinema, audio-visual production and publishing, and…

  • A New Cultural Order: New Americans Stir Old Fears

    Immigration is a major issue facing developed countries such as the United States. It is the act of moving people who are not natives or do not possess necessary documentation to settle as permanent residents to a destination country. This paper aims to discuss the perspectives which Native Americans had of immigration and how they…

  • Air Force Organizational Culture: Leadership Cultivation

    Healthy Air Force Organizational Culture: Leadership Cultivation Management practices ensuring a proper organizational culture Leadership is the key to a healthy environment Influence on the adoption of culture Proper reaction to emerging critical situations Setting examples by behavior during crises Transmittance of the vision to officers The initiatives success intended to support a healthy Air…

  • Internet Impact on Modern Culture

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body The Way the Internet Shapes Global Culture The Positive and Negative Influence of the Internet Conclusion References Introduction Throughout history, a significant number of technologies created by humanity have had a considerable impact on culture. There is now a pronounced sociocultural gap in society between those who have access…

  • Culture as a Key Point to the Gender Issue

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Reference Introduction The world is constantly on the move, and so is society. Back in the 19th century, it was hard to find a woman having a typical masculine job or a man spending time with his children all day long. The gender stereotypes, together with gender roles…

  • Intersectionality of Gender With Race, Culture, and Politics

    In contemporary world organizations, race, culture, and politics are keys to an individuals personality. However, politics, culture, and race are intersected with gender to form inequitable and discriminatory world structures, thus, affecting life experiences. The intersectionality provides a theoretical context of learning through examining the dissimilar coinciding world classifications and how the results cannot be…