Category: Curriculum

  • Curriculum Implementation With New Software

    The implementation of a new project or initiative into a school curriculum is almost universally a challenging and multi-layered project. The person responsible for its undertaking would need to ensure that the needs of the children affected by the curriculum are being met. And with the software introduction, in particular, a set of specific challenges…

  • Technology in English Language Institute Curriculum

    Introduction English Language Institute Curriculum is a curriculum that impacts English knowledge to students who are between grade 6 and 9. The students are grouped into levels based on their test scores and faculty evaluation( Peachy, 2008). This curriculum is divided into four levels namely; beginning, elementary, pre-Intermediate and intermediate. The beginner helps the students…

  • Advancing an LGBTI-Inclusive Curriculum for Trans Teens

    Supporting trans teens is a hot topic and one of the most debated issues at the educational level. Tony is not an isolated example of how difficult it is to be in an environment where gender identity is disrespected. According to surveys, about half of transgender teens have experienced bullying at least once in school…

  • Integrating Web-Delivered Problem-Based Learning Scenarios to the Curriculum by Gossman Review

    The article under consideration is Integrating Web-delivered Problem-based Learning Scenarios to the Curriculum by Gossman et al. The significance of the article, the scientists experiment, and the analysis of the outcomes of the experiment should be presented. In fact, the necessity of the experiment conducted with the groups of students was aroused by several important…

  • The Dallas Police Department Police Academy and Training Curriculum

    Table of Contents Introduction Development of Training Future of Diversity Hiring Conclusion References Introduction For the purpose of this assignment, the Dallas Police Department police academy and training curriculum was examined. Overall, it dedicates a significant section of the curriculum towards diversity training and community relations with various populations. It has a community service section…

  • Curriculum as the Philosophical Consideration

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Reference Introduction Curriculum is one of the main issues, which directs the educational process all over the world. Combining the curriculum, teachers and tutors create the scheme, according to which the education is going to be led, which books are going to be investigated and which material, in…

  • The Elements of Language Curriculum by J. Brown

    Table of Contents Introduction Syllabuses Techniques and Exercises Curriculum Components Language Programs Conclusion Introduction In his book The Elements of Language Curriculum, Brown addresses the teaching methodology and approaches used in it to teach language and indicates that although numerous strategies exist that are supposed to regularize teachers experience when teaching, the actual process is…

  • Curriculum and Assessment for ESL Students

    The ESL student needs are integral parts of our curriculum because students are divided into different language proficiency levels in K-2 according to the expectations based on the study level. In this respect, students are assessed in terms of the listening/speaking, writing, and reading skills that are essential for further learning as an ESL student…

  • Curriculum Design and Innovation in Language Teaching

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction The present paper refers to the practical and theoretical implications of curriculum design and change; the proper regard is given to the historically formed traditions in language teaching, the most valuable innovations of the 20th century in both traditional MLT and more modern ELT. The ideas…

  • K-12 Health & Physical Education Curriculum

    In order to select what types of programs are to be made constituents of a new K-12 health education curriculum, it is necessary to take into the account that all its apprentices must be provided with an opportunity to be healthy, fit, and willing to embrace new knowledge. Therefore, K-12 must address school students overall…