Category: Cybercrime

  • Cybercrime and Its Impact on Society

    Table of Contents Introduction Overview of Cybersecurity Issue What threats cyber attacks bring to society Implications and future cyber threats for society Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Modern society goes through various changes every day: people can observe movements, policies, and establishments that have never taken place before. Environmental issues, space travel, jobless growth, inequality and…

  • Ethics of Hacking and Cracking

    An ethic is a standard of right or wrong as per societal norms. Hacking is a technical term that refers to an attempt to successfully gain unauthorized access to a computer website, program, or other resources. On the other hand, cracking involves the action of breaking into a given computer resource such as a system,…

  • The Hacking of Yahoo in 2013 and 2014

    Introduction In the history of computers, Yahoo data breach of 2013 and 2014 was one of the highest data breach levels. Yahoos website encountered a data breach in 2013 and an attack targeted over 500,000 accounts. The hackers used a spear-phishing scheme and gained access to the companys database. This was due to poor security…

  • Researching of Cybersecurity and Cybercrime

    Table of Contents Introduction Technology Development Life Cycle Technology Transfer Processes Funding Sources and Issues Conclusion References Introduction The field of cybersecurity has developed progressively in the last decade. Innovators have started focusing on the field of cybersecurity due to the increasing need for cybersecurity solutions (Magableh & Al Sobeh, 2018). Companies need cybersecurity experts…

  • The Development of New Technologies: Wireless Hacking Techniques

    With the rapid development of new technologies, the safety of personal data is expected to increase. However, no matter how secure a wireless network is, there are some special tools and methods that allow certain people to crack it. Despite the fact that there is a great number of solutions that allow to overcome these…

  • Cybercrime and Ransomware: Literature Analysis

    Criminal justice and the processes that it involves is one of the most multi-layered, controversial, and ever topical areas of legal procedures in general. A discussion of trends and significant threats in this field remains a challenge since the classification itself for cybercrimes remains a matter of contest. This paper aims to discuss the problem…

  • Social Issues Surrounding Cybercrime

    Among many social problems that have already been discussed, the issue of rising cybercrime has been on my mind the most. I would like to discuss this issue and the questions that arise from it in more detail. In the world of today, it is difficult to imagine not using technology in some capacity, however…

  • IT Security: Hacking and Its Components

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Reference Introduction Currently, one may observe the rapid development of modern technologies that are used in most aspects of human life. IT technologies are engaged not only in many areas of business, including medicine. However, one may use them for negative purposes. Hacker break-ins and extortion of money…

  • Trends in Cybercrime and Society

    Table of Contents Introduction The nature and extend of cybercrime Law enforcement initiatives in curbing cybercrime Conclusion Reference List Introduction In the recent past, internet has played a pivotal role in boosting science, business, and education. Nevertheless, to many people, the internet is an additional tool for committing many crimes. Internet has spawned the entry…

  • Cybercrime From the Religious Viewpoint

    Cybercrime as a concept remains a point of contest and debate among lawyers, civil servants and scientists alike. The sources cannot seem to agree on which traits a crime should have to be considered cyber, both in terms of the nature and the means of the offense committed. The annotated bibliography this paper is referring…